Eternal Country

Chapter 242: Spill money

[Sorry, because it's too rushed, the chapter name is wrong, and it's a lot of money. 】

Unconsciously, while they recognized the eternal coin in their hearts, a willingness naturally followed the eternal coin and converged on the cash cow. The cash cow is now in the Hongmeng Tiandi Tower. It is clearly felt that the wish The speed of the force becomes a little faster.

People in other villages around saw that they all looked envious of Baiyang Village.

According to the price marked on the price measurement table, more than 3,000 eternal coins, the people of Baiyang Village, are really about to issue this time. As long as a batch of grain is brought back from here, it will be difficult for Baiyang Village to not develop in the future. It will definitely grow rapidly and become stronger.

"Gu Yuancun, this is the treasure you brought. It turned out to be a mushroom."

Yi Tianxing came to the second stall. This is the stall of Guyuan Village. Various items are also placed on it.

"Yes, we also have special products in Guyuan Village. In our village, there is a very strange mushroom called fantasy mushroom. When you eat it, it will make people flirtatious, very amazing and wonderful. When we have no food to eat in our village, This is the dream mushroom to fill the hunger. Even mushrooms contain strange powers. When eaten, they can strengthen the body and grow and repair. This time, they also brought some of this mushroom. "

Xiao Yun, the owner of Gu Yuancun, saw Yi Tianxing and his party come over, and he was overjoyed and looked forward to the introduction.

This mushroom is very delicious. Bring it here, just wondering if there will be a market.

Dream Mushroom: A top-grade ingredient, this kind of mushroom is very rare and presents colorful colors. When eaten, it can give people a wonderful feeling like a dream, which is very rare and rare. Grade-the highest grade Huang.

In Yi Tianxing's mind, a message emerged in an instant. Wushu Tianshu has quickly identified the message of the colorful mushrooms in front of it.

In general, the more colorful mushrooms, the more colorful and highly toxic they are. The colorful mushroom Gu Yuancun can be dug out. It is conceivable that before eating, it must be hungry. His eyes are green. In order to fill my stomach, I can't take care of that much. I must have thought that even if I was dead, I would have to be a satiety ghost, not a starving ghost.

After eating, I knew that this dream mushroom can be eaten. Otherwise, no one would dare to try to eat such bright mushrooms easily. That's life to fight. No one knows whether they will die if they eat.

"This fantasy mushroom is a good ingredient. It ’s very delicious when cooked. My lord, with this fantasy mushroom in my hand, I can make several top cuisines, green mushroom soup, fresh mushroom green dumpling. The ingredients are made, and it must be a beautiful food. "Lai He's eyes brightened, and he had quickly come up with several cooking methods in his mind.

How to make the best food with this fantasy mushroom.

"Well, this dream mushroom is called a catty, a catty can be three eternal coins. You see how."

Yi Tianxing heard Lai He said that the taste buds in his mouth had begun to secrete a trace of saliva, and the cells around his body had begun to become active. This kind of cuisine can not be overlooked, and the mountain and sea food is the most delicious. Shanzhen contains this mushroom fungus. Just the ordinary way of eating can give people a dreamlike feeling. If they pass the hands of top chefs, they will become more delicious.

These mushrooms are very large, each one has the size of a head, and any one can weigh about a pound. The quantity is quite a lot.

"Sell, of course."

Xiao Yun heard a happy smile on his face.

After weighing these fantasy mushrooms, there are about three hundred pounds in total, without much consideration, even three hundred pounds. Value of nine hundred eternal coins. I bought everything.

"And these are called red blood vines. When eaten, they can strengthen the flesh, strengthen qi and blood, and promote cultivation." Xiao Yun pointed at the red vines on the ground, and quickly introduced.

Red blood vine: The red blood vine of the whole body is associated with the thousand-year-old tree and grows up. It can quench the flesh and blood of the body, and it can also quench the blood. It can be refined into elixir and can be brewed. Grade-the highest grade Huang.

In the first time, Yi Tianxing's mind emerged with the information about Red Blood Vine.

In this respect, Wushu Tianshu has unique and powerful capabilities. As long as it is within a certain range, the information of those items can be snooped to 70% to 80%. Most accurate, however, this is also the real confidence that Yi Tianxing can accurately price various items in the market.

"Well, red blood vines are also required, one or two or three eternal coins, I don't know if you want to."

After Yi Tianxing groaned slightly, he said.

This can't be measured in terms of pounds. There is only about one or two in the red blood vine section. This price should be just right.

"Of course I do."

Xiao Yun agreed without hesitation.

When you take things out, you want to sell them. This red blood vine, in the ancient Yuan village, has a large number, cut a part, and can grow again. As long as it is constantly changing, it is a renewable resource. In exchange for money is the most important.

These red blood vines were counted and purchased together, and it also cost more than 600 eternal coins.

Others, Guyuan Village is gone.

Continue to walk to the stalls in other villages.

I have to say that these villages, after being established, can survive to the present, and have some good treasures in their hands. For example, the willow branches of the green willow village have the power to break evil, and they can be beaten on the undead spirit, which can disperse the vitality of the undead. If the ghost is evil, even the soul will be broken. Very powerful, Luliu Village first encountered the invasion of undead creatures. Only with these willow branches can it be supported.

This broken evil willow branch can be kept alive as long as it is placed in clear water, and it can exert its power to break the evil. It is quite good. Yi Tianxing is priced at five eternal coins.

This is not just to break the evil willow branches and fight undead creatures. It can be tempered into the essence and integrated into the rune paper. In that case, the refined rune is not born with the power to break the evil.

The most important thing is that this willow tree is extraordinary at first glance. The willow branch has strong vitality and can be tried for planting.

There are also other villages that have brought out many rare treasures.

For example, mica ore, blue gold ore and so on are all shocking treasures. They can be taken out, which are quite good treasures. Moreover, it is an article with regeneration means in the village. Some can be planted, and some are veins that can be mined. But in your hands, you ca n’t eat it. Naturally, it is the smartest choice to trade it out.

"A lot of elixir."

Unconsciously, came to the stall in Daqing Village.

Just saw that they put it out. Is a strain of elixir. The elixir is very fresh and looks like it has been picked recently.

Ginseng, Huang Jing, Tongjin grass.

They are carefully placed in front of them.

"These are the medicinal materials cultivated and picked in our Daqing Village. The age of ginseng is at least fifty years. The minimum level of huangshen is more than ten years. There are tongjincao, which can dredge the meridians. magical."

Coming out of Daqing Village is a young girl who looks like a small jasper, with a temperament in her tenderness. Although not very beautiful, the breath exuded on her body can naturally give people a sense of tranquility. All irritability seems to be completely eliminated. To be described in one word, it is pleasant. Get close to life. Like the little girl next door.

Her name is Qing He. Daqing Village was established by her brother.

But she was born with a pair of clever hands, and she likes to plant herbs. She is very fond of elixir and was born with a feeling of being close to those flowers.

"Ginseng is a good thing, especially such fresh ginseng. It is more medicinal, and ginseng is increased by one in ten years. For ten years, ten eternal coins can be given, twenty years, twenty. Four years of thirty years Ten, forty years, eighty. One hundred and sixty for fifty years. Doubled every ten years. The higher the year, the higher the price. Within ten years, you can increase it accordingly. Less."

After groaning slightly, Yi Tianxing made the pricing.

The elixir is like this. The higher the year, the higher the natural value, and the inherent medicinal properties will increase exponentially. The longer it is, the more precious it becomes. This doubling is not an exaggeration.

"Just pricing according to Mayor Yi." Qing He heard, blinked, and then nodded in agreement.

This price is quite fair.

There are five strains of ginseng in 50 years, three strains in 70 years, and one strain in 100 years. There are thirty strains of Huangjing in ten years and ten strains in twenty years. One strain of fifty years. One hundred strains of tongjin grass.

The price for participation is 7,840 eternal coins.

The price of Huang Jing is slightly lower than that of ginseng. Ten years is eight eternal coins. The total price is 528 pieces.

The price of ordinary Tongjin grass is fifty per plant. Add up to five thousand eternal coins.

The total price of these medicinal materials has reached a high amount of 13,368.

After hearing this, the people in Daqing Village couldn't help but cheer on the spot. For such a large sum of money, for Daqing Village now, it's a long time to come. I don't know how strong the joy is in my heart.

The color of joy ~ ~ can't hide at all.

After walking around the city, Yi Tianxing left.

His purpose is only to issue eternal coins. Really use eternal coins. Set the corresponding price. This purpose has now been achieved, and the eternal coins issued before and after have reached an astonishing amount of more than 100,000.

A large part of these eternal coins will return again, enter Xuanhuang Town, and return to Wanbaodian. From now on, this is the currency circulating in Xuanhuang Town.

Once and again, it is circulation.

"The move of the protagonist can be said to play a driving role. Judging from the expressions on the faces of the villages, they love Eternal Coin rather than accept it because of our enforcement. Really like Accept it voluntarily. Trust in the credibility of the currency. "

Huang Chengyan said with joy on his face. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to start () vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read. )

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