Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 570: His Majesty's Palace

"Good old architectural style, this is not the modern academy, but the architectural style of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period. It is the academy of the Spring and Autumn Period." At the first sight of Yi Tianxing, he felt that the architectural style of the entire academy, An ancient history breathes oncoming. The deep historical atmosphere makes people secretly calm. There is an extra respect in my heart.

The most amazing thing is that you can feel a breath of history and culture here, as well as a strong sense of sage. The thick book aroma flows in the air and can be clearly smelled. Compared with the exotic fragrance in the mist, it is completely two different breaths.

When I smelled it, I felt that the thoughts in my head seemed to become more active.

It is very clear.

"Sure enough, it is a holy place for scholars and sages. The scent of books alone has the effect of enhancing the literacy. Reading here to study, increase knowledge, and accumulate talent will be faster. More amazing. A good place to learn."

Yi Tianxing also secretly admired.

There is a longing and curiosity for the school in front of me. I don't know what kind of college can have such magical power. We must know that ordinary colleges cannot have such amazing wonders without a long history of accumulation.

Now I do n’t know which college it is.

"It really is not a complete college."

If you look closely, you can see that this is definitely not a complete academy, it can only be regarded as a part of the academy, and it may even be a small part of it. The building in front of it is obviously broken. And, overall, there are plenty of other buildings.

Right now, there are only a few student dormitories. Broken school. The broken library, etc., can be seen at a glance, and a large part is missing.

"This buddy, how did you show up here, how did you pass through the guardians of the aliens, come in quickly, there is the protection of the sages in the school, and the guardianship of the sages. Those aliens cannot enter."

Just when Yi Tianxing had just stepped on the floor tiles in the college area. I saw that a young student wearing a book growth gown immediately jumped out after a broken place, and shouted quickly.

When he saw Yi Tianxing, he looked at the floor under his feet first, and saw that there was no change, and then his face appeared relaxed.

This is the palace of learning. Every inch of the ground contains the breath of sages. Once the alien race approaches, any hostility will occur, and it will react and produce a vision. Now Yi Tianxing is stepping on it without danger. Obviously, it is the real human race.

"The snake men outside entered into estrus, almost all of them were mating. I came in and didn't alarm them at all, and walked directly here along the way." Yi Tianxing saw the student in front of him, and he couldn't help showing a strangeness in his eyes. This is not an ordinary scholar. He has a cultivation practice, a spirit of righteousness, and a talent in his body. This is the road to spiritual practice.

This college is really not simple, not ordinary, extraordinary.

"Those aliens are actually in estrus. Your luck is really good. However, you will be safe after you arrive at the palace." The student was also a little stunned when he heard it, but did not expect that the snake man outside had already entered To estrus. This is big news. You must report to the palace master as soon as possible.

"Why can't those aliens enter this area." Yi Tianxing asked.

"In our palace, we have the words of the sages. Some sages have studied and learned here. The remaining sages' words have inspired the spirit of righteousness between heaven and earth. For aliens, this is a deadly restricted area. Once they approach, they will not only be suppressed Xiuwei will still be attacked by the power of the sages. Those aliens who besieged the college for a year have not been able to attack. "

The student heard it and said confidently.

"I don't know what college this is, there are sages staying in it." Yi Tianxing asked the opportunity.

"This is part of His Majesty's Palace." The scholar said proudly with a kind of pride.

"What, here is Her Majesty's Palace."

Even if it was Yi Tianxing's mind, at this moment, he couldn't help making a cry on the spot.

He had guessed other colleges, such as Lizheng College, Donglin College, Yingtian College. Yuelu Academy, Bailudong Academy, etc., never thought that it would be the legendary Majesty's Palace.

What is His Majesty's Palace, it is simply the most famous Palace in Chinese history. It is also the first top college in history.

According to records, His Majesty's Palace, also known as His Majesty's School.

It was an official higher education institution of Tian Qi during the Warring States Period. It is located near Linmen, Linzi, the capital of Qi Kingdom.

"稷" is the name of a gate in Linzi City, the capital of the State of Qi.

"Your Majesty" is located near the Yamen of Qizi Linzi City, where the monarch of Qi State set up a palace. Therefore, because the school is located near the Yamen, it was named "Xiaxia School."

His Majesty's Palace is the world's first special institution of higher learning to be officially hosted and privately hosted. This rare and magnificent "Hundred Schools of Thought" in the history of Chinese academic thought is centered on His Majesty's Palace of the State of Qi, and the official school is the old school of Huang. As the center of a hundred academic disputes at that time, it strongly contributed to the formation of the world's academic disputes.

During this period, academic works have been published. There are "Songzi", "Tianzi", "Snail", "Jiezi" and so on. In addition, the compilation of "Guanzi", "Yan Zichunqiu", "Sima Fa", "Zhou Guan" and other books also involved the participation of His Majesty. As many people are good at lobbying those in power by combining academics and politics, there were as many as 76 corporals under the title of the doctor when Xuan Wang was declared. The existence of His Majesty's Palace created a good social environment for the hundred schools of thought at that time, and promoted the prosperity of academic culture in the pre-Qin period.

It can be said that here is the source of the spring and autumn quarrels and the place of development. Various thoughts collide in the Palace of Learning, and eventually, sparks of wisdom are generated, allowing various theories to spread and become famous.

As long as you can occupy a place in the school, you can occupy a place in the world.

At the beginning, it can be said that in the history of China, there was a big outbreak of human wisdom and civilization. In a short period of time, it was hundreds of thousands of years of normal development. It's really a bright age.

Almost, if you want to be a member of the Hundreds of Scholars, you must create a school in the academy and pass the test. Established various branches, the main ones such as Taoism, Confucianism, Law, Ming, Bing, Agriculture, Yin and Yang, light and heavy.

His Majesty's Palace, in its prosperous period, brought together about a thousand wise men in the world, including well-known scholars such as Mencius (Meng Xi), Chun Yuzhang, Zou Zi (Zou Yan), Tian Zhe, Shen Zi (Shen Da), Shen Zi (Shen BuHai), Zhe Zi, Ji Zhen, Juan Zi (Huan Yuan), Peng Meng, Yin Wenzi (Yin Wen), Tian Ba, Er Shu, Lu Lianzi (Lu Zhonglian), Xun Zi (驺 奭), 荀子 (荀 情) and so on.

This is the most brilliant era in the history of China. Scholars, the best times. The most open-minded era.

This point, as long as Yi Tianxing think about it, they feel extremely longing for it.

"I never thought it would be Her Majesty's Palace. This is simply an unimaginable sacred place. It has been destroyed in history, but it has now appeared directly in front of me. This is wealth, an inestimable amount wealth."

Yi Tianxing is too clear about the value and status of His Majesty's Palace.

In the eyes of countless scholars in Huaxia, His Majesty's Palace is an extremely sacred place. It has a high status and cannot be described with words. This is a holy place, a holy place in everyone's heart. Holy places not to be blasphemed. An irreplaceable spiritual pillar. This is the birthplace of culture. A hotbed of various doctrines.

"According to legend, as long as your doctrine is recognized by Your Majesty's Palace, you are eligible to leave the Palace and travel to countries. Spread your doctrine. Formally establish a school. Receive disciples."

Yi Tianxing's gaze toward the Xuegong site suddenly became completely different. Originally, he only intended to take away the students of the Xuegong Palace. Now he does not even want to let go of the entire Xuegong ruins. To do so, he must pack away the ruins in front of him ~ ~ The ruins, I can use this to build a palace that is no less inferior to His Majesty's Palace, even stronger, and has a deeper foundation. Standing on the shoulders of His Majesty's Palace, walking higher and farther. "

Yi Tianxing took a deep breath, and secretly thought out in his heart.

"I don't know how many students and teachers there are in the palace. Now the hundred scholars of the original school still exist in the palace."

Yi Tianxing asked quickly.

There was also expectation between the looks.

"When the Xuegong came, it was already very dilapidated. Only part of it, the teachers and students in the former Xuegong were missing. I don't know if it disappeared or was scattered elsewhere. Now Mr. Cai is in charge of the Xuegong. Others All of them came directly from various worlds when the worlds merged. There are scholars, people, former talents, farmers, doctors, doctors, etc. Now they are all studying in the palace, reading sage books. "

The scholar said with a smile: "Although there were no teachers or students before the school, there are various methods of cultivation left. Confucian Confucianism, medical practitioners' medical methods, etc., with the help of these classics, everyone can choose Interested Hundreds of Schools can join in, and then they can practice the exercises and classics they left in the Academy. It is precisely because everyone can practice that they have the strength to withstand the attack of alien beasts. Protect Her Majesty's Academy. "

In the end, in his eyes, a fiery color also appeared.

This school is the spiritual pillar in their hearts. As long as they think that it is under the guard of His Majesty's Palace, even if only part of it, they will have endless fighting spirit in their chests. In the process, even if they died in battle, they would be able to spread through the ages. Forever.

What the reader wants most is name.

No one can resist this temptation to stay famous.

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