Eternal Country

Chapter 430: Green forest

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Of course, this is also importantly related to the core of space in the teleportation array.

Void Crystal is the most advanced space treasure. Naturally, it has the ability to become the hub of all teleport arrays. It can be used as a hub to connect all surrounding teleport coordinates. Even any tele array has the ability to open and close teleport coordinates. But with Void Crystal as the core, even if the coordinates of the opposite teleportation array have been closed, they can forcibly get through and teleport by their own strength.

Unless the opposing teleportation array is directly destroyed, the power of the Void Crystal cannot be avoided.

This is a secret of strategic level.

It is absolutely impossible for other teleportation arrays to have this powerful ability as long as there is no space treasure like Void Crystal. The core of the general teleportation array is centered on space gems such as Yunkong Stone and Tianya Xuanjing.

Although there is not much space for such treasures, it is not necessarily too difficult to find.

There are some reserves in Xuanhuang City.

"It is also annoying that division Lulu continues to refine new teleportation formations. Only by placing these teleportation formations in villages everywhere can villages and people within a mile-long radius be thoroughly connected and have sufficient strength to deal with various Dangerous, quickly transport our army of Xuanhuang City to any village and build a complete human territory. "

After Yi Tianxing tried it himself, he was also very satisfied with the teleportation array in front of him. It is already the limit that Xuanhuang City can do at this time. The study of runes is in a stage where it is just emerging.

"The prince is assured that the first teleportation array has been successfully refined, and it is easy to continue refining. The teleportation array can be directly reduced and enlarged. After the next refining is successful, you can directly use the universal printer to transfer the array Keep printing. As long as there are enough materials, it can be easily done no matter how many seats are printed. It can be laid in any village in the shortest time. "

Lu Shi said confidently.

The teleportation platform, after refining successfully, is no different from the magic weapon.

Of course, you can also print directly.

I don't know how much effort is saved.

"Well, though, universal printers are good, but they ca n’t be too dependent. Any craftsmanship can make perfect, keep refining and trying to promote the rapid growth of your own skills. The quality of the items printed by universal printers is only the most ordinary Level, in order to produce fine products, we also need to rely on our own monks to make their own, study skills, and understand the laws of heaven and earth. "

Although Yi Tianxing does not oppose the use of universal printers, it does not advocate the use of universal printers for anything.

Such items can bring endless convenience and excessive reliance, but they will become inert, without forward momentum, and cause cowardice. This is not what he wants to see.

He also hopes to see that in Xuanhuang City, there will be a lot of flowers in the future. Various skills will bloom more brilliantly, and it will be able to make fine products and superb products. True top notch. Not something like an assembly line.

Of course, it is naturally no problem to use a universal printer for war weapons.

In today's troubled world, everything is based on its own strength. Others can temporarily give up some.

"Well, I will pay more attention."

Lu Shi nodded secretly when he heard it.

There was also a hint of vigilance in my heart.

Secretly, I didn't expect that I would develop such inertia, which is not possible, it is too dangerous.

It is the most important to continuously study and improve your own skills. No matter how powerful a universal printer is, it can only be used as an auxiliary tool.

After trying the teleportation array is indeed available.

Everyone followed.

Three days later, the second teleportation platform was refined. Later, you can quickly print more transfer arrays with a universal printer. Without hesitation, the army was dispatched as soon as possible to attach the teleportation platform to villages everywhere.

brush! !!

In Xuanhuang City, the teleportation platform standing in the middle of the square flashed silver and white, and the runes on the teleportation platform naturally flickered, followed immediately, and saw it. Teams of soldiers quickly emerged from the conveyor. This is a soldier who sent a teleportation platform to major villages. The first group attempted to teleport, and returned to Xuanhuang City within a short time from the distance of the inter-domain space in the teleportation array.

Behind them was a common man, who came in and out of the teleportation array one after another.

The clothes and temperament of these people are very different from those of Xuanhuang City.

But it can be seen that the look is full of curiosity and excitement.

"It's incredible. Is this the legendary Xuanhuang City? This teleportation array is so amazing that it can reach Xuanhuang City from hundreds of thousands and thousands of miles away in no time. It is a magic weapon in the hands of the immortals."

"It's amazing. Before, I didn't dare to leave the village. I was afraid that there would be fierce beasts outside. Monsters suddenly came out. Now that I have a teleportation array, I don't need to be afraid. I can easily go to other places. It's great."

"This is Xuanhuang City. So big, what are these, so big trees, so high towers. So many people. It's a little more prosperous than the busiest city I've seen before."

"I want to go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to learn Gongfa combat skills. However, I heard that I must first go to the Tianji Hall to pick up the celestial membership card and obtain identification before I can go to select the Gongfa combat skills."

The faces of these people were curious.

When I look at things around me, I am curious and interested in everything.

Those who followed also had people from the village Central Plains who had already been to Xuanhuang City. They were familiar with many things. Some people led them to go through various formalities, and then acquired skills and techniques. They stayed in the city for three days. Days later returned to the original village.

In the process, you can stroll around. If you see something you like, you can buy it as long as you have money.

After the transmission array was opened, the flashing light on the transmission array almost never stopped.

The people in the surrounding villages continuously transmitted to Xuanhuang City.

There are hardly any pauses.

This is still the major villages have been extremely restrained, limiting the number of people who go to Xuanhuang City every day.

Otherwise, there will be more.

The arrival of many people has made Xuanhuang City more lively.

The first thing these people did was to go to the Temple of Heaven to receive a card for registration and register, but the household registration registered on it was the location of their village. Others are no different from the people of Xuanhuang City, their rights and status are the same.


Time passed quietly again. In a blink of an eye, another three months passed. The time has come to the eternal calendar for two years and July.

With the opening of the Teleportation Array, all village transactions have become extremely secure.

Similarly, the development of major villages has directly entered the fast lane. Various facilities are being built at a rapid speed, and at the same time, the food and clothing are solved, and the housing problem is solved. The same goes for privatization. The former owner of the village became the manager.

Statistics population.

There are 72 villages in the surrounding villages. In each village, there are tens of thousands of people, even close to 100,000, and few thousands or tens of thousands. Add up. For the people in Xuanhuang City who have reached no less than 700,000, the total population has reached an astonishing number of 2.2 million.

To a certain extent, it is extremely amazing.

Of course, this is definitely a tenfold, even a thousandfold reduction in the number of people who originally came within this 10,000-mile radius. The number of advents is not only millions, even hundreds of millions, hundreds of millions of people. Even more, I don't know how many died in the hands of ferocious beasts, aliens, and many hiding in the wilderness, still struggling to survive, facing various miserable situations, facing death every day.

On this day, Yi Tianxing appeared in the main hall of the city, in the chamber.

After being promoted to Xuanhuang City, some discussions were finalized, and discussions were held every three days. Some things that cannot be decided will be discussed at this time, and will eventually be resolved.

Today is the time for discussion.

Standing inside it is an important figure in Xuanhuang City ~ ~ Huang Chengyan said: "The Mayor of Baiyang Village Baiyang sent his son Bailang to raise the village. According to the survey, Baiyang Village has a population of more than 35,000 Now, various facilities have been completed and the private ownership has been converted. It meets various requirements for promotion. However, if there will be tests during promotion, the strength of Baiyang Village will still have risks. "

"Allow Baiyang Village to be promoted to Baiyang Town. Ordered Wang Dahu to lead a 30,000 army, plus Yang Yanping to transfer a ten thousand **** machine camp. Go to Baiyang Village to help defend against the disaster that will occur during the promotion. Mr. Wu will follow the army."

After Yi Tianxing groaned slightly, he made arrangements directly.

"Master, in Xuanhuang City, there are now an increasing number of Ranger loyalty people. As practitioners, you have a strong temperament, and are prone to breed troubles in the city. Although everyone cherishes the current life, the temperament and temperament are different. Recently, Some bad tips have already begun to appear. Now it's just an argument, and maybe it will become a big fight in the future. Resentment is born. "

Zhang Yue said.

"I also know some of these people. Most of them were people in the rivers and lakes before, but also some green forest characters. Their own temperament has a kind of banditry because of the experience of the original world. . However, in this way, I think that it is entirely possible to use force to guide. As long as the guidance is good, it may not be possible to turn disadvantages into advantages. "

Jia Yue said suddenly.

"Oh, I don't know what opinion the military division has."

Even if most of the time in the hidden training, Yi Tianxing still knows the situation in Xuanhuang City. It is naturally clear that the existence of these people is an unstable factor for the people in the city. just. It is not easy for these people to bully the people in the city. Everyone here is a monk. Everyone is bloody. Whoever dares to bully will explode.

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