Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 557: Take the house

It's no stranger to this kind of thing.

In the various classics I have seen, there is a profound record of robbing the house. This is the body and soul being engulfed by outsiders and occupying its own shell. Although the body is the same, the soul has completely changed. It is the original me. This person will no longer exist at all.

This behavior is undoubtedly his life.

This is stealing everything.

This is a life-and-death feud, and it's a kind of endless death. Once you start to lose, there is absolutely no second possibility. Either you die or I die. In this world, everything is so cruel.

"To kill me, it's almost death."

Yi Yitianxing flashed a cold killing in his heart.

This approach is basically treating yourself as fish on a cutting board.

"If you want to rob me, I have to see, what the **** are you?"

With a moment of thought, the whole mind has entered the body.

"What is this place, the golden ocean, this is the cognition of the sea, and you have opened up the destiny of cognition of the sea. It also condenses liquid spiritual power, so powerful innate spiritual power, powerful innate soul power. What a top Get rid of the shell. This time my evil emperor has developed and works from time to time. I swallowed your soul, this body is my evil emperor. "

Xun only saw that this dark humanoid Dan appeared directly in the consciousness of the sea after drilling into the body.

I can see that in the knowledge of the sea, the mental power has long been transformed from the gaseous state to the liquid state. It is conceivable that Yi Tianxing has so much spiritual power that he surpasses the monks of the same level and even opens the sea in advance. This is simply a natural advantage.

这 And this undoubtedly shows Yi Tianxing's strong qualifications.

As this humanoid Dan appeared in the sea of ​​knowledge, it was obvious that the figure of Yi Tianxing also appeared. It seems that there is no difference from the original normal body, this is his soul.

In normal times, the soul is hidden in the body and hidden in the sea of ​​knowledge. Even himself, he just felt it and couldn't touch it. Now, after the humanoid Dan enters his body, he is immediately forced out. Even the whole will of the mind is completely condensed in the soul.

The king did not see the king.

只能 In a body, there can only be a complete soul, otherwise, there will be only one result of your death. Once they meet, it is the collision of life and death. There is no second possibility.

"Dare to rob me, no matter what you are, you must die for me today."

The spirit of Yi Yi Xing Xing is very condensed, and the soul of Yi Tian Xing opens up the soul in Yi Tian Xing's body. He is nourished every moment and becomes stronger. In the knowledge of the sea, his soul is the master, and he has unparalleled control over everything in the knowledge of the sea.

"Well, this can't be for you. It's up to you, and you want to resist the seizure of the evil emperor. Do you think that knowing the sea is your master, you think a little too naive. To occupy this body, I You can be born again. With a new identity, no one in the world can see through my history. "

This humanoid looks like a baby, but at this moment, it is full of evil spirits, with a smile of evil on the corner of the mouth, you can see that black evil spirits penetrate into the sea of ​​knowledge, it seems that it is necessary to The sea was completely eroded.

The golden sea of ​​knowledge is spreading at a rate that is visible to the naked eye. A hint of black expanded in the sea of ​​knowledge.

天 In the area infected by black, Yi Tianxing can feel that his control over that area disappears instantly, as if he does not belong to himself at all. It is very weird. He does not directly target the soul, but first infects Shihai, and turns Shihai into his home.

This approach is undoubtedly a salary draw at the bottom of the kettle.

What he said, it can be said that it is necessary to completely cut off all the back roads of Yi Tianxing without leaving any room for slowing down.


Yi Tianxing saw a flash of cold light in his eyes and no hesitation anymore. As soon as he got out, he saw that a pair of black and white scissors appeared out of thin air. After appearing, he was polite towards the human figure Dan. The transformed evil emperor cut the past.

Innate magical powers-Yin Yang scissors! !!

In this sea of ​​knowledge, he can do whatever he wants

Perform any of his magical powers. One thought of supernatural beings, one thought of all evils! !!

Yin and Yang cut into two black and white dragons, cut across in the void.

Click! !!

Suddenly the baby-like evil emperor was easily cut into two sections. That picture was shocking and made people secretly fear.

But the evil emperor didn't have any fear, instead, a weird smile appeared on his face. The body turned into a mass of black gas, reunited together, and in a blink of an eye, the complete body was reunited. Recovery as before.

"My emperor has an immortal body. Immortality is immortal. There is no power between heaven and earth to kill me. Although this innate magical power is overbearing, unfortunately, it has no effect on me."

The evil evil emperor issued a burst of crazy laughter.

"In the heavens and the earth, there is no strong person who can withstand magical attacks and cut off the waist without damage. Even if it is a real immortal body, when the injury recovers, it will still consume energy, consume its own vitality, and the power of its origin. You The body was cut by my yin and yang scissors, even if the loss is small, it will inevitably occur. As long as you kill you enough times, the speed of breaking your body is fast enough, and then, you will die. If you want to bluff me, never may."

I heard Yi Tianxing, and unceremoniously issued a cold drink.

I want him to believe that the evil emperor can recover without damage after the broken body. It is absolutely immortal. This is absolutely impossible. He won't believe it. He only believed that he could suppress this evil emperor.

With this body, he is the master.

"Hum !!! Then see who died first."

When the evil king heard that, his face became a little ugly. He is really bluffing. He did not expect Yi Tian Guild to perform magical powers at the first time, even at a speed that made him too late to react. It's a pity that he didn't bluff, but in fact, it is really impossible to kill him. He is immortal. However, if they are attacked too much, they will still be severely hit and weakened.

Wu Xiehuang gave a sneer, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that in the sea of ​​knowledge, you can clearly see that a number of figures emerged out of thin air. This is not an ordinary figure. It is a well-known figure wearing a tulle. Veiled **** woman. She is beautiful, with a waist like a thin willow. Swaying in the wind, Sona's posture blooms with amazing charm all the time.

It seemed to me that there was a burst of charming laughter echoing.

As soon as these women appeared, they began to dance. A wonderful place, looming in the dance room. The long long legs, plump breasts, and straight buttocks are perfectly exposed during the dance, forming endless charm.

Let any man see it, he will involuntarily develop a dry mouth feeling.

Witches, these are a group of witches.

For a moment, with a smile, it can perfectly beat the heart of any opposite sex. An erosive atmosphere, spreading rapidly, swept the Quartet.

突然 Even if Yi Tianxing appeared suddenly, she couldn't help feeling an unspeakable temptation. There seemed to be a terrible flame in her body. Let the whole heart sink completely.

来 "Come on, let us enter the Bliss World together."

来 "Come on, your whole body is yours. You can do anything you want. But I will resist."

恩 "Well, I'm lonely, I'm empty."

There was a seductive murmur, and a moan kept ringing in my ears. Get into the soul.

That picture, even if it is iron-hearted, I am afraid that it will turn into soft fingers.


With a sorrow in his mind, a thought popped up in Yi Tianxing's mind. However, I immediately felt wrong, saying: "No, if illusion is performed, I can't be aware of it. This is not illusion, but rather the force that directly drives my body. This is the power that belongs.

These witches are born out of their own body.

"Give me !!!"

After Gu guessed in her heart, she didn't hesitate any more. With a moment of thought, she could see that in the sea of ​​knowledge, a pagoda-like tower body appeared like glass. The moment the pagoda appeared, the door inside the pagoda opened suddenly, transmitting a strange power,

The witches were forcibly swept in by the power transmitted from the pagoda almost immediately. Rolled into the tower.

On the pagoda ~ ~ It naturally emits a layer of glazed **** light, wherever you go, all the evil spirits are suppressed on the spot.

嗤嗤嗤 1!

The divine light blooming on the pagoda quickly expanded and covered the entire sea of ​​knowledge. When colliding with the black area eroded by the evil emperor, I immediately saw a fierce sound like a water and fire collision. Exuding a very strange breath, black dissipated under the light of God, at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

As soon as possible, the sea of ​​consciousness was restored as before, and all black was completely dissipated. Together with the evil emperor, it is completely covered by the light of God.

"How can this be, what is this, how can there be such a pagoda, and it is the soul treasure. It is a soul treasure. Damn, I am too weak, otherwise, I will overturn your pagoda."

The evil evil emperor saw his eyes straight. I did not expect that rare and rare treasures such as soul treasures would even appear here, and I encountered them before I wanted to lose their house. This is simply holding an iron rod in his hand, and encountered a dry weather thunder.

The gurgling spreads over the sea of ​​knowledge of the divine light, making the evil emperor feel like he is in a furnace.

Suddenly, a bit of fierceness appeared in his eyes, and the entire body suddenly turned into a black gas, becoming unreal, and in the first time, he was directly killed in the direction of Yi Tianxing.

This flutter is almost to the extreme.

The dark air continued to dissipate in the light of God, but it could not stop the evil emperor's action. In the blink of an eye, he had already come to his eyes.

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