Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 2088: Bu Wu

"Vortex, where does the vortex come from." "What's going on, is the sky going to crack."

"The sky changes, how can the sky change. What is the vortex?"

Countless monks, countless lights, and strong men of countless races all looked up at the void. At this moment, no matter which boundary or secret area, you can clearly see the vortex in the void, which is the same In front of everyone.

There was a dignified look in the eyes of a famous man.

"The world has changed, but before that, there has never been any sign."

The Western Queen appeared in front of Yi Tianxing and said solemnly.

"I'm afraid that something big happened, not just something that was easy for me, but something in the entire eternal world. It's about everyone."

Yi Tianxing shook his head slightly. I don't know why, from the vortex, I can feel a very familiar breath, as if it were related to someone familiar.

"Brother Shi."

A figure appeared out of thin air, and it was star tears. Over the years, Star Tears has been silently cultivating and restoring the original origin and heritage. Especially after returning to Dayi, with various resources to assist and huge blessings of luck, her cultivation base is recovering at an alarming rate, the source is recovering, and the body's qi is now deeper, as if Unfathomable like an abyss.

"Wu Zu !!"

Yi Tianxing took a deep breath, a dignified color flashed in his eyes.

With her reminder, she remembered this familiarity instantly, where did it come from.

Brush brush! !

As the vortex continues to expand, it can be seen that there are monks and strong men who have taken off from various places and broken towards the vortex. Without being close to the vortex, the powerful spiral force transmitted from the vortex was thrown out violently and thrown in all directions. You can't even control your body.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that from the vortex, countless divine lights spewed out madly and scattered in all directions. Covering the eternal world, all realms, whether it is the most central ancient realm or other ordinary realms, have a lot of divine light falling. In the sky above Dayi, a large number of divine lights also fell from the sky.

And as he kept getting closer to the ground, the divine light also continued to dissipate. Eventually, people could see clearly what was wrapped in the divine light.

Monumental monument, it is a monumental monument.

boom! boom! boom! !

The sky monument fell from the sky and fell on the ground, on the plain, in the jungle. Above the mountain. When it fell, it made a violent roar, and the earth was constantly shaking, as if a terrible earthquake had occurred, causing a panic and discoloration.

Within the territory of Dayi, pieces of heavenly monuments fell near Dayi Xiancheng.

The aftermath of the turbulent waves, which was spontaneously opened by the Xianhuang enchantment of the Xiancheng, did not cause damage. Even the Xiancheng did not feel too much vibration, but it was slightly shaken, and then it was as stable as Mount Tai.

"Quick, outside the city, there is a sky monument coming from the sky. That must be a treasure."

"Tianbei, a stele erupting from a vortex. I don't know how precious it will be. I feel that it must not be a mortal."

Countless monks quickly rushed towards the location where the sky monument fell outside the city.

Fiery colors appeared in each eye.

This may be the chance of falling from the sky.

Faced with chance, no one will be willing to miss.

"Okay ... a big monument."

"My God, look, there are magical skills on the sky monument. This is ... martial arts magical power."

"On this monument, I seem to see a **** of the world is performing martial arts magic powers. There is a strong sense of martial arts in it. If you can enlighten, you will be able to advance by leaps and bounds. Realize a profound martial arts power."

"What a terrible knife intention, I feel this knife intention, I am afraid that it has exceeded the level of Jiu Tribulation."

"I feel that in the face of the true meaning on the Tianbei, I will die in a face-to-face. Horrible, it's really amazing."

Numerous monks and bounty hunters saw their eyes glowing after they saw the sky monument. I only feel that this is the chance to fall from the sky. Once comprehend the magical powers, it will inevitably increase its combat power. Great advancement.

On the Tianbei, there is also a text of exercises and techniques. You can practice directly after copying.

"This is the supernatural supernatural power and martial tomb supernatural power created by my younger brother. These heavenly steles are all martial arts monuments, martial tomb heavenly monuments, containing the young master's martial arts magical powers, all kinds of bloodline supernatural powers. One of them can master the skill of warfare. This time, it seems that the younger brothers want to use the world ’s weapons to enhance the strength and heritage of the entire eternal world. There is a heavenly stele, and understanding the true meaning can play a multiplier role.

Star Tears took a deep breath and said with a deep voice.

A flash of memory flashed in his eyes.

In her mind, in the last epoch, almost no one could compare with his junior brother. That talent was truly earth-shattering and unparalleled. Great tomb of Wu tomb, wherever he went, suppressed everything and shattered everything. There are countless martial arts and magical powers that I have learned. Every door has the power to destroy the world. It is not just cultivation, but a magical skill of a door to a magical level.

This kind of magical power is sent into the eternal world and dispersed to various boundaries. It will inevitably be understood and practiced by a large number of monks, and naturally become a famous man.

boom! !

At this moment, a heavenly monument fell on the ground and landed in the Bohai Sea. Then it quickly grew and turned into a monument to heaven, as if a huge war sword rose into the sky, piercing the sky. The fierce sword intention gives people a bitter chill, and there is also a burning feeling of doppelganger, as if there is a terrifying fiery purgatory there.

"Eh, it turns out that this heirloom method appeared here."

Star Tears witnessed, but also made a sound of suspense, and a trace of surprise appeared between the eyebrows.

brush! !

The next second, accompanied by seven rainbow lights, Yi Tianxing, Queen West, and Star Tears appeared directly in front of the giant monument.

Looking up, I just felt that there was an invisible pressure from the Tianbei. With it as the center, it was tens of thousands of square meters away, and it could not be controlled at all. The sky knocked down the dust.

"It's so strong! Sure enough, it is Wu Zu. If I am not mistaken, this is a great sword power from Wu Zu's" Qinglian Sword Code "-Red Lotus rages for nine days."

The Queen Mother of the West looked up to the Heavenly Stele and could see a picture on the Heavenly Stele. It was a figure facing away from all living beings. At all feet, the red flames were burning like a giant red lotus, and the endless sword Tearing the sky, every wisp of lotus flower seems to be inscribed with all kinds of flame magical powers, and all kinds of terrible kendo magical powers. Like this moment, Guren is the whole world. So amazing.

"Yes, this is Master's" Red Lotus Sword Classic ". If you practice this sword code, you can cultivate this superb kendo magical power. However, once you practice this sword code, you can live without any hidden dangers, and once you fall If you cultivate, you will return to my brother ’s body. This day, it ’s already marked. "

Xing Tears nodded and said.

Pointing to the Tianbei, there is a preface on it.

"Red Lotus Sword Code", born, cultivated for oneself. Death, the law belongs to Wu. This is a contract, and it is also the price of learning the exercises. Those who wish can repair, those who do not wish to leave.

"This is definitely the most advanced supreme exercise method between heaven and earth. It may not be inferior to the real classics. If it is a complete" Green Lotus Sword Code ", it must be the level of the classics, or even more powerful. Being able to practice, even if the power gained by the sword code after death will belong to Wu Zu, it is difficult to prevent the world ’s monks from becoming stronger.

Yi Tianxing took a deep breath and said calmly.

With his eyes, he can see how powerful this skill is.

After all, alive, the power belongs to them, and no one will deprive them. After death, no matter which flood floods, a body of power itself will dissipate in the heavens and the earth, and merge into the body of Wu Zu, but it is only given to different objects.

Judging from the current situation, Wu Zu will not harm the interests of the eternal world. Putting the sky monument should strengthen the overall strength of the entire world.

"Submit the order, and immediately dispatch personnel to go to the location of the Tianbei everywhere, and record the scriptures and magical skills recorded on the Tianbei.

Yi Tianxing returned to the Holy Palace with his two daughters, and immediately began to give orders.

These days monument is too important, contains a lot of top-level magical powers. If according to the general situation, you should immediately send troops to control Tianbei in the hands of the official Da Yi, and limit the rumor. However, Yi Tianxing did not have such a plan. Wu Zu had such a mind, and he would not shoot Yi Tianxing. Obstacles, the exercises are the exercises, the supernatural powers are supernatural powers, and the really powerful ones are the people themselves.

"Why did Wu Zu suddenly put the Tianbei monument? Is it a battle over there? Has it changed?"

Yi Tianxing looked up into the void, as if he could see the vast river of time and space, and he could see the unprecedented fierce fighting in the upper reaches of the era. Wu Zu's launch of the Tianbei must have its meaning. It's just that the level is not enough, and it's impossible to speculate.

"It is necessary to speed up the pace ~ ~ This is the best opportunity for Jiutian Daozun's plan to kill the sky. Now I am in a state of great acquiescence, and I can take care of my development. , It's time for war. "

Yi Tianxing murmured secretly.

The root of everything is strength.

This is the best time for Dayi.

The population is in the right place at the right time.


Yongye world.

In the night world, it is composed of one star world. Each star is a world. The big stars are the big thousand worlds, the medium ones are the middle thousand worlds, the small ones are the small thousand worlds, and the smaller ones are small world.

In the middle of eternal night, a vast and immense land stands tall, and the stars are nothing more than a dust compared to this land.

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