Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 514: Lying dead to death

"The protagonist said very well that Lu Bu was also an enemy of all people at that time. With his strength, he really wanted to run away. At that time, no one could stop him. Unfortunately, on the battlefield, he faced a conspiracy and trickery. The end of the death battle. On the battlefield, there is no right or wrong, only victory and defeat. The dog's death is just the fault. "

Jia Yi nodded his head in agreement.

He was shot and killed by a wild arrow. He died of aggrieved, but then aggrieved. It was just a matter of dogs leaving no relationship with the human race.

"Withdraw, let the aliens see with their own eyes, what kind of end is it against my tribe and my Xuanhuang City, not to mention the ivory growing in the dog's mouth, even if it can grow, I can give him . "

Yi Tianxing said.

Withdrawing from the battle at this moment, all you can see is the corpse running across the wild, and the blood flowing into the river.

He just wanted all the other races to see for themselves, knowing that here, other people's races are not so provocative, and Xuan Huangcheng is not a soft persimmon that anyone can pinch.


Jia Yi nodded and agreed.

In a short period of time, hundreds of thousands of head soldiers were buried directly. Moreover, there were not many casualties on its own. This kind of result was enough to deter the Quartet, to esteem many aliens, and to show the strength of Xuanhuang City.

It is not casually abused.

In particular, the golden array of eight-door locks was laid, but the cultivation of the soldiers in the battle array was consumed at all times. If it lasts for a long time, no one can sustain that kind of consumption.

brush! !!

With the command, the array converged and the battle array was withdrawn. Suddenly, the valley that was originally shrouded in mist was completely presented, and it was clearly placed in the eyes of all the aliens. At the moment when they saw it, countless alien monks felt a chill on their backs. The cold hair was biting, and the hairs were upright. Some even couldn't believe everything they saw.

"I'm going, hundreds of thousands of Kobolds, kill them, and they are all dead.

"Hundreds of thousands of dog-headed people all have their own bodies. Such a huge army was completely slaughtered in a short period of time. Is that battle line the slaughterhouse?"

"Twenty thousand people are fighting against hundreds of thousands of dogheads, and dogs who are so strong in life are so dead and clean. This is just like dreaming, terrible, really terrible, that eight The golden lock of the door was so powerful. It was a complete victory over the weak. What was going on in the battle array and could have such terrible power. "

"Fortunately, there are dogheads who are pioneers, and the charge is ahead. Otherwise, it is us who meet the iron wall this time."

Countless alien monks secretly took a sigh of coolness. After the battlefield was removed, the scene of corpses traversing the valley was shocking. Blood had already stained the ground. Many corpses were completely pieces of flesh and blood. Numerous corpses were filled with crossbows. In particular, the dogs stayed together. Such strong men were shot as hedgehogs. It is conceivable how unbearable and unwilling they were before death.

Yi Tianxing and the 20,000 army stood in the valley in a shame. Suddenly standing in the blood of the dead mountains.

brush! !!

Looking around, even if there are countless pairs of alien eyes hidden in the dark, there is still nothing to care about, a flash of light in his hand, the Hongmeng Tiandi Tower has appeared in front of him, turned into a streamer, hovering quickly in the valley. There was a burst of divine light, wherever you went, you could see that the densely packed corpse of the dog head on the ground disappeared at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Ingested into the pagoda out of thin air.

Most of the flesh and blood corpses were swallowed and refined into nutrients for the first time.

Only a part of the special materials will be left and piled up in the pagoda, waiting to be used in the future. Not only that, there are various treasures on these dogheads. The treasures of heaven and earth are not a few. They are more strange and weird. You must know that the dogheads are best at mining veins. Talent is the same.

Fast and much.

Is a mining expert.

Hematite, square inch gold, ice iron, vermiculite, etc., all kinds of ore can be found. It can be seen that these dogheads' ability to search for mineral veins is not generally strong, but at this moment, all of these heavenly treasures belong to Yi Tianxing. Become your own collection.

Before the life of the dog heads here, all of them were strong. They practiced fighting spirit, strong flesh, strong blood, and were swallowed and refined by the pagoda. It was simply a delicious meal. At the same time as swallowing, the space inside the pagoda constantly changes at a speed visible to the naked eye, expanding outward. The sky is higher and the ground is thicker. Although a lot of treasures from the dogs are kept. Even part of the body, even so, still greatly increased the pagoda.

Every moment is growing and changing.

In the pagoda, pieces of heavenly artifacts emit endless light, not only supporting the heavens and the earth, suppressing the four poles, but also the core of suppressing the heavens and the earth. Stabilize the entire sky and earth barriers without suffering damage.

The heaven and earth are expanding, and these heavenly artifacts are constantly transforming into longer and stronger.

This battle is a bumper harvest.

Unknowingly, when almost all the dogheads and even the bodies of the undead skeletons in the valley swallowed up. In the end, there was only one Patriarch patriarch left, and the dog could not leave the horse-like body shot by the crossbow.

The space inside the tower has reached a range of 3,300 miles.

Just when Hongmentiandi Tower appeared above the dead body of the dog.

A weird change suddenly appeared.

I only saw that the crossbow that penetrated through the body was forced by an invisible force constantly from the dog, and the arrow was pulled out inch by inch.

"No, this dog isn't dead."

Ye Zhiqiu's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

This movement is obviously a sign of resurrection, or that he did not die at all, but directly lay down to death with the arrows in his body. Pretending to have fallen.

"He pretends to be dead. Otherwise, he has the ability to rise from the dead."

Jia Yan said solemnly.

"Breaking the dead body, then I made him really a dead body."

Yi Tianxing narrowed his eyes and sneered.

To do this kind of thing under his eyelids, if it wasn't for his habit of cleaning the body, I'm afraid he would really let the dog escape and avoid a calamity. But now that he found out, he had an obligation to make him a real corpse.


The dog lying on the ground couldn't leave, suddenly got up, and each crossbow was completely collapsed by a powerful force. At the same time, these crossbow arrows were strangely transformed into powder, and quickly floated around in the air. Vanished.

The wounds on the body healed quickly at the speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few breaths, it disappeared completely. Those wounds were as if they hadn't existed before.

"My dog ​​doesn't leave, and he's back again."

The dog did not roar from Yangtian. Holding the sickle, his hair was shaking without wind, and it was shaking freely. In his eyes, a raging anger was jumping. Roaring in my heart: Unexpectedly, I did not expect that this battle array can be maintained casually. Running the battle array must consume a lot of power. Once all the enemies die, the battle line cannot be maintained. Although I pretend to be a little embarrassed, as long as I can save my life, I can get out of the battle. In my strength, I don't need to be afraid of anyone at all. Even if I ca n’t fight, no one can stop me if I leave.

At that time, the dog did not leave when he saw the soldiers around him falling like mowing the grass, his heart was furious and he was afraid of death. To live, no one wants to die. He has the ability to disguise himself as a corpse without being found. Make your choices right away. Sure enough, the battlefield was really withdrawn, as expected.

Originally, he also planned to wait for Yi Tianxing to leave, and then quietly resurrected to recover. However, unexpectedly, Yi Tianxing had a hobby of cleaning the corpse, and this time, he could not help revealing it.

When the pagoda appeared above his head, he immediately came back to life and recovered.

"It's alive, it's not easy to leave the dog, and he has a card in his hand. No wonder he was able to make so many undead skulls before."

"Okay, here is a good show. The dog will not live without it, and he will definitely not give up. This is the last fight."

"Exactly, you can see the strength of Xuanhuang City with your own eyes. If we don't go to the battlefield, we can't even see the roots."

The surrounding aliens were obviously surprised by the dog's inseparable resurrection, but immediately gave strong expectations. I hope to see the dogs stay away from the human race and really see the true strength of the army of human races in front of them.

"Yi Tianxing, today my dog ​​stays with you forever. Kill!"

The dog kept screaming, without any hesitation, and as soon as he thought about it, he saw that the bell of fright had risen in the sky, and he hurled against the monarch tower that appeared above his head.

Dangdang! !!

The dark horror bell keeps shaking ~ ~, sending out fierce bell sounds, with a momentum of indomitable madness, crashing towards Hongmeng Tiandi Tower.

boom! !!

In a crisp sound, the Horror Bell hit the pagoda firmly, but the terrifying power contained in the Horror Bell struck the pagoda, but it seemed that the seawater was striking the rock. Under the sun of the god, suddenly crashed out to the side.

"You just obediently lay the corpse, even dare to resurrect, really thought that after leaving the battlefield, you can be arrogant and fearless. Let me lie down to death today. Let your fake death become true death."

Yi Tianxing sneered and looked at the dog. He pointed at Hongmeng Tiandi Tower and uttered a stern drink: "Suppression!"

On the pagoda, the sun is shining like a sea, and the streamers are flashing, gorgeous, and unpredictable.

In mid-air, the explosion swelled. It has become four or five meters high. Keep straight towards the dog to suppress it.

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