Eternal Country

Chapter 312: Rune bomb

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"So powerful destructive power, is this the weapon of war that Lu Shi has been secretly studying. It is really powerful. This destructive power is a deadly threat to any monk in the realm of Shenhai. Even the powerful beasts are exploding. The direct explosion was fragmented. "Huang Chengyan could not help but look dignified. Lu Shi has been studying a powerful weapon of war, and he knows it. But I did not expect it to be so powerful.

"Ice and fire are two mutually opposing forces. Lu Shi can bring the two forces together, and in a short time, there will be no collision. However, once the vibration is touched, the fragile balance inside will be destroyed. Broken, eventually ice and fire staggered, a destructive force broke out, and the force of ice and fire broke out several times, dozens of times. Lu Shi was indeed Lu Shi. "

Hu Bin murmured to himself. He has been following Lu for a long time, and his eyesight is still there. From the explosions that have been issued, it has been speculated that this must be the powerful destructive force that will bring the power of ice and fire together.

It was like thermal expansion and contraction, when they were gathered together, it exploded naturally.

"Awesome, really amazing. I did not expect Xuanhuang Town to have such a powerful weapon. It is no surprise that this is the destructive power of those black **** buried underground. The number of black **** buried underground is It's pretty amazing. Once the entire outbreak, how destructive the damage will be. This is a restricted area. "

The white-faced scholar could not help secretly taking a breath.

Compared with the thunderbolt he knows, the power of this black ball is truly heaven and earth, without any comparability. One by two is not much, but now in the entire surrounding area, such black spheres are buried everywhere.

This undoubtedly completely transformed the nearby area into a death penalty zone.

Once inside, it will be blown into pieces and broken into pieces by the force of ice and fire, or it will be burned to ashes or turned into ice sculptures.

"Amazing, really amazing. The forces of ice and fire collide. These are two opposing extreme forces. The forces generated when they collide will become the purest and most violent destructive forces. Plus the impact of the explosion No wonder even the body of the beast can't be blocked, it will be torn into pieces and torn apart. With this restricted area, it is difficult to get close to Xuanhuang Town. However, there are still flaws in this restricted area.

The middle-aged man surnamed Jia couldn't help squinting his eyes and uttering an admiration.

This scene, for many monks, brought a powerful deterrent. No one can think of it. In Xuanhuang Town's hands, there is such a hole card. No wonder, no one dares to show no weakness in front of the aliens, no wonder dares to provoke the alien beasts.

But if you don't wear this restricted area, the defense of Xuanhuang Town is the copper wall and iron wall.

To go through, it is only filled with life.

Without saying anything else, before going under the city wall, a large number of people will die first.

Pay the price of blood.

This is definitely the most terrifying weapon in war.

"Using Ice Rune and Flame Rune. They are all integrated into the black iron grade spar and refined into a ball, but in the ball, two extreme forces opposing each other will inevitably explode once they touch. On, in this process, the most critical point is to separate the two rune powers. This kind of thing must be extremely fragile, not fragile, cannot be broken, and the force of ice and fire cannot collide, and it cannot be destroyed. Sexual destructive power, and must be able to tolerate the power of ice and fire, will not be frozen by ice, will not be burned by flames, but will be broken in shock. This material is the key to making rune bombs It is impossible to make a rune bomb if it cannot solve this problem. "

When Yi Tianxing saw the ice and fire colliding outside, the inferno battlefield turned into his eyes, and his eyes were cold, showing no mercy or intolerance. A thought naturally came to mind.

After learning about Lu Shi ’s accomplishments in organ mechanics, he watched him continue to make various warfare weapons. At that time, when the light flashed in his heart, he brought up the bomb with him, but the power of the bomb came from gunpowder.

In fact, it is not very difficult to make gunpowder.

However, Yi Tianxing doesn't think that gunpowder can produce great lethality to those powerful beasts. As soon as my heart moves, you will also pay attention to the runes and runes. The power of runes is part of the mighty performance of the laws of heaven and earth. Top runes, if you go together, you can change the world.

Since Fuyu is a means of attack in the hands of monks, why can't runes be used on bombs.

At that time, after discussing with Lu Shi, it was determined that the power of integrating the two runes of ice and fire were brought together. The ice and fire collided and the destructive force erupted was absolutely terrifying. The carrier of Fu Zhi chose to use spar. The instinct in the spar contains the pure vitality of the heavens and the earth. Fu Fu will naturally transform the heaven and earth when it is integrated into it.

At the same time of warming up, the pure vitality contained in it also changes.

Then use special materials to find a way to separate the two runes. Do not let them collide, they will collide only when they are broken. The ice and fire are intertwined, and the heaven and earth vitality contained in the black iron-level spar will be quickly transformed into two kinds of power, giving the power of ice and fire a powerful power source.

However, it has to be said that after contacting the experiment, Lu found that there was nothing that was easy to break, but could withstand the invasion of the force of ice and fire. Once chopped off, a green liquid flows out, which is not drinkable and very bitter, but strangely, the liquid is always kept at a temperature.

Regardless of whether it was burned on fire or cooked, it did not raise its temperature a little bit. But it will decrease. And not afraid of low temperature, no matter how low the temperature, this green liquid will not appear cold.

The temperature is always maintained at a constant temperature.

This is a very amazing plant.

The most important thing is that after a period of time, this liquid will solidify and turn into a green crystal. However, this kind of green crystal is quite fragile. It only needs a little larger vibration to break easily. It looks like thin borneol, even more fragile than borneol.

It was the discovery of this green liquid that made Lu Shi's research a huge breakthrough.

The wafer condensed by this green liquid is incorporated into the crystal, and the force of ice and fire is separated so that the two cannot collide, but the green ice flakes are broken, and the power inside is instantly excited. explosion occurs.

This green rattan is called-Jasper Beauty Rattan in the investigation of the Wordless Book.

Beauty tears, easily broken. Broken heart.

Without such jasper beauty vines, ice and fire rune bombs cannot be produced.

Although this is only a semi-finished product in Lu Shi ’s eyes, its lethality is still horrible. You can't catch it. In Shenhai, there are only a handful of people that can withstand it. It is very rare.

This black ball was named Rune Bomb after discussions between Yi Tianxing and Lu Shi! !!


Obviously, the emergence of such a magical war killer of rune bombs completely shocked everyone, and made the outside beasts and alien forces feel a shock at the same time. I did not expect that the rune bombs would be buried near Xuanhuang Town Such terrible items.

A large number of pioneers in the snake group were instantly under the rune bombs, causing heavy casualties.

It was even terrible.

"Good guy, these human beings are so cunning, they have such things buried underground, but fortunately those poisonous snakes hit the road. Otherwise, we really want the army of our tribe to kill them, and we are the ones with the worst casualties."

Frost Jackal King's eyes and pupils contracted violently, giving birth to a little fear.

Rushing in without knowing it was definitely a terrible disaster.

However, this kind of Xuanhuang Town has made them have a strong intention to kill.

If you continue to give Xuanhuang Town time to develop, it will definitely become a behemoth in the future, and the threat to them will be inestimable.

"Xuanhuang Town must not be given the opportunity to continue to grow. It must be completely killed this time. Otherwise, it will be a strong enemy in the future." A thought emerged in the mind of the two-headed ogre.

Not only him, the Frost Jackal King also had such an idea.

The power revealed by Xuanhuang Zhenzhan has made them feel a little bit of fear. Xuanhuang Town is immortal, and their hearts are disturbed.

Seeing that picture, the green python king also appeared a dread in his eyes.

However, when he saw the huge head hanging on the wall again, his reason was instantly replaced by madness and hatred. Even the rune bomb did not let it flinch.

Roar! !!

A louder growl.

Only to see, a larger group of snakes swept towards Xuanhuang Town like a tide. These poisonous snakes also seem to be driven by an invisible force, or even by the instinct in the blood. This order cannot be resisted at all.

Still fiercely rushed towards the location of the wall.

But ~ ~ the way the charge was launched changed.

Snake swarms are no longer surrounded by swarms from all directions, but directly select an area and push straight across.

Bang Bang! !!

The underground rune bombs were continuously touched, triggered by the vibrations generated when the snakes moved, and they exploded. The destructive force generated by ice and fire continued to force a large number of poisonous snakes into fragments, either frozen or by flames. Incineration.

However, under the supervision of the king of green pythons, the entire snake group did not dare to retreat at all, but rushed forward madly.

Flesh and blood flew from this minefield strewn with rune bombs, using flesh and blood to wade a road 100 meters wide.

It has been found that as long as the location of the rune bomb has been triggered once, there will be no danger again, and this discovery made the Green Python king rush out of a road as soon as possible. Approach the city wall quickly.

Even on the road that passed through the minefield, many venomous snakes were killed by rune bombs, and the number of snake groups is still huge.

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