Eternal Country

Chapter 394: Hellfire

Instead, the power contained in that tail is becoming less and less, constantly weakening, which can destroy the power of heaven and earth. Just in front of the interface of iron blood, it is constantly consumed and weakened. Instead, the iron blood circle is faint. After that, it immediately began to recover. The depressed area was constantly re-restoring, pushing the tail outward.

The Iron Blood Great Wall just shook slightly, and there was no change.

There was no sign of cracking.

This is the Iron Jade. It is also forbidden! !!

This is a ban that belongs to the Iron Blood Great Wall. One of the most powerful capabilities.

You can directly cast the Iron Blood Enchantment at a critical moment. Under the envelope, as long as the Iron Blood Great Wall is not destroyed, the Iron Blood Enchantment cannot be destroyed. The strong defense is a strong card. Wherever you go, it is definitely a defense that cannot be destroyed.

Among them, nature is related to the details of the Iron Blood Great Wall.

In order to support the Jagged Jade Enchantment, the Jang Jie Great Wall must be connected end-to-end, completely connected together and transformed into a city wall. Furthermore, it is the Jeng Jie Great Wall that supports the operation of Jie Jie Enchantment. It is open. With the strength of the engulfed heaven and earth, it is enough to support 24 hours of continuous operation.

However, if attacked, the energy consumed by the Jade Ward will increase sharply while resisting the attack. Once all the energy is exhausted, the iron blood enchantment will naturally be broken. Another method is to forcefully tear the iron blood enchantment. But it needs extremely powerful power, unimaginable power, and then it can be broken. The iron blood enchantment is that the longer and larger the iron blood Great Wall is, the more powerful it is. Defense is even tougher.

Previously, Yi Tianxing devoured the blood of the ferocious beast desperately, and continued to make the Iron Blood Great Wall grow longer and longer, so that the scope of its coverage became larger and larger, just for this moment, for the strength of the Iron Blood Enchantment to be stronger. Tougher.

Now it really comes in handy.

Even Godzilla's attack had no way to break the Jade Ward and was forcibly blocked out of the Ward.

Just for this, the expansion and growth of the Iron Blood Great Wall is valuable.

Moreover, the value is inestimable.

"Blocked, this is a defensive enchantment formed on the Iron Blood Great Wall."

"Iron blood enchantment, okay, I said, how could our Xuanhuang town be destroyed by a beast, and sure enough, the Lord already has a good idea, and he has a strong hole card when he is in danger."

"There is an enchantment, there is no need to be afraid of any fierce beast, kill. Give me a hard shot of these beasts."

On the city wall, witnessing the existence of the iron blood enchantment, a famous man and a common people could not help jumping for joy and excitement. Shouted loudly.

The bow and arrow in his hand, the crossbow, shot wildly outward.

The iron blood enchantment still exists, but the magic is that the attack from the outside falls on the iron blood enchantment and will be directly blocked by the enchantment. The attack that can be issued from the city wall is nothing like this. It doesn't exist the same. Does not affect his own attacks. It's amazing.

expensive! !!

Godzilla's eyes flashed a violent scourge, looking at the scourge of blood in front of him. The eyes were fierce, and originally thought it was just ants, but never thought that a group of ants could resist their attacks For it, it is a provocation. In particular, Beast Soul Dan was also **** in the Iron Blood Realm.

Don't think about it, the tail erected high, and banged madly towards the Jade Ward again.

This blow, the momentum and coercion emanating from it were more terrible and violent than before. There is a torrent of horrendous weather.

boom! !!

The roar that erupted from this attack was even more shocking, and the Jagged Enchantment collapsed again under heavy blows. However, at the same time as the collapse, a force quickly dispersed to each area of ​​the enchantment, which was not there for an instant. The collapsed area began to recover again, forcing the tail back.

Still haven't broken the Jagged Enchantment.

Just on the Iron Blood Great Wall, you can see that the **** light on the Iron Blood Great Wall has become dim, and in the earth, there is a steady stream of heaven and earth vitality flowing into the wall.

expensive! !!

After Godzilla returned without power again, he suddenly became furious. Between the mouths, a roar, a flame with a lava atmosphere, like a long river, was politely swept towards the Iron Blood Great Wall. Everywhere he went, the whole world turned into a sea of ​​fire. In the flames, the smell of lava is passed through, and in this flame, there is destruction, and the terrible rhyme that burns everything.

Even the soul seemed to be shaking in the face of this flame. Feeling fear.

"Fire of Hell !!"

Yi Tianxing's pupils contracted violently, and a voice came out of his mouth.

This flame is truly the legendary flame from hell, the fire of hell. To burn everything, even the soul must be in flames and endure unimaginable pain. Everything under heaven and earth will turn to ashes under the flame. Hellfire's hegemony is the most top spiritual fire in the world.

Swept here, everything where it went, turned into rolling magma, emitting a pungent pungent smell. At a glance, you can feel an evil breath in it.

The fire of **** fell on the iron blood enchantment, and even burned directly on the iron blood enchantment, and spread quickly, covering the entire enchantment.

It can be seen that the **** light on the iron blood enchantment begins to dim at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and the pressure on the enchantment is tremendous.

"Good domineering flames. If you go on like this, you won't be able to stop even the Jade Warrior for a long time. You must find a way to completely kill Godzilla. Otherwise, Jiushou will lose. It is kingship to attack and defend.

After Jia Yin groaned slightly, he said.

"Godzilla, even if it is a predator in prehistoric legends. If you dare to come to my Xuanhuang town, you must leave your life here."

"Yin and Yang cut, Yin and Yang cut out!"

Without any hesitation, a congenital yin and yang magical power has been cast out.

A black-and-white scissor-scissor appeared out of thin air. On this pair of scissors, you can even see with your own eyes that there are mysterious scale textures.

expensive! !!

In the sound of two high-pitched dragons. The yin and yang scissors bloomed in black and white, and instantly turned into a black and white, two dragons, this is the yin and yang dragon, when it appeared, the yin and yang gas rolled, emitting an excited dragon yin, and the yin and yang responded in the void. Staggering through, like a huge pair of scissors, cut towards Godzilla's impolite waist.

This cut can only be seen, a golden dragon-shaped road mark in the void cut through the world.

Mysterious Supernatural Yin-Yang Shear! !!

When Godzilla saw the two black and white dragons, he instinctively felt a powerful threat. Without thinking about it, Zhangkou spit out a fiery hellfire towards the black and white dragons. To burn two dragons directly to ashes. Complete annihilation as nothingness.

However, the speed of the black and white dragon is really too fast.

Even Hellfire couldn't stop it.

Ran across the sea of ​​fire. Appears in front of Godzilla, cuts his waist.

Click! !!

In a crisp sound, you can clearly see that the body that was so tough that it was difficult to be destroyed was cut by a pair of scissors, and a clear wound appeared on the body. Red blood was flowing from the wound. When it fell to the ground, the ground began to burn and turned into magma. Even a drop of blood can ignite a fire.

But even so, when the Yin-Yang Chenlong broke through the Godzilla defense and cut into the body, a destructive terrorist force in Godzilla's body broke the Yin-Yang Chenlong forcibly.

Puff puff! !!

It can be seen that on the wound, a bright divine light blooms. This divine light contains amazing power, endless, and destroys everything.

brush! !!

Godzilla's mouth suddenly dissipated the flame, but immediately afterwards, it was seen that a laser-like ray, Divine Light, was directly ejected from his mouth. There was a devastating breath in that divine light.

Into substance.

It is impossible to describe how fast this light of God is, almost blinking, and has already bombarded the Jade Ward.

Rumble! !!

On the Jiejiejiejie, the blood light keeps flickering, but it can be seen that the **** light is dissipating at a speed that is visible to the naked eye ~ ~ 噗噗 噗! !!

Moreover, not only that, you can immediately see that Godzilla's back has only a few layers of divine light on the dorsal fin, without any warning, followed by the destruction of the divine light like lightning. Out, rushing into the void.

In the void, a large number of venomous birds did not have even a trace of resistance, so they were penetrated by the **** light, torn into pieces, and killed on the spot. After that, the body was cut and torn apart.

Click! !!

Godzilla's body turned, and the light of destruction shot from the back of his back, turned instantly, and bombarded the iron blood enchantment.

Each can penetrate the heavens and the earth, breaking down the peaks.

"Look to death, Yin Yang mirror !!!"

Yi Tianxing's face changed, and it was clear that the power in the Jade Ward was rapidly being consumed, and the blood on the entire Jade Blood Great Wall was dim rapidly. The city walls were constantly shaking, and faintly, there was a crackling sound echoing.

A black and white ancient mirror emerged instantly.

Black and white.

Black and white change.

I only saw that in the yin and yang mirror, a black divine light shot out like a practise. Shine towards Godzilla.

Shenguang's speed is extremely fast. With Godzilla's size, he can't avoid it. He was blinded by the light of God.

The power of Yin Yang mirror is almost irresistible.

The yin and yang mirror that has been transformed into a mysterious supernatural power has great power. Once it is illuminated, let alone the Shenhai realm, even the monks of the Mingtu realm will die. This is a direct attack on the soul.

boom! !!

Godzilla was under the light of the yin and yang mirror, but seemed to be unaffected. His tail was erected, and a destructive ray of light was shot from the tail and blasted into the yin and yang mirror. The violent destruction force directly shattered the yin and yang mirror in the air. (To be continued ...) r

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