Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 2071: Unable to confirm

Every fairy city exudes amazing coercion. In the fairy city, it is impressive to see that it has a large population of tens of millions. Among them, there are a large number of soldiers and soldiers, and a large number of beds stand on the city walls. Crossbows, all kinds of rune cannons, the walls of the city walls, there are countless mysterious runes, it is simply armed to the teeth, everything, all show, the terrible combat power of these giant fairy cities. Each one is an imperial city-level fairy city. When you appear on the sea, you can feel that endless pressure swept along with it.

Then, these fairy cities sank directly towards the sea.

As it fell, naturally, a shield opened out of thin air to cover the fairy city and isolate the inside and outside. The pressure of the sea water inside and outside the fairy city seemed to have no effect on the fairy city at all. This shield can not only shield the sea water, Similarly, a large amount of oxygen can be drawn from the sea water, so that the people in the city can breathe freely without any impact.

Like the Crystal Palace, the seawater is isolated, but you can feel the rich aura of water spirit. The breath of water can be clearly felt in the city, which is very strange.

As soon as these fairy cities entered the sea, they moved continuously in the sea in an instant. Wherever they went, they belonged to the majesty of Dayi, and then they escaped.

This move caused countless aquariums to be shaken instantly in the waters.

After looking at these fairy cities that entered the sea, immediately, I saw that in the sea, countless sea beasts seemed to be like sharks smelling blood, swept away from these directions toward these giant fairy cities.

The killing started.

Countless fierce beasts attacked the fairy city as if they saw an enemy who didn't share the sky and wanted to destroy it and completely ruin it. Invisible, at this moment, the scale of the beast tide is almost unprecedented. It is beyond imagination. The sea is a chassis of sea beasts. In the ocean, there are hotbeds for nourishing sea beasts. The number of sea beasts is innumerable and cannot be estimated. At this moment, the appearance of the fairy city seems to appear directly in the nest of the sea beast.

On the spot, the instinctive resistance and killing intention in the hearts of countless sea beasts.

Unceremoniously launched an impact on Xiancheng.

Of course, inside, indistinctly, you can feel that there is an invisible will that leads the sea beast to begin to take shape towards the beast tide and to launch an impact towards the fairy city.

However, for such a reaction, Xiancheng has already prepared for it. Not only the city walls, there are a large number of great soldiers, intensive bed crossbows, and gruesome rune cannons, so that the entire Xiancheng, like a terrible hedgehog, cannot be shaken. .

Countless soldiers launched cold attacks on the beast tide. Dense crossbows, terrible bed crossbows, and broken rune cannons, bombarded on the beast tide, constantly blasting sea beasts into fragments, rune bullets in the rune gun, completely Do not hesitate to attack the beast tide. The fierce beast hits the enchantment, and the enchantment like water makes the attacking force kill 90% of the enemies, as if it is connected to the sea, and cannot shake the guardian of the enchantment.

This is the power of the imperial fairy city.

Almost every inch of the city can be equal to the strength of the innate spirit treasure. It's hard to destroy. The enchantment of the formation in the city is connected with the water and connected with the sea. Unless there is a terrible force that splits the sea with a blow, otherwise, if you want to break the enchantment, it is as difficult as going to the sky. Even if it is a beast tide, even if it is an endless sea beast, the enchantment cannot be broken, then don't want to break the fairy city. At the beginning of casting, countless craftsmen in Dayi have considered everything.

The layout of the rune array is no longer connected to the earth, but to the sea. In this way, it can guarantee a continuous flow of power. Support the operation of Xiancheng. To break the fairy city, the difficulty is greatly increased.

With such a powerful defense, the soldiers on the city wall do not need to deliberately defend, they can directly attack the outside world, and a large number of sea beasts are simply destroyed like mowing.

The fairy city enters the sea.

The beast tide struck for three days and three nights. During the war, blood flowed into the river. Countless sea beasts continue to attack Xiancheng. Eventually, they can only leave a huge amount of corpses and flee in all directions. The vast beast tide collapses.

At the same time of the collapse, the battle of three days and three nights thoroughly established the status of Dayi Xiancheng in the sea.

The glances from the major aquariums kept hiding. As if all of a sudden, the fact that Dayi Xiancheng entered the sea has become an established fact.

No aquarium expressed any objections to it.

Against, useless.

With the entry of Dayi Xiancheng, the rising luck in the big seas instantly soared, with a more fierce attitude than before, madly swallowing the massive world luck, the luck grades born every day are in Fast increase.

Above Xuanhuang Xiancheng, the real dragon of luck skyrocketed almost at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"Fortune is really a dragon, 33,000 feet."

Yi Tianxing raised his eyes to look into the void, and the luck of the true dragon surged to 33,000 feet, before the growth trend began to stabilize.

"The true luck dragon is growing very fast, and the great Yi heritage is indeed extraordinary. With this trend going down, it is not out of reach to reach the peak of the Holy Court."

The Queen Mother of West appeared beside Yi Tianxing, looking at the void, a strange color flashed in her eyes.

During this time, she is also constantly paying attention to the changes of Qiyun Zhenlong. According to what she sees, under normal circumstances, the daily luck that Dayi emits will converge on Qiyun Zhenlong. The growth of a real dragon is no less than twenty or thirty feet. Don't look at this rate of increase does not seem fast, but don't forget, this is golden luck, Holy Court luck, converted to emperor luck, twenty or thirty feet, can be comparable to two or three hundred feet, or even more.

According to the ultimate luck of the Holy Court, it needs to be counted as the body of a true dragon of millions of luck. It is not easy to be surprised. Only a hundred years of accumulation is enough to spend all the accumulation of the Holy Court. At least, in the luck, Will reach the extreme, the edge of transformation. Moreover, as Dayi continues to expand, this growth rate will increase, coupled with the constant luck brought by the eternal coins, this time will inevitably advance. The accumulation of luck in promotion to Xianting is not difficult.

If this is an ordinary Holy Court, let alone a hundred years, even if it is thousands of years, it may not be able to complete this accumulation. The most important thing is that the eternal coins occupy the world and provide the luck for Da Yi.

"Fortune is part of it. Promoting to Xianting is not a children's play. There is too much preparation to be done. However, in a hundred years, I must be promoted to Xianting. Only by reaching Xianting can I truly have the ability to face all dangers. "

Yi Tianxing smiled lightly and said calmly.

Now it is sweeping the territory of Dayi and seeking luck from it. It is also a sort of sorting out. Once Dayi ’s existing national policy has been perfected to the extreme, then any expansion will be included in the realm of control. According to it, just follow the example.

Everything can be done naturally.

"The ancestors of Styx have heard the news, and everyone involved in the plan must go there."

The Queen Mother said.

"Ancestral Styx? It seems that the investigation has come to fruition."

Yi Tianxing nodded his head, guessing the reason for the message now.

Without hesitation, the Tu Tian plan is the most important key plan now. When there is news, it is natural to understand it as soon as possible. Through the token, the two directly crossed the void and appeared in the blood temple of Ancestral Styx.

When they arrived, they could see that others in the hall had already arrived.

Sitting in their respective positions is silent.

The atmosphere seemed depressed.

"People have arrived, now please ask Ping Xin Niang to talk about the specific situation of this investigation."

Ancestral Styx said slowly.

Then he said to Ping Xin Niang.

"This palace cooperates with the mirror of reincarnation, the three-generation stone, and explores the nine-day world, but has not obtained good results. The nine-day Dao Zun is worthy of being a saint from the heavenly path. Peeping out, Samsara cannot see its roots. There is no name on the Sansheng stone, and they should have another means to hide their vitality, and they have not seen who is the real Eternal Night Demon in Nine Heavens Dao. "

Pingxin Niangniang exudes peace, said without hurry.

She has indeed observed, but unfortunately, she can't see anything. This is also related to the origin of Jiu Tian Dao Zun. The origin is related to Tian Dao, and it is so easy to see through.

"Nothing, even Pingxin Niangniang can't peep through Jiu Tiandaozun's heels, this time I'm just afraid of trouble."

"Can't find the Lord, how to do it."

In the hall, a lot of haze appeared on many powerful faces. To be honest. The trouble is too great.

"My Haotian Mirror ca n’t show their heels either. I just spied on it. There is indeed a trace of Eternal Demon Qi in the Nine Heavens World. That Eternal Demon Qi appears in the world where Xuan Tian Dao Zun is located, but, specifically Whether Xuan Tian Dao Zun is difficult to finalize. "

After Zhang Bairen groaned slightly, he finally spoke.

"Xuan Tian Dao Zun? Is he a demon?"

Lu Dongbin frowned slightly ~ ~ I ca n’t be sure of anything by virtue of some magical energy, I can only say that there is suspicion, but the problem is, if he is really a devil, it ’s impossible to hide himself and pay attention There is a trace of night evil spirit in the world. This is worth pondering.

"Whether it is or not, now, there is a certain devil in Jiu Tian Dao Zun. Who is the specific one, and we still can't find it out, then we have to make the worst plan, that is, in Jiu Tian Dao Zun, there will be no allies To treat everyone as an enemy in the illusion. It is necessary to let them show their own feet according to the plan, and finally determine their true identity for us. Here, it needs a lot of effort. "

Ancestral Styx took a deep breath and said with a deep voice.

As the voice fell, the gaze also looked at Yi Tianxing.

Obviously, it is necessary to use Dayi.

"How the ancestor is going to do it."

Yi Tianxing asked quietly.


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