Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 493: Magic Eye Diamond

[For subscription monthly pass. Pen & Fun & Court]

It can be seen that while the Zerg on the ground, after crossing the Changqing River, stepped on the ground, most of them headed for Rock City, and part of them were toward Ice City. Obviously, the Zerg's smell is very sensitive, not Just seeing the aliens in the Rock City also felt the breath of the humans in the ice city. For the Zerg, no matter what the opponent is, as long as it is life, it is in the ranks of destruction and hunting.

The atmosphere of the human and barbarians in Bingcheng also has a huge attraction for the Zerg.

Even if the separated Zerg is only a small part, there are still millions or even tens of millions. It swept through, and the momentum was extremely terrible. It came from the crushing, and the pressure on the people in the ice city can be imagined. .

How many people face the overwhelming waves, even if they are not afraid, the shock in their hearts will never be less.

"Military division, the defense and layout of the city, you are in charge. This time, I'm only responsible for shooting and watching the battle. I sit in the ice city."

Yi Tianxing glanced at Jia Ao and said calmly.

In this battle, he no longer intends to intervene. He is only responsible for the fight, only fierce fighting, sitting in the ice city, how the war will be carried out, how the city generals, how to operate, these will not be managed by him. Cai is the top counselor in the world. It would not be a shame for such a conspirator to not let him play freely and show his strength.

A superior and a leader can only go further if they know how to use it.

Fingers are short and long, and the profession is specialized.

Professional things are done by professional people, which is the most perfect. Best practice.

An emperor will use his courtiers to truly make the country more prosperous. However, if it is not used properly, the wrong people will be arranged in an inappropriate position, and cholera will be generated instead. In the end, the world was in chaos and the people were not talking. This point has been seen countless times in previous emperor's reincarnation, and no one needs to remind me at all. You already know where you are. What should be done.

If everything is done by yourself, it will block the way of the people below.

Not only will not be appreciated, but resentment will be attracted.

Moreover, that kind of behavior was not at all done by the emperor.

In history, Zhuge Liang is considered talented. The talent is high. In history, it was the top Wang Zuozhi talent. Although it is not the top one in military strategy, it is also second to none. However, after he became the prime minister, he had to control everything and experience everything himself. In the eyes of the courtiers, the emperor almost became a display and monopolized power. Can be described as more than 10,000 people. What is the end result, the end result is that Yingnian died early. He vomited blood and died.

He is exhausted.

Are there such examples?

When the manpower is poor, the corresponding things should be left to the right person to take charge and manage. I control the general direction, and the others can naturally be left to the subordinates. Let the subordinates also show their own style and value.

These things that can be done by the subordinates in his hands, Yi Tianxing no longer intends to intervene easily.

How to maximize benefits is the most critical.

Knowing and making good use of people is not just talking, it is action that needs to be done so that their subordinates can show their talents on the stage and shine. Such a stage can have unparalleled appeal to those talents.

"Yes, lord."

Jia Yue heard that there was a hint of excitement in her heart, and her face was full of respect. This kind of thing that can command the army and fight against the Zerg is naturally his most wanted. After experiencing repeated killings and fighting with different enemies, he can excite him and feel the blood boiling.

The most important thing is that he felt Yi Tianxing's respect and the power of a person in power.

"Go, the army in the city, all obey your move."

Yi Tianxing nodded and said again.

"Ask the military order."

Wang Dahu and Yang Yanding both said at the same time.

Obviously, he has directly expressed his willingness to take orders and obey the schedule. There will be no disobedience. Again, this is a trust in Jia Yi.

"Please ask General Wang to lead his men and stay in the city temporarily. General Yang will mobilize Shenji Battalion to sit on the city wall. Once the Zerg are near, shoot him. Also, please ask the chief of cattle to lead the clan to the city wall to assist the defense. "

Jia Yan said quickly.

In fact, this is no different from the previous layout.

"Hey, rest assured, this time my barbarian tribe intends to follow your people and assist in the fight. Whatever you say, we will be like this. There will be no other words. We can't do anything else, fight and kill us, but we will not let it go."

Niu Ben grinned and said politely.

He looked very confident.

Barbarians are born to fight. Growing up in repeated killings. Physically strong, fighting, not afraid of anyone.

These days in Ice City, they eat well and play well.

I have a good temper with the soldiers of the tribe, and they are almost in a good relationship with each other. Mutually, they chatted and bragged together about nothing, talking to each other about their experiences on the eternal continent. After knowing that the human race has grown step by step from the end to the present situation, the upright barbarians also showed admiration. In such a situation, the human race can come out and grow up.

This has to change the barbarians, they do not know if they can do it.

The admiration in my heart was directly revealed, and it became closer to the people.

After all, there is almost no difference in appearance and appearance, except that it is generally taller than the human race.

The same appearance, naturally, makes it easier to get closer to each other.

Besides, here is a delicious and delicious hospitality. A variety of ethnic cuisines, let a large number of barbarian monks eat Le Shu.

Now fighting side by side, there is no strangeness at all, but they are quite familiar with each other. I believe that in battle, cooperation will quickly accumulate mutual understanding.

"And it's not that easy for these Zerg to get closer to Ice City. Look at my magical powers."

There was a gleam of cold light in Jia Yan's eyes, and he suddenly waved.

An invisible force escaped from him silently, and swept away in all directions in the first time.

"What magical power."

Almost instantly, Yi Tianxing felt that an invisible force had been scattered throughout the world. Flood the Quartet, covering the battlefield in front of the ice city. Envelop a large area.

This power seems to be contagious, and it seems weird to spread, it seems to feel it, but it feels like nothing. In the air, between heaven and earth, nothing unusual has happened. It's as if it was just a joke.

However, Yi Tianxing is very clear that Jia Yi has absolutely performed magical powers, but this magical powers is very strange and has no clue, but the power of magical powers has spread all over the Quartet battlefield. As long as the Zerg army arrives, it can be seen key.

Rumble! !!

On the ground, a large number of Zerg have rushed to kill, and at the speed of the insect tide, it is only a matter of a few breaths to rush from the river to the front of Bingcheng. A large number of Zerg have appeared on the battlefield.

The foremost magic eye arachnid first appeared in front of the eyes, with a glittering body. The hair on the spider spear on the body can be clearly seen. Each one is glittering and golden hair. It seems that the whole body is made of Gold casting. The pair of magic eyes exudes golden light, which is not sacred at all, but has a strange feeling.

The ground was roaring, and even the entire ice city was shaking slightly.

The shock of the Zerg made the whole earth tremble.

"What a big magic eye diamond. I can feel that this magic eye diamond is absolutely amazing."

"The crossbow is wound, the target, the Zerg outside the city."

Yang Yanping quickly ordered.

No need to order, all the soldiers lifted the crossbow of God machine at the first time, pointed the crossbow at the outside of the city, and aimed at the Zerg that swept up. As long as it is close to the shooting range, the attack will be launched at the first time ~ ~ enough to form an arrow rain in an instant.

Roar! !!

The magic eyes of the arachnid are constantly dancing, and their bodies are as fast as wind. It was like a golden mountain hitting it directly.

Seeing such a powerful Zerg, on the city walls, all the soldiers could not help holding their breath, preparing for the moment before the war.

But an extremely weird thing happened.

All I saw was the huge magic-eyed diamond spider, who suddenly snarled, followed, and saw a golden spider leg lifted into a golden spider spear. He swept at the black beetle behind him instantly.

Puff puff! !!

The power contained in the spider spear is terrible. Extremely overbearing. Under the sweep, the black beetle hit by the spider spear, the hard carapace on his body, was suddenly broken, and it was split into pieces by the horrible force.

With this sweep, dozens of black beetles died under the magic eye arachnid.

Huh! !!

Immediately after, I saw that the spider hairs on the eight spider legs of the arachnid were all upright suddenly, each one flashed with gold light, like a steel needle, shaken at will, and countless golden spider hairs turned into The gold needle shot in an instant toward the dense black beetle.

These spider hairs are not only tens of thousands, but I am afraid there are no less than hundreds of thousands of them.

The one-time puppet shot out and turned into a golden light.

These golden spider hairs are extremely slender and can penetrate through them, but they are amazingly fast, as fast as lightning. Everywhere they go, they penetrate into the black beetle, and even those carapace can't resist, they are easily penetrated. I don't know what terrible power this spider hair has. No matter where it is, these black beetles are killed on the spot.

Falling cold on the ground.

Hundreds of thousands of black beetles died like this.

How strange and terrible this scene can be imagined.

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