Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 478: Song of the Green Emperor

The Green Emperor took a deep breath, his eyes blurred, with excitement in the blurred. With an inexplicable excitement.

"Today, I'm going to sing a divine song carefully created by the emperor-" The Song of the Green Emperor ". I hope that everyone can find themselves in the song, see hope, see the future. Please listen and listen.

"Ah ... oh !!"

As soon as the Green Emperor opened his mouth, he began to show his throat. The sharp voice slashed through the sky like a sharp sword, as if howling from a **** ghost, and as if from the magic sound of Jiuyou. Pierce the void and penetrate everything. Can pierce the eardrum. Penetrate directly into the mind. The whole spirit blood was shaking. It's shaking.

"What, is this a song, it's harsh, it's ugly."

When the alien face turned black, he reached out and hugged his head, making an angry roar.

An expression of anxiety that he can't wait to shoot the Green Emperor directly.

Before I heard the Green Emperor say that he wanted to sing, in fact, there are still many aliens who concentrate their minds and are prepared to listen carefully to what a dog can sing. Unexpectedly, this terrible magic sound appeared. All at once. Feeling bad for the whole person. The mind is completely broken.

"It's a terrible voice. This daring voice also dares to sing, and dare to say that I am a singer, an artist. It's dirty my ears. It's too bad. Such a bad song can just kill someone.

There are strange eyes in the eyes of strangers.

That feeling is simply worse than death.

The Green Emperor was already quite uncomfortable when he spoke. The words that he sang, and the words that he uttered, contained the fluctuation of the rhythm. In constant vibration, it has unparalleled penetration. Can penetrate the defense of the soul. It's like waves in the sea, wave after wave, this feeling, pain deep into the soul.

A lot of people felt that the whole body had begun to crumble at the moment when Green Emperor spoke. There is always the illusion of fainting.

"Hurry up, kill this dog, don't let it speak again. Don't let it sing again."

There were crazy roars from aliens.

The werewolves guarded in front of the city gate felt the sound of magic sounds, and they didn't need to urge them. They saw that the werewolves were black, waving their swords angrily, and slaughtered towards the green emperor. Before, it was slashed to death with one stroke.

She looked extremely embarrassed.

"Master Green King turned back and scared a cow by the river, a cow !!!"

The Green Emperor suddenly looked back and sang a song. In that song, I don't know what power it contains.

The moment he saw the Green Emperor turning his head, and the moment he heard the Green Emperor's singing, he immediately saw that on the wall, a Tauren closed his eyes and fell to the ground. Unconscious, and his limbs were convulsing constantly. Foaming in the mouth. In fainting, they are suffering terrible pain.

puff! !!

At the moment when the Green Emperor turned back, a few werewolves felt thundered, and the horrible magic sound had penetrated into their minds. The closest they were, the more shock they suffered.

Not to mention falling directly to the ground, a spurt of reverse blood was also spotted on the spot.

"What a hell, look at the Tauren, it's a big drop. But why are the Tauren down?"

Many aliens' faces were shocked, and they couldn't help taking a breath. I feel that the whole person is not good. The magic sound directly penetrates the eardrum. It is especially terrible that a large number of tauren fell down in the singing. One by one, all twitching.

It looks the same as having mad cow disease.

It looks terrible.

"Lord Green King turned back, the water of the Yangtze River turned back!"

The Green Emperor turned his head, but immediately turned around again. At the same time, there was a loud singing voice in the mouth.

puff! !!

This time, we can see that there are more terrible accidents on the city wall. Opening a mouthful of reverse blood, they fell to the ground.

When I heard the song, not only the soul was shaking, but I also felt that there was a mysterious power in the song that reversed the true energy in the body and allowed the blood in the body to flow back. That picture is truly terrifying. Ah, many aliens fell directly to the ground, unconscious. The body is also instinctively twitching.

"Magic sound, magic sound, this is magic sound."

"Help, help, I don't listen, I don't listen to this dog singing, my ears, my ears are deaf."

There were screams of screams in Rock City.

I just feel that my body and mind are shaking, shaking from my soul.

"Master Green King turned around for three times, Feisha walked away from the stone ghost!"

The Green Emperor was intoxicated and looked back to the Rock City for the third time again, looking for a conscience, and sang the third sentence in his mouth.

"No, magic sounds. I have hallucinations. I feel like I'm in the purgatory of flying sand and stones. I see countless sharp ghosts rushing at me, and I'm dead."

"I saw the yellow sand, I saw the dark clouds. Who came to save me."

Some aliens felt dark in front of them, as if they were in a ghost walking on the sand and stones, and their bodies suffered a terrible attack. Then they fell to the ground, spit foam and bleed. His eyes were closed tightly and he became completely ignorant of personnel.

Another big pour was poured.

In the whole Rock City, there was a gloomy cloud.

Mourning continued.

"Don't sing anymore, who can stop him, I will pay Zhu Guo as a reward." Some aliens shouted. The whole body, already crumbling in the magic sound, seemed to fall at any time. His face was pale and cold sweat dripped from his head.

"Master Green Lord turned around four times, and the sea **** stone dragon looked up!"

The Green Emperor looked back, singing loudly.

puff! !!

Many aliens only feel that terrible pictures emerge in their minds, the sea is dry, the rocks are turned into powder, and a real dragon runs up. Moreover, I immediately felt that in the sea of ​​God in my body, the Qi was dried up, the body was dried up, my mind was severely damaged, blood was sprayed, and it fell to the ground. Anxious to plug all ears.

It is conceivable how terrible the Green Emperor's singing is.

"My soul is sublimated."

An old fox-human tribe murmured, followed by closing his eyes, and fell straight to the ground. His soul has really sublimated.

"A scourge, this is a scourge."

There was a roar of aliens.

Looking at the emperor's eyes, it was almost a fire. The anger in my heart could not be covered.

"Master Green Lord turned around five times, and the sky broke!"

The green emperor turned his head for the fifth time, and the singing became louder and louder. Penetrating the void, tearing the sky. It looks terrible. Extremely weird.

Bang Bang! !!

This time, not only did the aliens squirt blood, the spurting blood also carried ice cubes. When he fell to the ground, his body was shaking, his face was frosty, like a corpse dug out of ice and snow.

I really feel like the sky is falling and I'm in the endless cold.

The whole rock city was bleak.


Not far away, on a hill.

Yi Tianxing and Jia Yi were standing on it, the army was neatly guarded around, and at the same time, they looked at Rock City, and the voice of the Green Emperor could be heard even across dozens of miles. However, that power will be much smaller and still within range. Even so, to a little bit, I feel uncomfortable and want to vomit.

"The Green Emperor started to sing. It's still" The Song of the Green Emperor ", and I now feel sad for those aliens in Rock City. When I first heard this song, I vomited for three days and three nights, with anger Venus, after listening to only two sentences, was stopped by his wife's piano sound. These aliens could hear the fifth sentence with interest. It ’s amazing. "

Yang Yanping looked admirably in the Rock City.

Even though he could only hear a little bit now, he felt sick.

This is the sequel to the song of the emperor.

"Someone wants money to sing, and the green emperor sings ... It's terrible. Even Jiamou doesn't want to hear it a second time." Jia Yan's face also showed a trace of fear. God knows how he felt when he heard the song of the Green Emperor, especially when he was eating noodles, and sprayed out on the spot, his face was sprayed directly from his nose. At that moment, Jia Yue was afraid to think about it now.

It's really a nightmare.

"However, letting the Green Emperor sing to others, I think, this is more effective than any magic weapon. Immediate."

Jia Yi fully agreed with the Green Emperor's intention to harm others.

"The Song of the Green Emperor? Interesting, as long as you don't sing it casually and place it elsewhere, maybe it can also play the role of an amazing soldier. The song of the Green Emperor has an evil nature. Like magic sounds filling ears, illusions are crowded. "

Yi Tianxing forcibly suppressed the nausea and uncomfortable in his body, and couldn't help groaning secretly.

In a way, the singing of the Green Emperor is a big killer. Moreover, with a kind of evil nature, this should be related to the green emperor's monstrous bad luck. Maybe, to a certain extent, it can play the role of articulation and simulating everything with singing.

That would be pretty scary.

The singing of the green emperor is enough for the aliens in Rock City to drink a pot.

Be regarded as retribution for the previous things.

Huh! !!

At this moment, I only heard that there was a blast of drums of war in the Rock City without warning.

The sound of the drum, vast and trembling, shook the sky. Vaguely, like a thunder, once the appearance, it is necessary to suppress the Green Emperor's singing. Directly disturb the Green Emperor's singing. rhythm. Suppress the song.

To fight sound waves with sound waves ~ ~ you can see that on the city wall, a tauren was holding a drumstick frantically and beating on a dark war drum. The drums of war were trembling.

"Well, is this to accompany the emperor. Great, I feel more excited. My inspiration is gushing like a tide. My passion for singing is as hot as a volcano."

When the Green Emperor heard the drums of war, not only was he not afraid, he became more excited.

The singer cells in the body are boiling.

Turned around without hesitation, singing loudly.

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