Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 2311: Eternal kingdom

The heaven and earth collapsed and the laws were chaotic, so that the barriers of heaven and earth in the two realms of eternal night and night were suddenly weakened to the extreme. Outside the barriers of heaven and earth, there is endless chaos, supported by the barriers of heaven and earth. The laws are the pillars, and the laws of heaven can control the chaos. Qi, even, let the Qi of Chaos continue to blend into the world, strengthen one's own foundation, and make up for the energy consumed by the world. But now, the barriers of heaven and earth have been severely weakened, and it is impossible to resist the erosion of the chaotic air.

On the spot, I saw that in the entire world, in the sky, there were endless cracks and big holes in the sky. Quickly poured into the world, wherever it went, the chaotic air was dissolving everything and destroying everything.

In the absence of barriers between heaven and earth, Chaos's infringement is no less inferior than Guixu.

Return to the ruins inside, chaos outside.

Increased domestic and foreign affairs, this is a real ruin.

"It's over, this world is over."

"The ruins of the ruins can only be sealed, but the heavens are destroyed, and there is no sealing ability. Chaos can resist, but the laws collapse and it is difficult to control. It is over, the world is going to be destroyed. There is no winner in this era."

"Yongye Tiandao is wrong, even if the heavens are fused with each other, it's just that you have me in you, and you in me, and you will be reborn. Even if you lose in the end, you will only be reborn as an alternative. How to get there The point of self-destruction."

In the process of fusion of the heavens, the will of the heavens is also indelible. Even if you fail in the process of fighting for the Lord of the World, if you still have a chance to come back, it will be reincarnated with the will of heaven. This kind of reincarnation, even the winner, will not stop it, because the will of heaven is indelible, and it must be experienced nine reincarnations before it can be completely knocked off the dust, and the will of heaven will again compete for the Lord of the world. Become the qualification to replace the way of heaven.

There are nine such opportunities, and as long as you succeed once, you can get everything.

Therefore, even if it is defeated, regardless of Eternal Heavenly Dao or Eternal Night Heavenly Dao, according to the truth, it is impossible to make such a decisive thing. Because they still have a chance, the current victory is not necessarily the final victory, it can only be said that they have taken the lead.

However, Yong Ye Tiandao did just that.

The origin of self-destruction is self-destruction. When the world is over, the Tao will naturally cease to exist that day.

Anything all over again is nothing but vain.

This scene completely exceeded everyone's expectations. Whether it is eternal night or eternity, at this moment, they are all stunned.

No one expected that this would end.

It was too sudden, but this change is irreversible.

"Destroy, then die together, kill!!"

There is the Eternal Night Demon God who is completely mad, and it is absolutely unreasonable and completely unacceptable to fall into such a situation in such a good situation.

Attacked again, unleashing magical powers, fighting together, not afraid of death. It's a posture that the same will die, and the jade will be burned.

The whole world is about to end, the world will be destroyed, and everyone in this world will die. Chaos is on the top, and the ruins are on the bottom. It is crushed inside and outside. It is over, it is completely over.

No matter what it is, it will be swallowed before Guixu, and the Eternal Heavenly Ark will not last long.

"Pangu, you can't kill me. Burst me!!"

In the Eternal Night Continent, a hysterical roar came, and a terrifying darkness erupted on the continent. You could see that countless fragments of the Eternal Night Continent were flying out in all directions. It seemed that Yongye Continent completely destroyed itself. A devastating power erupted, and endless darkness drowned Pangu.

In the endless darkness, one could see a huge continent rushing out of the darkness.

"Eternal Night Continent."

That was the Eternal Night Continent, and it was the Eternal Night Continent that had shrunk countless times. Compared with the previous Eternal Night Continent, the current Eternal Night Continent is integrated, giving people an eternal and immortal aura, and a cold will envelops the entire Eternal Night Continent. Outside, powerful barriers of heaven and earth emerged.

This is not the barrier between heaven and earth before eternity and eternal night, but a new world embryonic membrane regenerated. The barrier formed, within this level of barrier, one can see that the eyes of the Heavenly Way that the Eternal Night Demon Ancestor has been dripping with blood, and a hideous axe mark is branded on it, shocking. Appalling.

"The people of Yongye, return to Yongye immediately. We will be reborn in destruction and live forever."

The voice of the Eternal Night Mozu spread throughout the world.

"It's the Demon Ancestor, quickly, return to the Eternal Night Continent, we leave here, the world has been shattered, but we are finally detached, and Eternal Night is immortal."

Countless Eternal Night Demon Gods who had fallen into madness, after hearing the call, immediately looked at the newly born Eternal Night Continent with joy. It was clearly separated from the original Eternal Night Continent, the most original part, retaining the foundation and vitality of Eternal Night , And then there is the Heavenly Dao transformed by the Eternal Night Demon Ancestor, dominating the law, forming a new heaven and earth barrier, and they are still the only real world. Eternity will be shattered, and they will last forever.

They will always be better at it after all.

Eternity cannot find a new way of heaven to save them.

"Return to Yongye, I will be detached."

A large number of remaining Eternal Night Demon Gods returned to the New Eternal Night Continent, and when they returned, they were still trying their best to let more Eternal Night races enter the continent. A statue of the gods and gods soldiers, the battle fort of the gods, have returned to Yongye.

I thought that this time, the jade and the stone must be burned, but I didn't expect that there would be a chance to survive.

To live, no one would want to die.

This time to escape, to escape, Yong Ye still has the opportunity to come back again, and in the future, he will still be the only real world, and he can still invade all major worlds and grow Yong Ye again.

The speed of the Eternal Night Demon God is extremely fast, and a large number of strong men quickly return. However, there are still a large number of strong people who are madly entangled by the eternal side, and it is difficult to break free. Becoming crazy has become the eternal side.

boom! !

It didn't take long for the Evernight Continent to rush towards the sky, and knock the sky out of a huge hole on the spot, and the vast chaotic air swept like a waterfall. The entire Eternal Night Continent, however, turned into a black light, rushing into the chaos, the violent Chaos Qi could not invade Eternal Night. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into endless chaos.

Yong Ye, escaped! !

The speed of this process is too fast. Soon there is no force to stop it.

Rumble! !

At this moment, I could only see endless fairy lights emerging from the Great Avenue Tianmen in the void. A vast and supreme fairy city rushed out of the heavenly gate, and the entire fairy city was shining with eternal glory.

Inside Xiancheng, the strange and strange worlds are emerging. All sentient beings are clearly visible.

An invisible air force swept the entire world in an instant. Wherever he went, he was originally in the vast world of chaos and Guixu invasion. At this moment, he was completely suppressed, the chaotic air was blocked, and Guixu was suppressed. The broken world seems to be suspended.


"Da Yi has been promoted to the heavenly court. This Xuanhuangxian city has transformed into an eternal-level immortal city."

"This is the eternal divine light. It has truly completed the transformation, and Da Yi has been promoted to Heaven."

Throughout the world, countless pairs of eyes looked at the void and at Xuanhuangxian City, their eyes were full of shock and excitement.

In the countless light, I could only see a stalwart figure standing in the void, looking around. At this moment, that was a heavenly emperor.

"The Dao of Heaven collapses, the chaos and the ruins come, the heaven and the earth are about to go into disintegration."

"Today, I am promoted to Heaven, and I am the emperor of heaven, and I will be the pastor of all races. As long as my eternal world race, I can enter Dayi and create an eternal kingdom."

"Sing to me the name of the Great Change, and be attracted by the Great Change. You can enter the eternal kingdom."

Yi Tianxing was completely enveloped in the eternal divine light, and slowly uttered a voice.

Today's world has collapsed, and chaos and ruins are difficult to stop. But Dayi has the ability to transcend the world and travel through chaos. At this moment, Dayi is the eternal kingdom.

"Haha, we don't have to die, the eternal kingdom is easy to be detached."

"I want to enter the eternal kingdom."

In the eternal world, in the collapsed realms, countless creatures, at this moment, shout at the same time. Countless divine lights descended quickly, the huge rainbow bridge, crisscrossing the world, wherever you go, you can see billions of trillions of creatures appearing on the rainbow bridge, and then following the rainbow bridge, quickly enter the world. .

The heavens and the races did not hesitate to choose to join them.

This is hope, this is the hope of living.

Only the Heavenly Court of Great Yi, which has the ability to accommodate the heavens and tens of thousands of races, will become a member of the eternal kingdom.

A large number of top great supernatural powers have also entered Xuanhuangxian City.

The entire Xuanhuangxian City has become a world of its own, and is a whole body.

No matter how many creatures enter, it can be easily accommodated in the end.

At an extremely fast rate, almost all survivors were taken.

Yi Tianxing looked at Buzhou Mountain where the Ancient Continent was located. Buzhou Mountain still stands. But you can see that the divine light is falling apart.

Just about to move.

Suddenly, I saw that the place where Yongye Continent had collapsed before, a huge body stepped out, and the whole body was already scarred, dripping with divine blood. It is Pangu.

Obviously, the previous wars also caused great damage to it.

"Emperor Yi Tian, ​​take the eternal kingdom, and leave. Here is me. Eternal night, when you die!!"

Pangu looks to Yi Tianxing, UU reads www. looked at Xuanhuangxian City, nodded slightly, and uttered a voice.

"Eternal night, no blood drains, no truce!!"

Yi Tianxing looked at Pangu, nodded and said.

Taking a look at the whole world, Yi Tianxing suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the volley towards the ancient continent. The entire ancient continent was violently shaking, and countless fragments gathered towards Xuanhuangxian City from all directions. Those fragments were in the void, as if they were forcibly merged together by an incredible force. in a blink. It turned into a huge star. On the stars, mountains, rivers and the sea are rapidly forming.

There is another sacred mountain, flying from the sky and the earth, and blending into this star.

An eternal divine light shot out from Xuanhuangxian City and fell into the stars. In an instant, the entire star was engraved with eternal Dao patterns.

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