Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 567: Estrus

[The second is delivered. 】

"It ’s troublesome. I do n’t know the direction in the fog, and there are towering ancient trees blocking my sight. Even my yin and yang eyes ca n’t find the location of that academy in the first place. And, there are pictures of spicy eyes everywhere. The number of these snake people is really not a small number. Once shocked, it is definitely not a good thing. "Yi Tianxing took a deep breath and groaned secretly.

After walking back and forth a few times, I found that the location of the academy was not found. It's like a labyrinth here, which makes the whole mind completely lost.

"Is there any formation here?"

A subconscious thought emerged in Yi Tianxing's mind.

You know, with his strength, even if the power of the fog is very powerful, it can block the view, but under the innate yin and yang, everything can be turned into black and white. No matter how powerful the fog is, there is no way to completely affect him, which is one of the reasons why he dared to step into the fog alone. But now, it gave him a feeling that he was constantly turning around.

This situation is not right.

Quite wrong.

It's like being in a mystery.

There is a formation in this fog. This was something that Yi Tianxing had never thought of before. However, it is not impossible. There are countless formations between the heavens and the earth, and there are natural formations. Even if the formation technique falls into the hands of aliens, it is not impossible. What's more, there are too many means to arrange a battle. There are battle boards, chess battles, battle maps, and so on.

There are too many possibilities.

Never underestimate any alien. It's not just the human race that progresses. The aliens are also growing stronger and growing.

"If you are lost, you must break the formation. Otherwise, you ca n’t break the formation in such a random circle. There should be no strong people in that academy, but no one can always rush out. This should be related to the mist and this The formations in it are related. "

Yi Tianxing guessed secretly.

This formation method is not unexpected, and its real purpose should be to trap the Confucian monks in the academy.

To break the battle, there are only two ways. One is to directly find the flaws of the formation, and then break the large array, and the other is to force the break, but the two are not easy. For Yi Tianxing, there are some Not suitable. Forcibly breaking the battle, it will definitely alarm the aliens in the valley. As for finding the flaws, it is difficult for strong men. In the way of formation, Yi Tianxing is not good at it.

Not to mention that it was to sniff out flaws.

"Why is there a woman in front."

Just then, Yi Tianxing suddenly saw that a woman appeared in front of her and was walking towards herself. Vaguely, it seems to be Cai Yan.

"What's wrong with Zhao Ji? No, it's not Zhao Ji, it's hallucination."

He shook his head hard, and when he looked again, the figure really disappeared, but Yi Tianxing's face looked a bit ugly: "It can make me hallucinate, is it the power of matrix formation, or other forces have affected me? . "

"How could my mind change like this?"

"No, there seems to be a fire burning in my body. It's so hot. How can my desires become so strong. Not good, it's a stroke. The erosive gas from these snake-humans has a strong aphrodisiac power. This kind of power spurred primitive desire, and even the "Emperor's Royal Dragon Sutra" could not be suppressed. "Yi Tianxing immediately guessed that something was wrong with his body.

Listening to the moaning sound of the snake-humans when they were around, it sounded like a fire was burning in the body, and the most primitive desire began to rise. An urge to become more and more vigorous.

Grunt! !!

Without hesitation, he took out the moon well water and poured it into his mouth. The coolness of the well water also allowed the flame in the body to be suppressed again.

"No, there must be something wrong in this way. Water must be found. It is said that when the snake body is in estrus, all nearby animals will fall into estrus as long as they are close. Snakes are one of the most obscene races. If I were in my body, I want to find a snake woman to solve it. "

Yi Tianxing said that the picture was too beautiful and he could not afford it.

Moon well water cannot completely dispel the flames in the body. On the contrary, the more suppressed it is, the flames accumulated in the chest and the heat in the body will become more intense the next time it appears.

At this moment, he had an unprecedented desire to find water, and he was going to soak the entire body thoroughly.

Wow! !!

I don't know if it's a hallucination, Yi Tianxing seemed to feel a clear sound of flowing water in his ear.

"have water!!"

I don't want to think about it, Yi Tianxing has felt that the flame in his body seems to be unable to be suppressed, various illusions are constantly emerging in his mind, and the eyes start to become blurred. If this continues, the consequences will be unthinkable.

When I heard the sound of water, I immediately found the life-saving straw. Without any hesitation, I rushed in the direction of the sound of water.

At this moment, there is no more fog and no formation.

All five senses have disappeared. Some in my mind are just water. Be sure to find water and rush to the location with water as fast as possible.

There were no other thoughts in my mind.

In this way, he stumbled, and unexpectedly shuttled past the original area.

Wow! !!

The sound of the water flow became clearer. Appear directly in my mind.

Not long after, a stream of water rushed towards me, only to see that a waterfall fell from the sky, fell quickly, and landed in the puddle, which caused the entire puddle to stir up huge water splashes, huge currents, and even form a lake below.


Seeing the lake, Yi Tianxing didn't even want to think about it, and flew into the lake while flying. The hotness in the body almost ignites the entire body and causes the blood to boil.

thump! !!

The coldness of the water stimulated a sense of consciousness that had been nearly lost.

"It's water. I'm in the water. I came through the mystery."

Yi Tianxing opened his eyes and quickly looked around. At this glance, he immediately found out that there was an area of ​​water around him, and his feet were stepping under the water. The whole body is still submerged. The hotness in the body seems to be suppressed by a small part under the cold water.

It's just that this is a lake, a waterfall, the sound of huge currents echoing in the ears, but the fog always exists, as if everywhere, even the lake is covered with a layer of fog. The incense in the mist is equally strong.

Feeling the coldness of the lake, he instinctively sunk the entire body into the water. All submerged.

"Damn, this bath fire still can't be suppressed. Once I leave this lake, I am afraid it will happen immediately."

Yi Tianxing breathed the fragrant smell in the air, and felt that the heat in the chest became stronger, even in the water, it could not be completely suppressed. The hot breath made the surrounding lake water seem to be increasing in temperature and becoming higher.

"No, you must find a way to get rid of the aphrodisiac poison. Otherwise, this is a time bomb that may explode at any time."

A thought flashed through my mind.

Keep thinking about how to resolve today's predicament. Thinking about it, is there any way to dispel this desire.

Wow! !!

At this moment, a crisp sound of playing in the water passed along Yi Tianxing's ears.


As soon as Yi Tianxing's eyes were condensed, he did not immediately float from the bottom of the water, but looked at the clear lake in the direction of the sound. At this point of view, the whole heart beat violently a few times, and a body of unexplained hotness came out unconsciously. The bath fire that had been suppressed seemed to be poured into a bucket of high-purity fuel. Burning frantically.

Crazy desires spread in my mind. A fire was burning all over the throat.

Looking at the water in front, it is amazing that you can see a snow-white exquisite body unveiled in front of you. Although it is only a back, the exquisite curve, snow-white plump buttocks, long slender legs, everywhere, They are so beautiful. Especially the waist is so soft and perfect that one can no longer describe it with words in the world.

It can be seen that the skin on this woman's body is also pink. The whole body seemed a bit lazy.

"Who is this, so beautiful, is it human?"

Yi Tianxing is not the first brother, nor is she unfamiliar with the body of a woman. Cai Ye is the most beautiful woman in the world ~ ~. Can get the ultimate joy. But at this moment, seeing this carcass in front of me, it seems that I have seen another piece of art that is not inferior. Beautiful. Every inch and every inch is full of extreme temptation.

The aphrodisiac poison is in itself, and suddenly I see such a heterosexual body, and the fire in the body can no longer be suppressed.

The bath fire in the body, under the repeated suppression, has caused its nerves to collapse to the extreme. Spirit, will, have reached a state never before. Suddenly I saw such a moving body.

Unspeakable desire completely destroys and completely drowns the entire will.

His Majesty could not help but raise the flagpole on the spot.

call! !!

At this moment, the breathing in Yi Tianxing's nose became heavier on the spot, and there were huge bubbles in the water.

"who is it?"

Although the sound was faint, for the woman in the water, it looked like a thunder, her face changed greatly, and she did not know where to take out a coat from which she could quickly trap the attractive body. His gaze glanced coldly into the lake.

"Get out of me."

The woman's face was cold and she drank softly.

She also did not expect that this lake had been ordered long ago, no one was allowed to approach, and someone would sneak into the lake and see her carcass, which was a kind of blasphemy. For such a person, there is only one end.

That's it—dead! !!

"This time it's time to estrus again. All four weeks have been imprisoned, and the entire lake has been banned. It's absolutely not allowed to approach. Why would anyone come in, **** it. If it's not in estrus, even if there is a change, I can be the first. Time to discover. During this time, not only the strength was suppressed, but even the perception was weakened too much. "

The anger and anger in the woman's heart breed.

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