Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 490: firefly

[The third one is delivered. This is what I owed last month. I still owe a chapter, so I have time to pay it back. Bi %% www www.biqu seeking a guaranteed monthly pass. 】

Fuyu is the embodiment of magical powers. Even if it is just magic, it is not as powerful as magical powers, but it allows all monks to cultivate and exert their corresponding power. One Fuluo is a magical power.

Thousands of Fuyu shelled out.

Dense like rain.

Various spells erupted in an instant and bombarded the insect cloud like a tide.

Countless insects screamed under the attack of Fuyu, falling like raindrops from the insect cloud, falling towards the ground, and dying. That scene seemed very scary.

It seemed as if hail was falling in the sky.

"Easy to use, it's too expensive. This is the yellow rune. You need two eternal coins. It's all money. But why do I feel like I want to blow the rune out? It feels great. "

"No matter what, after the suppression of the Zerg, we will go to the Terran. This time, if we do n’t buy it, I will grab the Terran. It is too rich. These good things can only play a real role in our hands. "

Some aliens secretly feel heartache, and naturally have bad thoughts in their minds.

It hurts with money, but if you rob, it wo n’t hurt at all.

However, is Terran really so easy to grab?

There is an idea in the minds of aliens. I have witnessed the popularity in the mutual market with my own eyes. I have personally felt the power of the weapon in my hand. Even a fool would not think that the human race is the original object that can be bullied at will. Thinking about it that way is not a human race change. Be a fool, but become a fool yourself, an idiot. But they are more confident in their strength.

No matter how powerful these weapons are, they are just foreign objects. They believe that with their own strength, in the human race, they can absolutely be invincible and push invincible.

"With our weapons, the combat effectiveness of these alien races has really increased. The attack power of crossbow arrows against these bugs has wonderful effects, too many, and can be easily hit without firing. The Divine Crossbow is most suitable for today's battlefields. But The crossbow they bought may not be supported for too long. "

Jia Xuan said Lu Qiguang.

Divine crossbow hits money and consumes. In exchange for the enemy's casualties.

"Master, I suggest that you should prepare more crossbows and runes in the city. As long as the reserve of crossbow arrows in Rock City is exhausted, and you want to kill insects on a large scale, you need to buy arrows from us. Such a sale can be profitable. Constantly create benefits. "

Xue Jin began to suggest.

What makes the most money is the arms dealer in the war years. Such benefits are the same as stealing money. Make as much money as you can. Even if it's not so fast to grab money, the money of foreigners does not make money.

No matter how much money is earned, there is no psychological burden.

"Don't worry, there is also a universal printer. These conventional materials are as much as you want. The problem now is that facing the cloud of clouds, Rock City may not be able to stop it."

Yi Tianxing's eyes narrowed slightly.

The insects in the insect cloud are not just killer bees, vampire mosquitoes. There are all kinds of unnamed bugs. Strangely shaped, it makes people feel secretly chilling.

Obviously, the insects in the insect cloud are not really without wisdom, and even they are under invisible control.

Behind the swarm, there must be a powerful intelligent Zerg control.

After seeing the killer bee unable to break the sky, he suddenly saw that in the cloud of insects, a group of strange bugs flew without warning.

The worms seemed to have the size of a lantern. The most important thing was that on their butt, they flickered and glowed. In the dark, it was just a beacon. If you look closely, you will find that this bug is actually very similar to a firefly, and it is almost an enlarged look. But obviously, this is definitely not an ordinary firefly.

It must have strange abilities in itself.

As soon as these fireflies appeared, they immediately flew towards the water curtain Tianhua with fearless momentum.

Not to mention, they are fast, flying, and erratic, making it difficult for them to capture their flight trajectories, left and right, seemingly arbitrary, so there is no law at all.

This kind of flight trajectory made them very easy to avoid from the crossbow and quickly came to the water curtain Tianhua.

"No, these bugs are weird and you can't keep them close to the sky."

"Shoot them, shoot them, don't let them approach."

On the city wall, many aliens reacted immediately, feeling instinctively that these bugs were weird, and did not want to let them approach.


I only saw an extremely handsome handsome elf holding a staff in his hand and waving to the outside. Suddenly, a strong wind formed in front of him. In the strong wind, there were sharp blades.

Spell-Stormy Blade! !!

Once covered by the wind, it will be strangled instantly by the wind blade contained in the wind, chopped into countless fragments.

Spell coverage is huge.

Even if the firefly flies strangely, there is no way to completely avoid it, and immediately cover several fireflies under the wind.

Click! !!

The fireflies were easily chopped into several sections by the wind blade in the wind. At a glance, it was shocking.

Rumble! !!

But then, a terrible picture appeared.

I only saw that the fireflies that were killed, the part of the body that was flashing with lights, burst into a dazzling divine light, followed by a violent breath soaring, and exploded suddenly, countless divine lights were continuously shooting towards the surroundings Everywhere I go, it seems that everything will be wiped out in that strange light. Vanished. Like the brightest fireworks.

However, it covers the area of ​​more than ten meters.

There are worms near this area, and the body is instantly penetrated by the light and immediately annihilated into nothingness, leaving no residue. It's terrible.

Huh! !!

This picture fell in the eyes of the aliens on the city wall. Many aliens couldn't help taking a breath on the spot, and clearly felt the terrible power.

"What worm can erupt such terrible destructive power, the light is so terrible, full of destructiveness, destroys everything, once it falls on the body, it can annihilate the body directly. It's overbearing."

"It is said that there is a large-scale war killer in the human race, called a rune bomb. Once touched, it will explode with a terrible destructive force. It also has the power to exterminate everything. It looks like these bugs, these bugs. It should have the same power. "

"You can't let these bugs approach. Once they approach, the sky can be completely blown away. It will be bad at that time. There is no defense. Directly facing the bug, even if it is resisted, there will be huge damage."

There was a big change in the face of an alien race, and the thought of the purpose of these insects rushing through, it was possible to directly blast the water curtain. Break defense. Another attack was launched and frontal assassination.

Willfully stop.

Unfortunately, time is too late, and the speed of those fireflies is not slow. In this moment, they have come to the sky.

Fireflies slammed into the sky, and behind them, the glowing parts also showed unprecedented bright light, like a dazzling little sun, crashed into the sky.

"No, no !!!!"

"Come on, kill them."

The alien monk roared, and his face was terrified.

Rumble! !!

A loud roar sounded one after another,

The fireflies did not hesitate to make a self-explosive action, hit the sky, followed by a small sun hitting it, the horrible rays collided with the sky, for a time, only saw the dark blue light It is rolling like a tide, but in the presence of these little suns, even the dark blue light, is torn by the naked eye at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and in the strange annihilation light, there are crickets.

"Water curtain Tianhua was broken."

"Kill, don't let the bugs come in."

The face of the alien race changed greatly, witnessing the sky torn apart with his own eyes, and a horror of fear could not be born in his heart. Even the sky could not withstand the self-detonation of these fireflies. If they were under the self-detonation, would they not be easily annihilated in the light. Vanished. Disappeared completely.

The more so, the more afraid to let the worms approach.

Huh! !!

Dense crossbow arrows turned into arrow rain, blasting wildly towards a large number of insects, those insects that were about to rush in along the entrance of the cave, fell in large numbers. Various runes and spells bombarded the past like tides.

It can be seen that the hole opened in the sky is healing and repairing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the hole is constantly shrinking. Once it is completely reduced, it will return to its original state.


"It's a bee needle. It's very toxic."

But the entrance did not disappear, and deadly danger had swept through.

Each bee needle shuttled along the hole like a lightning, and passed toward the alien hole on the wall.

The speed was extremely fast, and many aliens were pierced on the spot.

While screaming, a dark layer of black gas appeared on his face immediately. His face was dark. With his eyes closed, black blood spewed from his mouth. Falling to the ground, killed on the spot. All vitality in the body vanishes into nothingness.

The toxicity of this bee needle ~ ~ is very violent.

It was so fierce that even the monks couldn't resist, and died instantly.

brush! !!

Fortunately, the hole has been completely repaired in a moment, and the blasted hole has completely healed. Recovery as before. The complete canopy once again envelopes the surroundings, guarding the entire Rock City.

However, if you look closely, you will find that the blue light emanating from the sky is faint and faint.

"Awesome fireflies. These fireflies are equivalent to a powerful bomb worm. Born to death is to erupt the only attack. In terms of destructive power, it is even more terrible than a rune bomb. The light is terrifying. . "

Witnessing the light produced by the fireflies' self-explosion, it penetrated and annihilated the sky, and Yi Tianxing couldn't help but start to groan.

If the number of such fireflies is enough, it is an enemy's nightmare on the battlefield. Once detonated, everything can be easily destroyed. It's terrible. It is a living rune bomb.

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