Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 588: Father and daughter meet again

[It's too hot. This kind of weather feels bad for everyone. 】

From the beginning, when the awakening took away many scholars and scholars in His Majesty's Palace, he had already made preparations, instead of moving them to other places, but sending them to the Hongmeng Tiandi Tower, not giving them the opportunity to contact the outside , And then return to Xuanhuang City at the fastest speed, and release them in Xuanhuang City. Let them leave His Majesty's Palace, the first city they saw was Xuanhuang City.

The new world we came into contact with started from Xuanhuang City.

This unique feeling, no matter who it is, is an indelible impression.

Even if you ca n’t leave it all, even if someone leaves, you will end up with a near-perfect impression in your heart. No matter what, it's always stable. This is like the life that animals see at first glance. It is almost impossible to betray as long as they recognize the Lord.

Everyone sees his mother at the first sight of his birth. The Confucian admiration of his mother in his heart is also rooted in his soul and in his blood.

Many people are already prepared. When they reach the human world again, they may face a very dilapidated scene, seeing a broken building, people who do n’t cover themselves, do n’t eat enough, and do n’t feel warm. After all, in In their opinion, this world has fundamentally changed.

All realms have merged, and thousands of races have appeared in this world at the same time. Coexist with Terrans.

Moreover, the human race is definitely the weakest among them.

Living in aquatic fiery, this is almost entirely within the normal range.

In his spare time, the students in His Majesty's Palace are the subject of deducing the current situation of the human race. In various deductions, the final result is that the human race will inevitably encounter unthinkable calamities in this troubled world.

Hundreds of people will die tragically and become blood prey of alien beasts.

Humans will fall from the original food chain to the lowest level. In the process, the people who can survive can be said to be the same.

Misery and death will accompany humanity.

If you want to regain your foothold and build a new civilization belonging to the human race, it will not be possible overnight.

But what's going on now.

Intact city, smooth and smooth streets.

There is already a steady stream of people, and hawkers have come out with their own merchandise. Various early. You can clearly smell the fragrant bursts of air in the air. They haven't felt this breath of civilization for more than a year.

Somehow, many people have the feeling of crying.

"Is this the Xuanhuang City built by the Lord Yicheng. It ’s incredible. I feel that it is more prosperous than the capital city of the King I have seen before. It is so big, and even the people who own it, not even the Emperor, may Many. Did n’t you say that you are in a troubled world. Why do I feel that I have seen a prosperous world. ”Some literati feel a little aggressive.

"It is incredible that in such a short period of time, such an amazing ancient city can be established. This ability, even those top emperors, may not be able to do so."

"I want to stay here, this may be a happy land for our people. A place of reproduction. A place of hope."

A famous scholar, a literati, all kinds of thoughts involuntarily emerged in his heart.

The impact of the picture in front of them is too great, and it is so big that it completely subverts the original impression.

"It's incredible. I didn't expect the owner of Yicheng to have such a strong ability. To do this, not everyone can do it, especially from scratch, to build such a foundation under the eyes of countless enemies. It's amazing . "

Lin Hai walked out of the space door and looked around in amazement.

Everything here seems to be dreamlike.

Many things were impossible to see before.

"Is this Xuanhuang City? It really didn't lie to me, and, it seems, better than what he said before. The former imperial capital, Luoyang, didn't have such a weather."

Cai Yue stepped out of the space door, glanced around, and there was an unspeakable shock in his eyes.

I have expectations in my heart, but I never expected that such a big surprise would be given.

It's not bad, but it's really nice and perfect.

Perfect to the point of being unbelievable.

"Brother, I remember Huang."

Huang Chengyan stood aside and saw Cai Yan stepping out of the space door, and said with a smile.

Cai Yi had known from Yi Tianxing's mouth that he was in charge of His Majesty's Palace. I wanted to meet, but after thinking about it, I didn't hurry, lest I undermine Yi Tianxing's plan.

Now you see that it is natural to respond the first time.

"Brother Cheng Yan, it is you. You are here, too."

When Cai Yan saw Huang Chengyan, a look of joy suddenly appeared on his face.

You should know that in the past, they had been friends, and even if they lived in different areas, they had constant correspondence. There is a deep friendship with each other. Otherwise, when Huang Chengyan met Cai Yan, Cai Yan would not call him uncle.

"Well, yes, now I am devoted to His Majesty the City Lord, and I am looking forward to hearing the brother-in-law brotherhood coming. I did not expect that we could meet again in today's troubled times. It is a great blessing. Good wine, or your favorite Dukang, is the Dukang brewed by the predecessor of Dukang. By then, we will not be drunk. "

Huang Chengyan said with a smile.

"Dukang, the Dukang wine brewed by the ancestor himself. Isn't Dukang's predecessor also in Xuanhuang City?"

Cai Yan heard that both eyes lighted up, and the throat knot could not help but started to squirm, feeling a strong desire. Dukang wine, this is the best in the wine. At the time, the altar in his family's collection was not brewed by Dukang himself. It was brewed by posterity according to the recipe of the wine, but the taste was already intoxicating.

If Du Kang himself brewed the Du Kang wine, how much the taste would reach, just thinking about it, Cai Yan felt that saliva was secreting constantly in his mouth, and there were wine bugs in his stomach to rebel.

It's almost impossible to contain it.

"Yes, now Mr. Du Lao is in the city's main mansion and specializes in brewing fine wine. The first batch of Dukang wine has been released. It is said that Mr. Du Lao has begun to study the production of Dukang fairy wine. To the point of Xianzhu, it is more delicious than before. It is a rare wonderful thing, and the yield is not high. It is not easy for ordinary people to drink it. "

Huang Chengyan said with a smile: "However, for you, how much Dukang you want to drink is not a problem. If the owner does not give it, your daughter will surely give you enough."

"Hey, Yee is really here."

Cai Yan heard and said excitedly. To be honest, before that, he was still a little bit embarrassed and a little scared. What Yi Tianxing said before was just a lie.

"Naturally here, and Zhao Ji has also been married to the city's owner, becoming the city's wife in Xuanhuang City. In the city, it is loved by the people, the city's owner is not, and her niece is the backbone of the city. Especially, Zhao Ji The relationship with the city owner is very good. Whether now or in the future, his status cannot be shaken. Now Zhao Ji should be coming soon. "

Huang Chengyan talked about Cai Yan, his face also showed a strong satisfaction.

Since becoming Yi Tianxing's wife, her actions have almost matched her own identity, and she can be said to be a virtuous helper. Such a wife is enough to be a model for the world of motherhood. Nothing major happened.

By virtue of this sentiment that comes all the way from adversity and from the end to the end, the status is absolutely unshakable.

At least, Huang Chengyan will not let others occupy Cai Yan.

"Dad, is it you !!!"

At this moment, I only heard that a shout of excitement came from the palace treasure tree. In the voice, I could see that Cai Yan ran quickly on the ladder without any regard for any image. In his eyes There was a tear.

Before that, Cai Yan had been standing in the city's main mansion, watching a famous scholar and literary keep coming out from the space gate ~ ~ for this, she was naturally delighted. This batch of talents, if not all of them, can be left at least in part. As long as one part joins Xuanhuang City, it will be inestimable for future development.

But the moment when Cai Yan stepped out. The rhythm that came from the bloodstream made her stunned instantly. Then ecstasy, excitement, and various emotions continued to emerge. Don't even think about it, let out a shout and run down the madness in the square below.

"Hey, hey, really."

Cai Yan's body was trembling. He turned his head to look at the ladder. His eyes fell on Cai Yan. Almost immediately, Cai Yan was recognized. The whole body was shaking, and his excited lips were shaking.

The indescribable joy swept the body and mind like a tide.

Four happy events in life.

Long drought meets sweet rain.

I met in my hometown.

Anniversary night.

When the gold list title.

When I met in my hometown, I was saying that long-term reunion. Especially in this troubled world, the father and daughter who are almost impossible to meet, can have a day of reunion, and the joy is stronger than anything. The chance of such a reunion is too low, it may be as low as 1 in 10 million.

That is to say, the chance is low, and the preciousness at this moment is more apparent.



Father and daughter hug together. The tears in Cai Yan's eyes fell down.

This scene looked stunned all around. The students in His Majesty's Palace all showed blessings in their eyes. Looking at Cai Yan, it was also fiery. Who Cai Yan is, this is a rare generation of talented women in the world. Strange woman with real history.

At this moment, the people in Xuanhuang City also began to react, watching the constant appearance, the students of the Xuegong standing in the square, with curiosity in their eyes.

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