Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 2069: Promotion ladder

"Although the grotesque realm is weird, but as long as it can solve those grotesque weirdness and conquer the entire realm, it is the general trend. They are mysterious and weird. However, the mystery tends to a higher mystery. The disciples can solve them, just by this Out of a strange door. Contain and devour all grotesque grotesques. At that time, the Holy King will release disciples, notify the Tongtian Pavilion, the various sects in the territory of Dayi, and even the bounty hunters, go to capture the grotesque. Send it in. Natural. It can cut off the cause and destroy the fruit. "Yi Tianxing said after a little deep contemplation.

The grotesque world is absurd, weird, and mysterious, but. Mystery tends to a higher mystery.

What kind of mystery can be compared to the eternal skyboat, compared to the mysterious Xuanhuang City, as long as the disciples are transformed into a strange door, so that the strange door also has a grotesque characteristic, starting from the weak strange to engulf the fusion, engulfed The more, the stronger the strange door. In the end, those unknowable grotesques will still be swallowed and suppressed, and become part of the strange door. Casting a disciple with grotesques will be a direct army to be driven in the future.

Of course, starting from scratch is not a short process.

How to catch and briefly suppress those weird and grotesque things is something that needs careful consideration.

Of course, these Yi Tianxing do not want to think about it, and the final solution has been given. The process of it is the matter of Tongtian Pavilion and the major sects. If these things cannot be solved, then what else can they do.

"Holy King Shengming, as long as those grotesques can be resolved, I can easily capture a large realm. Put it under control. The territory will be expanded."

The court officials in the hall heard congratulations.

"According to the investigation, the grotesque world is numerous and weird and countless, and the micro-men thought that they could start to enter the grotesque realm at the moment, attack, clear the weirdness, and conquer the whole realm step by step."

The emperor suggested.

"Yes, after the council, the decree will be issued, and the major immortal gates, the Tongtian Pavilion, the bounty hunter, and the Great Blood Great Wall will advance to the grotesque realm, enter the grotesque realm, and set up a big Yi fairy city. The disciple Xianmen. When attacking, everything should be stable to avoid the invasion of strange oranges. All the oranges in the area must be cleared before the population can be migrated. The Great Blood Great Wall must be pushed forward to arrive at the same time. Guarded by the Great Wall of Iron-Blood, weird invasion can be avoided. "

Yi Tianxing said after deep contemplation.

In the grotesque realm, there are almost no powerful forces, independent of each other, living under the rule of grotesque wickedness, to pay off the wickedness, that is destiny, nature can reap the hearts of the people, as long as the establishment of the fairy city, it can easily win over the hearts of people .

If it is truly a realm with complete power, it is not suitable for attack now. After all, the soldiers are very fast, or they are not moving, or they are thundering, they directly use the means of thunderbolt, destroy them in one fell swoop, occupy all the realms, and wipe out all resurgence. Possibility.

In the grotesque world, you can advance while taking the attack, and take your time, don't worry. Because the grotesque is rampant inside, no other race is willing to join in. The grotesque existence is too weird and often contaminated, it is difficult to get out of it, the most difficult. As long as you are more cautious, others will not be too alert, even if you know it, you will not be willing to intervene.

First, you can make these offerings in the Dayi, bounty hunter activities, second, you can expand the territory, this expansion will not be too abrupt, with the background of Dayi, you can eat it down, little by little , Won't choke. Expansion, development, both.

"This is a great act. Although we don't have enough knowledge at the same time to capture other realms at the same time, after this imperial examination, there will be a lot more talents available. We are training and rejuvenating. At the same time, you may not be able to eat well. "

Zhuge Liang said with a smile.

The boundaries are different, the situation is different, and the methods of targeting can also be diversified, which does not necessarily require the army to fight.

This grotesque realm, relying on personal power, is more likely to produce results.

Afterwards, Qunchen once again discussed something about the twelve worlds. To seize is definitely to seize, and it is necessary to carry out targeted actions, as in the previous eight realms of direct joint resistance, naturally it can be avoided if it can be avoided.

At the moment, the imperial examination is still held.

The imperial examinations already have corresponding rules, various matters, and arrangements are organized and without confusion. One day's essays are written, some people are penetrating, but others have headaches. They can't find the key points, even if they are good. There is still no way to write the most appropriate language, but it is very common. Of course, those who can participate in the imperial examination, naturally, can read and write, which is the most basic.

Poor test scores do not affect the participation in the next test. If you have the ability to do hard work in the star network test, the gap in the text test can easily be made up.

This time the imperial examinations cover 13 realms, let alone the Dead Sea realms, let alone a large number of talents in at least 12 realms, this time the assessment has to be said that the brilliant development, developed by Xingwang In the assessment world. There is a deficit in time, and one year in the world of assessment, the outside world is only one day. The world of assessment will last for a total of ten years, which is the time of ten days outside.

Every day, the Da Yi Zhong Qun Chen will enter the star network to observe the progress of the candidates.

Watching these people start building a fairy city from the beginning and take charge of the various actions of the fairy city. Every decree issued and every decision made will have a great impact on your fairy city. Even in this process, you can attack outside, attack other fairy cities, or even join other fairy cities. Any action will affect it. The final score in the assessment. If you have any talents, you can show them.

In the assessment, it is almost infinitely close to the truth.

If you do n’t have the talents of the governing party, you can completely give up your city and enter other people ’s cities to choose another life, for example, to help the other side, for example, to create various treasures that are beneficial to the people ’s livelihood and military administration. No matter who it is, you can freely choose to study subjects in the ten subjects of the imperial examination. In the final assessment, it may not be able to become a lord of the city, but he can control a city, but because of his unique talents, he can enter the corresponding position and also have a promotion channel.

"Our training system of Dayi has already begun to show results. More and more talents are emerging. The talents of the city lords, this time, the number has greatly increased, and there is no accident. It is enough to obtain the talents of one million city lords."

After watching in the assessment space, Huang Chengyan secretly said with emotion.

"The Holy King has a foresight. From the beginning, he established a sound training system. From the beginning of childhood to adulthood, as long as you want, you can have a channel for promotion. There is a lot of historical celebrities between heaven and earth, but there are naturally many celebrities. A dynasty, it is simply not enough to rely on some historical celebrities, and how to prove yourself in history will eventually adapt to a new era. "

Bao Zheng raised his hand in the direction of the holy palace and said.

You have Su Hui, inherit the accumulation of predecessors, fame, and indeed occupy a certain advantage in the congenital, and it is easier to take a high position. However, if you are really proud of this and become complacent, then sooner or later you will be stunned by everyone. As far as the present is concerned, the group ministers in Dayizhong almost always have time to promote themselves and go to the Tibetan Classic Pavilion to read the group books. Learn from it and improve your wisdom.

In fact, historical celebrities, often in the original era, took advantage of the trend, and talents may not be the top. There are too many geniuses in the world, but these geniuses have no chance to obtain nourishment and soil for growth. Any deviation, perhaps, may become a celebrity in history not by yourself, but by others.

Therefore, it is not that there is no genius or talent in the world, but that there is no basis for them to grow.

It's as if someone has excellent talents but can be born as an ordinary farmer's child. They can't even eat enough food, they can't even read a book, they don't know any words. How can you make them famous, and have their own talents Status. Even success.

This is the importance of a training system.

Dayi is different. Dayi has a complete training system from bottom to top. This kind of cultivation started from children, and has been carried out for decades. Until now, it has begun to show amazing effects.

Now among the people who participated in the assessment, there are millions of true top city masters. They have shown amazing talents in governing a city. Many of them come from ordinary people. But experienced the formal training of Dayi. Realize your talents.

For some scholars and scholars in the private sector, although some of them are quite amazing in this assessment, on the whole, compared with the students trained by the school system of the Dayi College, UU reading is too much. The various knowledge learned by these students is more comprehensive.

There are all aspects of study, converging in one, creating a talent who can control a city.

Talent, that is all the accumulation of knowledge.

Not to mention all-round talent, at least all aspects are understood, and any aspect will not be easily deceived. In order to better develop in the direction needed. There is no obvious weakness.

Focusing on what you are best at, you can stand out by finding the right direction.

"From now on, as the imperial examinations are held again and again, we will no longer lack talent reserves. Moreover, in the future, we must strengthen the cultivation of the academy system and invest more resources."

Cai Yong also smiled and nodded.

He has also made great efforts in the academic system, and now he can see the results. Naturally, he is very happy in his heart. This means that the entire Dayi has been on the right path. Talents no longer belong to those families, only dignitaries can be born, and civilians can also have promotion ladders.


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