Eternal Country

Chapter 410: Popular opinion

Such a sum of supplies is absolutely amazing. This is not a batch, but it is delivered directly to everyone's hands, and it is every common people. This adds up, but it is not a small number. You know, a pound of mixed rice can support a day even if you eat it openly. Even if your appetite is big, fifty pounds of mixed rice can support more than one month. If you save a bit of food and boil rice porridge, let alone a month, even the past two or three months can support.

There are also five pounds of fierce beast meat, which, when eaten, can strengthen the body. Eating it is undoubtedly a big supplement. This kind of fierce beast meat is very expensive. Usually only the middle and high-level villagers can eat it.

There is also a cloth. This piece of cloth is definitely not small. It should be possible to cut out a decent new dress.

Food, clothing and housing are inseparable.

This takes up food and clothing.

Such a must-have material, if you change Baiyang Village yourself, you can make the inventory in Baiyang Village wipe out. It may not even be enough. This is amazing. Especially in this troubled world, even more so.

Suitable for planting various kinds of rice and grain. At present, only Xuanhuang Town has the ability to plant large-scale. Other villages, even after they have stabilized, are only planting a small part, and they need to be guarded at all times to prevent damage. It can only be planted in small batches, and it is not enough to eat alone. It is impossible to satisfy everyone. This still needs to be planted in the village.

Once planted outside, it is 100% before it is harvested, and it will be destroyed.

Only Xuanhuang Town can produce large quantities of grain in a steady stream.

The benefits of falling from the sky made Bai Hai and Bai Lang's faces look joyful and shocked.

"Baiyang Village mayor Baiyang thanked the sacred hand of the head of Yiren Town. I naturally remembered this kind act up and down Baiyang Village. Open the gate and let all the people go to collect their own supplies." A middle-aged man in a white robe walked up to the city wall. The man, looking like a jade, exuded a sense of elegance. There is a majestic presence on his body.

This is the momentum that is often cultivated naturally after taking power.

Majesty is dependent, and pretending is impossible.

Only when the master has too much power and is in charge of one party's soil and water can he develop a sense of character.

"It was Baiyang Taoyou."

Wu Yong smiled and nodded, and said.

After a few chills, there was no other action, and the gate was opened.

A citizen named Baiyang Village came out along the city gate, with hope and expectation on his face.

It can be seen that the faces of these people also have a pale color, not to mention the yellow muscles above, but they can also see that there should not be many when they can eat.

"Come, come, come, come here to register and pick up supplies,"

Immediately, someone started to greet, and this was followed by the people in the Temple of Man. Delivery of supplies.

Use space bags and storage bags to hold them. Although there is not much space in each space bag, there are a lot of them. In the past, Yi Tianxing had harvested storage bags and dimension bags at the First Budo World Conference, which were hundreds or thousands.

Taken together, the amount of materials carried in one performance can be said to be quite amazing.

Someone took out the storage bag directly, and after opening, a large amount of materials appeared in front of him.

Bags of mixed rice, a large batch of fresh fierce beast meat. There are batches of cloth.

The first people stepped forward quickly.

"My name is Liu Sangou. Can I really get food and cloth here?" A man approached with some restraint and asked.

"Okay, register here, and then you can pick up the supplies." Wu Yong said with a smile.


Liu Sangou heard and nodded in agreement.

Followed, followed the procedure, and immediately after registration, a material was delivered to him in no accident, a small bag of rice, a piece of fresh beast meat, and a piece of cloth enough to be cut into a garment. When he received these supplies, he also felt like dreaming.

It feels a bit unreal.

But holding the rice, the cloth's hand was steady, and he didn't want to let go.

This thing will not be experienced by people who have not been hungry.

"I can really receive supplies, food, and feral beasts. The head of Xuanhuang Town is really a virtue."

"Yeah, I heard a long time ago that Xuanhuang Town is the best place for people to congregate in this area. I do n’t know how many people yearn for it. According to legend, everyone in the town can practice it. There is also a Tibetan scripture pavilion, where anyone can go in and choose the skills and techniques of combat. Become a monk, I don't know how many people are envious of death. "

"Great, my clothes should have been changed for a long time, and they are almost torn and shabby, but do n’t talk about clothes now, you ca n’t even make a piece of cloth. This time you can make a new dress. Even if it ’s dead, It's decent. "

"Xuanhuang Zhen really did a good deed. If we can also join Xuanhuang Zhen, then we can all become monks, everyone is a strong man, and we can go out and fight against those beasts. Watching. "

A common people continued to collect materials in accordance with the process.

While receiving the supplies, his face showed joy.

At the moment, on the wall, Bai Yang and others had disappeared. Has returned to the village chief's residence.

This is also the residence of the Bai family. It is called Baifu.

In the White House, inside the Chamber.

Bai Yangduan sat in the first place. Below is Bai Hai, Bai Lang, and a young girl with a petite stature but good looks.

At this moment, in the hall, the atmosphere was obviously dignified.

"Second brother, Langer, this time you are miscalculated. When one party from Xuanhuang Town offered to donate materials, you should export and accept them, or even try to get the materials into your hands first. In any case, you cannot let them personally. Distributing supplies. At this point, I am afraid that the people in Baiyang Village will disperse, and this team will not be able to bring them in the future. "

Bai Yang said solemnly.

"I heard that Xuanhuang Zhen was willing to give such a large amount of supplies, but I didn't think so much, I just wanted to get a large amount of supplies, my head was blinded, and it was too late to change my mouth." Bai Hai was bitter Said.

"Dad, it's not good to get such a large amount of supplies."

Bai Xiaoyu said with a hint of surprise.

"It is naturally a good thing to have a large number of goods in their hands. It is also a good thing for the entire Baiyang Village. It can greatly alleviate the various needs in the village, and even in a month, we do not need us to take care of their food. One month China will also allow us to accumulate a lot of information in our village and complete more buildings. It will become stronger. But the majority of the people in our Baiyang Village have lost their hearts. "

Bai Yang smiled bitterly.

Who distributed this material is the most fundamental difference. If given to Baiyang Village, fell into Baiyang's hands, and was distributed by the Bai family, no doubt, most of this reputation could also fall on Bai family. But now it is distributed directly by Xuanhuang Town. This reputation, and even the people's hearts, has fallen on Xuanhuang Town. The people's hearts have dispersed, so this team is naturally not good enough.

One by one to Xuanhuang Town, where is the Baiyang Village.

To put it plainly, this is buying people's hearts.

Especially in troubled times, nothing can buy people's hearts more than food. In particular, people's hearts now are extremely impetuous, and even a little wave may cause stormy seas. If the people's hearts are turned back, that power will be difficult to maintain.

"Then we can't stop it."

Bai Xiaoyu hesitated and said.

"It ca n’t be stopped. Xuanhuang Town has spread the word towards the entire Baiyang Village. Everyone heard it clearly. Now it ’s okay for them to get supplies. If it is stopped directly, it is tantamount to robbing the villagers Food. This is undoubtedly making the people in the village hostile to our Bai family. Accumulation of dissatisfaction will erupt in the future, which is a big mess. "

Bai Yang shook his head and said.

In fact, if it were possible, he would never be willing to let Xuanhuang Town distribute the supplies directly to the people in the village. This is simply giving up your foundation to others. Watching the other person wave his **** and dug into the corner. Can't stop it yet.

There is a record in the ancient wild history ~ ~ that is the Ming Dynasty, Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang and the world's richest man Shen Wansan were close friends, just in the early days of the Ming Dynasty.

Ming Dynasty ancestor Zhu Yuanzhang, the capital of Jinling, once summoned Shen Wansan and ordered him to donate thousands of platinum ingots and 100 kilograms of gold. When building the outer city of Nanjing, at the time when the treasury was scarce, Shen Wansan relied on his wealth and expressed his willingness to meet the court half After the construction and construction of the project started at the same time, the emperor Shen Wansan completed the construction and annoyed the emperor Zhu. Shen Wansan was still unfamiliar and applied for a reward of one or two silvers per person in the national army, for a total of nearly one million two.

Eventually caused the scourge of breaking the house.


This is simple, Shen Wansan crossed the border.

Building a city wall is a matter for the court and rewarding the army is a means of grace for the emperor. It is the right of the emperor. A businessman dares to make a private reward, what is it to do, and treat the army as his Shen family?

It is the emperor who is qualified to do things that buy people's hearts.

You, a businessman, buy people's hearts, what do you want to do, rebel?

Under such circumstances, if Shen Wansan is not dead, who will die.

Not to mention Zhu Yuanzhang, it is impossible to remain indifferent if any emperor is changed. This is the authority of the emperor. He did not die and opened this head. Then the whole world should not be chaotic on the spot.

Now, Xuanhuang Town's behavior is the same as that of Shen Wansan, but the results obtained are completely opposite.

Why, not because of strength. Only when you have the strength can you do it.

This is a clear conspiracy, which is on the bright side. Even if it is known, it cannot be stopped. This is the general trend.

Even if he knew that Xuanhuangzhen was buying people's hearts, he didn't dare to do anything. Thousands of soldiers and soldiers were outside, and the people in the village were ecstatic and wanted to stop them. How could that be.

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