Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 2258: 1 scene

"Finally, Da Yi's legions are finally moving. Sure enough, the battlefield of the gods and demons is open. How could Da Yi miss such a major event? It's amazing. After all, it will be the finale. The front is just an appetizer. "In the star network, countless races breathed a sigh of relief. On the battlefield of the gods and demons, there was a great deal of change, as if they had taken a reassurance, and felt that the confidence of their own side had become completely different.

"Hey, sure enough, Da Yi still made a move. There are more than sixty legions. This may not be all the legions of Dayi Xian Ting. However, according to what we have learned, not all of them, but most of them, most of the troops rushed to the battlefield. On the local level, the strength will inevitably be reduced. There is only defensive power and no other ability to be a demon. With his move, I feel that the big rock on his body has become a lot easier, which is really comfortable."

Inside the Hydra, the black robe and the others witnessed the scene of the army marching, not only weren't afraid, but they looked fortunate and relaxed.

They have already got the task, ready to cooperate with the next evil disaster to do as much damage as possible to the eternal world. If the main force of Dayi does not leave and there are plenty of troops to be mobilized, let alone, they dare not act rashly within Dayi or even the surrounding areas.

This is the deterrence from Da Yi.

Easily, with a deterrent to deter everything.

Now that the army is leaving, it is enough to guarantee that Da Yi is in the disaster and cannot easily deploy much power to interfere with him. Even if they avoid Dayi Fairy Garden, they can use their hands and feet in other places to achieve their goals and accomplish their goals.

If they don't move, they will be restrained.

After all, Da Yi’s star network now covers the entire eternal world, and some small things may not do anything, but once something big happens, like a demonic disaster ravages the world, Da Yi will definitely know from the star network. , When the time comes, it will attract an attack from Da Yi, and this probability is quite high.

It can be said that a big change is to reassure oneself. Make the enemy comfortable.

Everyone is happy.

This is the influence of a giant.

I witnessed the army continuously stepping into the gate of the gods and demons. Gradually, the live broadcast ended. The projection in the void of Dayi also dissipated. The military soul war world has already begun to be banned in an instant, and the outside world has not been able to detect it.

At this moment, in the military soul battle world, it was another scene.

I only saw that in the entire battlefield, Yi Tianxing was still standing on the stage of the generals. Looking around, a neatly lined army, the army that should have stepped into the gate of the gods and demons, actually Still standing quietly in front of the Dianjiang stage. There is no sign of any movement.

This point, if someone sees it, you will definitely be frightened on the spot.

It's hard to believe what your eyes see.

"Your Majesty, is this method really useful?"

Zhuge Liang stood by and asked hesitantly.

"The way of good fortune, using paper people as puppets, intercepting the true spiritual nature of the soldiers, can really convince the heaven and earth sentient beings, converge their will, derive good fortune, and can enter the gate of gods and demons without any flaws, even gods The gates of the demon are recognized. This way of good fortune is really extraordinary. With the strength of Mr. Ma, it may be really effective. In the battlefield of gods and monsters, it can be maintained without revealing flaws."

Liu Bowen said in admiration.

Yes, those who stepped into the gate of the gods and demons were not Da Yi's army of soldiers at all, but fake.

Of course, it is not right to say that it is completely false. When the army is presented to all living beings, after being recognized by countless creatures and monks, they themselves are real Da Yi soldiers. This is not wrong.

If you don't talk about breaking, naturally no one can see the flaw. But it's not unbelievable that the point is broken.

One of the most important figures is the good luck fairy king horse painting money.

The purpose of calling Ma Huaqian this time is to do such a play. Without him, it really couldn't be so perfect and flawless. Only the deception of Ma Huaqian can have the effect of turning decay into magic. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an alternative good fortune.

This play is not something ordinary people can do.

First, tens of millions of paper people were cast out with the technique of paper people, and then a ray of the true spiritual nature of the soldiers was intercepted and incorporated into the body of the paper people, so that the paper people could be transformed into the appearance of the soldiers for a short time. Cultivation bases are generally the same. Then, with the help of star network live broadcast, the scene was presented to the eyes of the monks of the eternal world. In that case, no one would doubt that these soldiers were transformed by paper men. Yes, no one will doubt that it is fake.

Even Hydra, the people of Eternal Night, are still convinced, it can be said that there is no doubt at all.

And precisely, this kind of belief is the most needed belief in deception.

This time all sentient beings in the entire eternal world believe that cheating means quietly and without a break. This belief is imposed on this tens of millions of troops. All of a sudden, under the magic of cheating, those paper people become completely flesh and blood. Soldiers and creatures, even the breath of cultivation base, are generally indifferent, really no different from real people, they even have thoughts, souls, and flesh and blood. Will cry and hurt. Ordinary sky-eye technique, look at their words.

That's a living person.

That is the real big change soldier.

Compared with the real body deity, the soldiers illusioned by the paper men have exactly the same cultivation strength.

If it was a little vain before that, but under a live broadcast, all sentient beings in the entire eternal world would believe that this strength cultivation base appeared out of thin air. There is absolutely no vanity. It's really amazing.

The weird deception is really heinous.

Moreover, among the soldiers on the expedition, there are top advisers such as Zhuge Liang, even the fake body that is turned out, still has the wisdom, military talent, and various supernatural powers like Zhuge Liang's deity. When they were born, they had already planted the same belief in their minds.

Loyal to the Great Yi and fight for the eternal world.

Conquer the Eternal Night Demon Soldier.

It can be said that the matter of going to the battlefield of gods and demons is not false. To a certain extent, it is really going to the battlefield. However, with the help of Ma Huaqian's way, he abruptly retained the original army, still sitting in Dayi Fairy Court, at any time, he could launch a campaign again to suppress all evil spirits.

The means that can work here can be imagined.

Before, after telling Liu Bowen and them secretly, he still didn't believe it, but now he saw it with his own eyes and felt the magic in it.

However, it was successful.

What is this? This is to hide from the sky.

This group of the Great Yi Legion, which was formed by cultivating the true and false, went to the battlefield of the gods and demons, killed the enemy and performed meritorious deeds. The merits obtained are still owned by the Great Yi Xian Ting, which can be said to be set once and for all. Make endless contributions to Da Yi.

"The way of making money for horse painting is really good, really amazing."

Qunchen sighed secretly.

Of course, what Ma Hua Qianqian was doing was a deception, and Yi Tianxing did not disclose it to the officials. After all, the deception is unspoken, and it really needs to be leaked out. If it is spread on a large scale, Ma Hua Qian Qian will instantly The prototype was revealed, and everything was done at that time. His deception will also be wiped out, and from then on, he will never be able to follow the path of deception. After all, everyone knows that you are a liar, and who will believe you.

Therefore, Yi Tianxing declared to the public that this is just the way of good luck.

Precisely, Ma Huaqian also uses the way of good fortune as a cover for itself, and also has the title of good fortune fairy king.

At this point, there is no doubt.

After all, under normal circumstances, no one would think about a realm power, a liar.

Moreover, deceive the truth, cultivate the fake through the truth, and cultivate the truth through the fake. He deceived the Dao of Good Fortune by deceiving the Dao. This Dao is actually true. Ma Huaqian is constantly comprehending the law of good fortune in this Dao. Once it reaches the extreme and fully absorbed it, even if it is broken in the future, it will still not fall. At that time, the realm was to deceive the Dao to achieve the ultimate transformation.

This is a mysterious cycle.

Of course, Ma Huaqian has not done this yet. But the attainments in the path of good fortune are not low, otherwise, the immortal palace of good fortune will not be able to be established. If there is no real thing, how can one teach the disciples and teach the way of good fortune. Deception is a shortcut, and to truly embark on subversion, it still requires one's own efforts.

"The horse painting money may still be used in the future. It seems that you need to use snacks and let it join me in Da Yi sincerely."

A thought flashed in Yi Tianxing's mind.

no doubt. This is more concerned about horse painting money.

He immediately ordered: "This matter is only known to Aiqing and the soldiers present here. The military soul battle world will be temporarily banned and restricted from entering and exiting. Waiting for the next opportunity."

In the voice, with a touch of unquestionable majesty.

This matter is related to the next plan and must not be leaked. Once it is leaked, all previous efforts must be abandoned.

"Yes, Your Majesty, the ministers shall keep silent."

Liu Bowen and others all agreed.

I have already begun to think about how to get benefits from it, UU reading www.uukanshu. com this time, Aima draws money and leaves too much room for them to operate.

With a large army in the border area, once the evil disaster occurs, can it not be possible to send troops to suppress it, and after the suppression, to promote the Great Yi, wouldn't it be possible to enter the embrace of the Great Yi again? This is really worth paying attention to.

Yi Tianxing nodded and left.

In this way, quietly and without interest, Da Yi has completed a process of secretly changing the position.

The outside world is still unaware.

At the same time, Hydra passed the news back to Yong Ye Zhong for the first time.

The major forces in Eternal Night sighed in secret after hearing it, but they did not completely relax. Next, they will have to wait for the battlefield to officially start fighting before they can get the final confirmation. Only in this way can we be 100% guaranteed.

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