Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 2254: Good luck

"Eternal kingdom(

Eternal night world. In the Demon Temple.

Ten thousand demons gathered, a demon god, sitting in their respective seats, Yi Tianxie was among them.

At this moment, the Demon God Temple opened again, and the number of Eternal Night Demon Gods gathered was more than the previous times, and more complete. Compared with the last time, it is not twice as much. With this alone, you can know how powerful Yongye's background is.

Those who are in the hall, even the weakest, must reach the realm of enlightenment. The demon **** who dominates one side.

At this moment, in the hall, many demon gods were watching quietly.

The picture I watched is astonishingly what Buzhou Mountain showed. The scene of a famous Tianjiao fighting and fighting to death constantly flashed. Among them, one could see the fall of Yongye Tianjiao and the fall of Eternal Tianjiao.

This arrogance battle, from the beginning, seemed to have entered a fever.

When the two worlds of Tianjiao meet, it is a life-and-death fight, regardless of birth and death, it will hardly give up easily. It is quite tragic. Between the two sides, there is no room for illusion, either you die or I die. There is no other choice.

These pictures fell in the eyes of Yi Tianxie, also secretly awe-inspiring. Yongye Tianjiao is stronger than Eternal World in terms of quantity and strength, and there is still the Nightmare World to intervene. This Nightmare Tianjiao is a group of dung sticks, whether it is Eternal or Yongye Tianjiao, as long as they encounter it, they are all According to kill not wrong. When it comes to fighting for good fortune, he will not give in at all. Make the situation more complicated and changeable.

With more variables, control becomes weaker.

This is for sure.

"This time I was called again, definitely not just because of the Battle of Tianjiao, it seems that Yong Ye will have a big move this time."

Yi Tianxie's eyes flickered, smiled slightly, and whispered in his heart.

"Everyone, this council is still presided over by this seat."

At the head of the Demon Temple, the Evil Eye Lord is still on it. Said slowly.

"The battle of Tianjiao has already begun. The specific result depends on the strength of the younger generations. Within the mountain, no one can control this battle. They are completely dependent on themselves. But the number and strength of the Tianjiao forever are second to none. , The odds of winning will only be higher and will take the upper hand. If the eternal Tianjiao can be slaughtered, the eternal future luck will be cut off. It will be of great benefit to me forever."

"However, this meeting is not for this, but for other important matters."

"The devil's disaster has been opened for nearly a hundred years, and the laws of the two realms have merged, and it is about to reach its first peak. At that time, the laws of the two realms will trigger a chaotic tide. With the arrival of the chaotic tide, the invasion and fusion of the laws will become even further. At the same time, there will be more two-way passages, that is, the magic cave."

The Evil Eye Lord said slowly.

Every word and sentence gives people a great pressure.

Under the fusion of heaven and earth, the tide of chaos is inevitable. This tide brings not only destruction, but also more good fortune. For example, the concentration of the vitality of the heaven and the earth will become more concentrated, and even doubled on the spot, reaching a kind of Even more amazing. Form countless good fortune, all kinds of rare treasures. It is definitely not inferior to the good fortune when the eternal world merged. If you seize the opportunity, you can fly into the sky.

Get a huge amount of good luck.

Soaring into the sky is not a dream.

Of course, for Yong Ye, the magic cave formed with the tide is the biggest opportunity.

If the magic cave is forced to open, Yongye will not be able to bear it. The price paid is too great, and it is not worth it. It is naturally better to have chaotic tides to do it. It also means that the two worlds merge. Has reached another level.

"Okay, this day has finally come. All of our races have been preparing for a long time. As long as the cave is opened, countless demon soldiers can be sent to eternity. At that time, let eternity know that the background of our eternal night is definitely not What they can match."

"Kill, slaughter the heavens and races in the eternal world as much as possible. As long as their number decreases sharply, the resistance they face in the future will be weaker. The evil disaster may not destroy eternity at once, but it can drag eternity down. War. We are the eternal ancestors of Yongye."

A ferocious smile appeared on the face of a famous demon god.

Yong Ye relied on repeated wars and repeated plunders to finally grow to where it is today. They have the confidence to say such things.

It's definitely not bragging.

"Since the Battle of Tianjiao has begun, we can't control it. The Chaos Tide is about to come, and the devastating disaster will cause damage to eternity. However, these are not enough. Next, we need to bring back the strong from the previous era. The location is the Eternal Night Battlefield. In this, the war with eternity can continue to unfold and start the third war to conquer the battlefield of gods and demons. Try to contain the energy of the eternal world, make the eternal interior empty, and give the evil disaster more Large display space."

The Evil Eye Lord said slowly.

This time, we must all go together, go hand in hand, and launch a comprehensive offensive against the eternal world. It is not true to penetrate into eternity, but to destroy the foundation of the eternal world to a greater extent.

There is a calamity that constrains eternal vitality.

There is a battlefield open to contain the elite combat power of all parties.

Coupled with the Tianjiao battlefield, most Tianjiao is contained.

In the three battlefields, as long as key victories can be achieved in two places, the situation between the two realms will become clearer, and Yongye’s advantage will be more obvious, reaching a scene of unstoppable and overwhelming momentum. .

"Dare to ask the master if the time for the lead-up has been set, but I need to wait for help."

Yi Tianxie suddenly asked.

"Well, the lead time is tentatively set to ten years later. It is necessary to deploy a top-level lead circle to draw those strong who lost in endless time and space back. At that time, this seat will pass on the news and call some strong people to the lead. ."

The evil eye ruler nodded and said.

There is no concealment of time.

Ten years, this is an approximate time. It should have been earlier, but on the battlefield of Yongye, the ancestral veins were stolen suddenly, which caused various gaps between the three powerful clans.

Soon, the parliament ended.

Many demon gods left one after another.

After getting the task, the major demon gods are all preparing for the upcoming war that is about to begin. This is a war related to the fate of the eternal night. No one will neglect this and mobilize all kinds of materials and troops for the war.

Yong Ye itself is a world where interests are paramount. In a war, whoever wins more battles has a greater right to speak. No one can question this. It is fully witnessed by Yongye's top master.

Many things are to be contested and seized.

Fortune will not directly hit him on his head.


The eternal world, the ancient continent.

Good luck peak.

Here, you can see the rays of the sun, the fairy aura like a tide, countless strange flowers and weeds, and the cranes and deer running and jumping in the mountain stream. It seems that it is really a scene of the Xianjia Holy Land. On the mountain peak, you can see a palace surrounded by fairy lights standing in the clouds, looming, like a fairyland.

Listen carefully, as if you can hear the mysterious sound echoing in your ears.

Look carefully, there is a plaque on it, and a few big characters appear directly on the plaque-good luck fairy palace! !

Inside the fairy palace, one can see a sacred Taoist person who is full of fairy light and set off sitting upright. Under his command, there are hundreds of disciples sitting full of them, listening to the Taoist sounds intoxicatingly. Look carefully, this person is not someone else, it is the horse painting money that was used to prove the Tao at the beginning. Self-named good luck fairy king.

After proving the Dao, he directly occupied a spiritual mountain in the ancient continent, opened up a dojo, built a fairy palace in front of him, and also recruited disciples. Here, he opened up a sacred land, this family business, but more and more Big.

With the help of this era, the reputation of the first witness, and his extensive contacts, can be said to be extremely famous. He was drawn to show favor by the heavens and the races, and the whole person seemed to have received the clock of the heaven and the earth, and began to practice. , It was a smooth wind, and it happened naturally.

Suddenly, the immortal king of good fortune who was preaching stopped inexplicably, and a trace of surprise and fear appeared involuntarily on his face. But it disappeared in the next second. After scanning the hall, he said: "Well, UU reading is here for today's preaching. Let's disperse now and understand the truth."

"Yes, Master."

All the disciples agreed and turned and left the hall.

In a blink of an eye, the whole hall became silent.

In the next second, a jade symbol appeared in Ma Huaqian's hand. On the jade symbol, a light flashed, and a voice came out.

"Come on!"

Immediately, the jade symbol turned into a huge heavenly gate and appeared in front of him.

"Yi Xianhuang, this disaster really can't escape, it finally came."

Ma Huaqian's face was blue and white, and all kinds of complex emotions continued to emerge, and that was bitter in his heart.

Back then, what he practiced was to deceive the Tao. A swindle could deceive all beings in the heavens and the earth and even prove the Tao through this. He relied on deceiving all beings and occupied the identity of Yi Tianxing’s first enlightenment. Instead, he stood on the spot. To preach the Tao, but also to obtain the way of good fortune through deception. Has the reputation of the fairy king of good fortune.

The basis of all this is all because of a scam.

Prove the Dao by deceiving the Dao, deceiving the Dao as the root and good luck as the manifestation.

This is to use the truth to repair the fake.

As long as the lie is not exposed, the false one is also true. Fortune Taoists really have the power to prove the Taoist realm. It is the real fairy king of good fortune.

But once the lie was punctured, the cultivation base disappeared instantly, because the real became fake again. If no one believes, the lie is meaningless, and the deception fails. The lies slain will also be shattered.

Only Yi Tianxing knew about this.

Therefore, the immortal king of good fortune is 10,000 people who don't want to see Yi Tianxing, and even hope that that day, he will suffer a catastrophe, and his death will disappear. That is once and for all, and there will be no future troubles.

The summons that I suddenly received now seemed to come from Yi Tianxing.

This made him sit on the wax completely.

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