Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 565: arrival

[Thunder is thundering frequently, and thunder and lightning are frequent. I was scared to turn on the computer. Second, I don't know if there is. 】

Sixty-two goldscale birds flew high at the same time, and the soldiers on their backs were sitting on top of each other with ease, even breathing each other in the same rhythm and frequency. In midair, lined up in a neat queue. It looks like a herringbone and goes far away.

"This feeling of being able to take advantage of the wind, to travel around the sky, and swim in all directions is really wonderful. For the whole mind, it seems that at this moment, it can become wider."

Huang Chengyan stood on the back of Fengshen Pterosaur King and looked into the distance. What he could see in front of him was an endless wilderness. There were too many dangers in the wilderness, but it was also beautiful.

Hills and mountains, towering peaks.

Streams and rivers. More primitive than primitive times. The towering ancient trees of dozens of feet and hundreds of feet are everywhere in the wilderness. There is a kind of green everywhere and it grows very fast. In such an environment, it has a natural beauty.

Of course, in this beauty lies the terrible danger.

I don't know how many beasts and birds are hidden. On a towering ancient tree, a large number of venomous birds can nest on it. Breeding a large number of children.

Although it is said that Xuanhuang City has established a hunter's hall, most bounty hunters do not dare to go deep into the wilderness, but dare to explore nearby. Once deep, the chance of death is quite high. It is conceivable that the danger of the wilderness is not simply a matter of talking.

Dangerous in the mountains and forests, just as dangerous in the sky.

Fowls have a deeper idea of ​​their own airspace. Generally, as long as other birds dare to approach, they will immediately rush up and fight with each other for you. This concept is an innate nature.

Unless you realize that you have a powerful presence that you can't compete with, you will rarely back down.

Today, Jinpeng and Fengshen Pterodactyl swiftly swim in the void, and wherever they go, the king's breath makes a large number of fierce birds dare not even call. He obediently buried his head under his body, for fear of inadvertently making a provocative move, and somehow died.

The breath of the second-order king is too powerful.

Among the ferocious beasts, the status gap of the equal order is the most direct. The levels are extremely clear.

"There are so many hidden dangers in the wilderness. Most of the areas are dangerous areas for us humans. No one knows what kind of terror exists. But sooner or later, the wilderness will be caught by us. Conquered. The alien will tremble under the front of our human race. "

Yi Tianxing looked at the earth in front of him. He said confidently.

At this moment, the body is overflowing with a strange charm that makes people extremely convinced.

With Jin Peng, they led the way in the front, and they were almost unobstructed along the way. Even if they felt a very powerful beast monster in front, they could easily make changes in the air. Bypass that area. Continue towards your destination. This is the powerful advantage of having air cavalry.

There is a map as a guide, and the signs on the map are obvious.

Zhang Fei himself confirmed it. Along the way, it was unobstructed, and soon it was out of the territory under the control of Xuanhuang City. Really step into the unknown area. In the process, we also saw that in the wilderness, there are a large number of villages and towns standing, and there are ordinary people. It can even be seen that some beasts and aliens are attacking these villages and towns.

From time to time some people died on the spot. All kinds of cruel pictures fall into the eyes.

But Yi Tianxing didn't let people go. It was not impossible or impossible to save, but it was such a thing that abounded, one could be saved, and everyone could not be saved. Only oneself continued to become stronger and lead the human race to become Stronger, make Xuanhuangcheng stronger. In order to really solve these problems from the root cause. Let the tribe be able to strengthen themselves, and let the tribe really not be insulted by other races.

"Speed ​​up and rush to your destination."

Yi Tianxing took a deep breath, looked up at the void, and said decisively.


Zhang Fei nodded and continued to guide the way.

At this moment, Yi Tianxing looked back and glanced down. He saw that in a village, a group of human races were fighting with a group of green-skinned monsters. The number of these green-skinned monsters was very large. Man, he smashed his head with a wooden stick and his brain was splashing everywhere. Caught the woman, and fell to the ground, doing crazy things outrageously.

The picture is cruel.

At this glance, I saw a girl who was not fifteen or six years old with a horrified look. In front of her, a green-skinned monster gave a weird smile and flung towards the little girl. Is salivating. What is thinking in the head can be guessed.

"Don't, if I can survive in the future, I will destroy all of you green-skin monsters."

The girl was pale, but opened an angry scream.

There was hate in her heart.


Looking at those green-skinned monsters, a flash of cold light flashed in Yi Tianxing's eyes.

Suddenly, you can see that Jiuyin Yinyang Lock broke out instantly. In the air, it turns into a black and white yin and yang ring. Flashing with the light of God, he descended from the sky and fell towards the village.

puff! !!

When the girl's heart gave birth to despair, a black and white yin and yang ring hit the green-skinned monster's head heavily. This smashing suddenly burst her brain. At the moment of death, the light flashed on the yin and yang rings. Suddenly, a soul with the same appearance as the green-skin monster pulled from the corpse, and in a blink of an eye, was bound in the yin and yang rings and disappeared.

Such a picture appeared in the entire village.

A green-skinned monster was killed on the spot, and even his soul was detained.

In a flash, a large number fell.

That picture is like cutting grass. The survivors in the villages they watched were all shocking and felt an incredible.

The yin and yang rings constantly shuttled through the village. Wherever they went, those green-skinned monsters had no resistance and were easily killed. In this picture, not only the people in the village were shocked, but those green-skinned monsters were also scalp. There was a tinge of fear, I didn't know which one, and yelled, and turned and ran outside.

This run reversed the entire battlefield at once.

Greenskin monsters fled and rushed into the wilderness. I'm afraid there are fewer legs. Not running fast enough.

It is indeed inherently timid, bullying and afraid of hardship. When it encounters a weak one, it will kill it, similar to a locust, but if it encounters a strong one, it will subconsciously avoid and flee.

"Who saved us."

"Is it the strong of our people?"

"Look at the sky, it seems like a group of golden weird birds are flying over. However, how can I feel that there seems to be a human sitting on it."

A large number of people in the village escaped from the dead. At the same time, they began to look for the strong ones who had just rescued themselves. Looking closely, I immediately saw that the yin and yang rings flew directly into the sky. A large number of goldscale birds also fell into their eyes. Vaguely saw human figures.

They prayed for the strong men in the sky to take them directly, but unfortunately, they did n’t give them the opportunity to pray at all. In front of me, far away.

"I will definitely become strong. This life-saving grace will definitely be reported."

The girl's face paled to the void, but a little firmness appeared in her eyes.


"You can save one, you can't save everything. Such situations are everywhere. Saying a thousand, saying 10,000, or our race is too weak."

Jia Yan shook his head and said.

This move is just an episode in the itinerary.

No one cared, and moved on.

I don't know how long it has been. Suddenly, Zhang Fei opened his mouth and said, "Master, if you remember correctly, it is not far away, it is the place where I found the academy. There are two mountains on the ground. One is tall and the other is low, like a mother-in-law. This mountain, In my mind, the memory is extremely deep. I can never remember it wrong, that valley is just under the mountain. "

With a trace of determination in his voice.

"Well, according to what the map says, it is indeed almost here. ~ Yi Tianxing took out the map, watched it carefully, and nodded.

The two peaks were so obvious that he saw them. It's really eye-catching.

"Why can't you see the valley. It's so foggy. The foot of the mountain is completely shrouded in fog."

After a while, as I kept approaching and searching carefully, I didn't find the valley that Zhang Fei said, but at the foot of the mountain, I could see that a large amount of fog was circling. Covering the sky, it looks shocking.

"No, the valley is at the foot of the mountain. Now, it should be covered by these fogs, and it can't be seen outside."

Zhang Fei said slightly after frowning.

"It's not true. The mist looks wrong. It has colorful colors. It doesn't seem to be ordinary mist, but a kind of suffocation. The original academy in this valley may already be too ferocious."

Yi Tianxing took a deep breath and said.

His face also looked a little ugly.

This mist does not form naturally. As Zhang Fei said at the beginning, it can be guessed that it may have been created by aliens. In this way, the chance of the academy remaining is not great.

"Zi said: Learn while you learn it, and you also care about it. There are friends who come from afar, it's fun. People don't know, don't hesitate, and it's not gentleman."

Zimozi said: "The words are enough to move people, often; the ones who are not enough to move, don't often. Not enough to move and often, it is sloshing."

Zimozi said that two or three sons said: "If you ca n’t do it for righteousness, there must be no other way. For example, if the craftsman is unable to do so, there is no other way."

Just then, all of a sudden, I saw gold flashes in the fog.

Words of sages echoed. It exudes unique Tao rhyme, full of Tao and reason.

The fog seems to be rolling continuously, no mathematics reading, echoing in the void.

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