Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 11: Monthly pass

December guarantee monthly pass

Fiction: Author: lonely drifting

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His anxious eyes were red, and he saw Yi Tianxing fighting among the wolves, but he was watching here, unable to do anything, and his face couldn't help but appear ashamed.

A touch of complexity appeared on Yang Ye's face. He wanted to guard this Yangjia Village. Nearly tens of thousands of people in this village were counting on Yang Jiajun. The price would be too great to abandon the safety of tens of thousands of people in order to save one person.

"General Yang, go and save people. Such a hero shouldn't die under the claws of wolves." A voice came from the village, only to see that Lai He was carrying a rucksack and a mouthful in his hands. Bone Knife, said decisively.

"Yeah, General Yang, the former Yi Zhuangshi was right. People must rely on themselves, only to be self-reliant. We have tens of thousands of people. We can't just rely on the general and Yang Jiajun to fight in front of the blood, and we will survive. Defending the village, we too Can contribute. Even if we can't compare with soldiers, we have more numbers. Even if it is a giant wolf, we can fight back together." A young man said loudly.

In the words, a strong confidence is revealed.

As long as all the people in the village are working hard and relying on the fence, they may not be unable to exert a certain strength. They cannot fight and can resist the attacks of the wolves, but they may not be impossible. They must also contribute their own part to their survival.

The people in the village are not idiots, they just lack that courage.

But seeing Yi Tianxing dared to step out of the village alone, rushing into the wolves alone with a spear, fighting with the pack of wolves, dancing with the blood, the feeling is like morning bells and evening drums beating on the soul.

Seeing that the Yang family father and son did not dare to let the army leave the village for them, went to rescue, went outside, and fought with the wolves, fighting to the death, it gave birth to a strong sense of shame.

Even more know that once it is night, the combat power of the entire wolf pack will be greatly increased.

With that increase, it is even more an irresistible disaster for the entire village. To solve the wolf pack, it must be during the day, and only during the day can there be a chance.

"you guys?"

Yang Ye saw a hint of surprise on his face when he saw the people who kept coming. The people who originally needed the protection of the Yang family army, at this moment, will take the initiative to defend the village against the wolves. Although everyone was afraid, they did not flinch. They all knew that at this moment, flinching was useless. The village had been breached, and they would definitely not escape the fate of death.

"General Yang, you can't rely on your Yang family army to protect us. Now is the time for us to do our part."

Some people said loudly.

"Don't think we are chefs, we all eat with knives." A stern stern was revealed on Lai He's face. The boning knife in his hand shone coldly. This is a cold iron sword.

Around, there are a large group of chefs.

The chef is also the role of eating with a knife. For knife workers, all are good.

Yang Ye glanced over the faces of more and more people rushing over, and there was a trace of frustration and enlightenment in his heart, muttering to himself: "People do not die for themselves. In the heyday, my behavior is protection. In troubled times, my behavior is stifling. That's why it seems that I am really not suitable for being a leader. The commander is my ability."

Thinking of what Yi Tianxing said before, a bit of bitterness could not help but feel in his heart.

No wonder, as the leader of a village, Yi Tianxing dared to leave his village at will, because his village has people who are more afraid of death and willing to pay their blood for their own survival to defend their lives.

With such people, there will be difficulties that cannot be overcome.

Excessive protection has instead plunged Yangjiacun into today's desperate situation.

Taking a deep breath, completely suppressing all thoughts, looking at the eager look of the eldest son and the second son around him, he categorically ordered: "Blow the assembly call, Yang Jiajun, gather, line up!!"

"Yes, handsome father!!" Yang Yanping and Yang Yanding heard them, their faces suddenly showing excitement, and they bowed on one knee to lead their orders.

Oh oh oh! !

The army assembly horn sounded thoroughly,

Boom boom boom! !

A soldier continued to gather from various areas of the village to form a queue. Teams came quickly. Amid the heavy footsteps, a soldier of the Yang family quickly gathered at the entrance of the village and formed an array.

More than 1,500 soldiers have completely assembled in a short moment.

Although the armor on each of them looked a little broken, they were medals obtained on the battlefield. Even if the armor was broken, they still did not cause any shrinking fear on their faces, and they still had iron-like will. Every soldier looked at Yang Ye with a feverish look. That is their spiritual pillar.

"See the general." All the soldiers bowed down on one knee at the same time, shouting with their mouths open.

"Get up. Get ready, line up!!"

Yang Ye wears armor, a long knife at his waist, and a steel spear in his hand. The body is straight, like a spear, standing in front of the army.

Exudes a fierce momentum.

"Array, pikemen outside, archers inside. Hidden front line!!" Yang Yanping let out a cry.

Boom boom boom! !

Immediately, the soldiers in front of him changed quickly.

A pikeman stands on the periphery, and inside is an archer, outside is a pikeman, and inside is an archer. The array is triangular. It's like a sharp knife. The pikemen resisted the attack, and the archers fired arrows. This kind of battle formation is very powerful.

More than a thousand Yang Jiajun formed a group of hidden fronts in an instant.

"Yang Jiajun, go forward, forward, forward!!"

Yang Ye let out a cry. The spear flicked outside.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

A celebrity soldier flashed his fighting spirit in his eyes, and he moved instantly, stepping out one after another in neat steps, and his movements were unified, not alone, but the entire battle formation.

Shuttles past the village gate, exuding a strong suffocating aura, this suffocating aura is the aura of an elite army. That tragic momentum caused the birds in the sky to evade and flee to the surroundings, afraid to appear above the village.

Yang Jiajun is an army that is good at attacking. Defensively is nothing but talent.

At this moment, their spirits were revealed.

Those army formations fell in the eyes of all the villagers, just like seeing a cold and terrifying beast, the whole soul was shaking, giving birth to an unspeakable shock.

"Yang Jiajun, this is the real Yang Jiajun. With this momentum, there are not many troops I have seen before."

"The Yang Jiajun should have been fighting the enemy on the frontal battlefield, rather than defending in the village. If he had gone out of the village to fight before, it might not have caused the huge casualties as before."

"What a powerful aura, this evil aura is the anger accumulated in their hearts these days, the accumulated fighting intent, all vented at this moment, this time Yang Jiajun is really going to fight back."

No hundreds of surnames made waves of discussion, and it was obvious that Yang Jiajun had the belief in a fight against the water.

They felt the spirit of a fight to the death in their general.

Generals are not afraid of death, so they are not afraid of death.

The sun began to set in the sky.

The setting sun sprinkled on a soldier, shining on the tattered armor, but gleaming with golden light, each face, with determination and determination. The eyes are always firm.

Boom boom boom! !

Army formations moved forward, stepped out of the village, came to the battlefield, and looked at the wolves in front of them.

Step forward step by step. Every step is very calm, every step is firm and powerful. The neat pace makes the ground vibrate and the air trembles. A momentum, like a tide, rolled over the entire battlefield. With each step, the momentum is soaring, and it is crushed towards the wolves like a mountain. That suffocating aura was not at all under the hostility of the wolves.

Oooh! !

Xiaoyue Yinlang saw that Yang Jiajun had really rushed out of the village, and the hatred in his eyes suddenly soared. He looked at Yang Jiajun and let out a stern wolf howl.

The wolf pack that was besieging Yi Tianxing, instantly dispersed, staring at the approaching Yang Jiajun. Looking at the army formations, his eyes were equally fierce.

Oooh! !

But at this moment, a louder and more shocking wolf howl rose into the sky. A silver light pierced through the void like lightning, and instantly appeared on the hillside. When the silver light stopped, one could see that a silver wolf that was half the size of those giant wolves appeared on the hillside. The one-eyed silver wolf that appeared stood together.

Compared with the new one-eyed silver wolf, the original one-eyed silver wolf is a cub that has not grown up. UU Reading is not on the same level regardless of body shape or momentum.

On its forehead, there is also a silver waning moon mark. Exuding a strong silver light, a king's aura spreads naturally throughout the world.

A large number of wolves followed, thousands of them.

But at the same time, he fell to the ground toward the Silver Wolf King Xiaoyue, not even daring to lift his head. That kind of aura is the pressure from the blood, so that there is no resistance from the wolves. It is really terrifying. To the extreme.

That picture is very scary.

Oooh! !

Xiaoyue Wolf King glanced at Yang Family Village and the Yang Family Army who stepped out step by step, and let out a wolf howl.

brush! !

During the howl, I saw that the silver moon imprint on the forehead of the Howling Moon Wolf King suddenly burst out with a silver-white moonlight, which dissipated like a tide and fell on all the giant wolves in the pack.

All the giant wolves immediately screamed in excitement at the moment the moonlight shone, their aura rose instantly, and the wolf's hairs were standing upside down. Looks unusually hideous.

Life Aperture-Silver Moon! !

Talented supernatural powers-the silver moon shines! !

Rumble! !

The wolves seemed to have been ordered, and they were violent in an instant, and a large number of giant wolves split into two groups like a tide.

Run wildly, like ten thousand horses galloping.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

A tragic killing sound broke out in the Yang Jiajun.

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