Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 593: Yin Yang Hua Jing

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"Yin Yang Hua Ling Jing"

Everything in the world is born of yin and yang, and everything has both sides of yin and yang. A solitary yin does not grow, a solitary yang does not grow. Therefore, everything has all sides of yin and yang. The combination of yin and yang is for creation. If you are alive, you will have yin and yang, and when you die, you will have yin and yang. On both sides of the body, if you get pure yang and pure yin, you will prove the immortal and the god.

This passage was printed into Yi Tianxing's eyes, and his heart couldn't help secretly produce a shock.

In this text, it is directly shown that if pure yang and pure yin can be obtained, naturally, there will be an opportunity to become a god.

In fact, monks are also a kind of metamorphosis in the process of cultivation.

"Yin and yang are united for the purpose of creation, the beginning of heaven and earth. If yin and yang are separated, yin is yin and yang is yang, would n’t it be possible to obtain pure yin and pure yang in an alternative way. In this way, our constitution is pure yang, pure Yin can be practiced thousands of miles a day. The cut off yin and yang are connected to one's own energy and mind, and they can sacrifice an incarnation outside the body. "

Look at the words that emerge.

Yi Tianxing couldn't help but give birth to a shock.

This yin and yang concept can be said to be unexpected and subvert human thought.

However, looking closely, it does have some truth.

However, according to his knowledge, it is impossible to get rid of yin and yang without reaching a certain level, otherwise the problem of solitary yin will not exist and solitary yang will not grow. That is not to transform into pure yang and pure yin, but directly to death. . Become a ghost directly.

At present, his own cultivation is a realm, which obviously does not reach this level. Once it is not good, it may become a ghost in cultivation at any time. The dead cannot die anymore.

"If you want to cut the yin and yang and divide the yin and yang in your body, this is obviously not suitable for me. I have awakened the yin and yang in my body and got the congenital yin and yang eyes, which is the yin and yang body. If I want to cut off the yin and yang, my congenital yin and yang eyes may be directly Scrap. This is definitely not the case. "

Yi Tianxing holds the "Yin Yang Hua Ling Jing", which may be a peerless method for the yin and yang family. It is a method that can condense out of the avatar and increase his own combat power, but for him It is really inappropriate. Compared to congenital yin and yang eyes, these secret methods are just small things. Not worth mentioning. Congenital yin and yang eyes have infinite possibilities.

He can be sure that even in the eyes of the yin and yang family, this practice may be a relatively apostate practice, which is very weird, and few people dare to practice.

"Although I can't practice directly, I might not be able to use the ideas in it to eventually evolve the method of avatar suitable for myself. The idea inside is really incredible. It is worthy of reference."

Yi Tianxing groaned secretly in his heart.

For him, the method of incarnation is too important. It is important to determine the future of Xuanhuang City and its own future.

Looking at the large amount of exercises in front of them, they are even the classic ancient books of the Scholars. Taking a deep breath, he said decisively, "Father-in-law, Zhao Ji, these exercises have touched me a lot and felt my heart. I plan to go to the quiet room to retreat immediately. No accident, this retreat is enough for my They are transformed into strength and have undergone tremendous transformation. "

There was already a bit of anxiety between the looks.

At this moment, there was a steady stream of inspiration in my heart. It was an epiphany. If you miss the opportunity of such a tide of thought, next time you're afraid to come to your senses again, it will be more effective.

The words fell, Yi Tianxing had got up and left.

Countless inspirations came to mind.


Not to mention that Yi Tianxing suddenly walked into the back room and began to retreat, leaving Cai Yan and Cai Yan stunned, but they didn't care too much. It is clear that only when facing a key breakthrough, will he be so forgetful and enter desperate Into retreat.

Yi Tianxing left, just as the father and daughter were more open, and kept talking about various things after separation. The changes experienced.

Subsequently, the emergence of the Immortal Academy directly aroused some heated discussion in Xuanhuang City.

The former students of His Majesty's Palace also strolled around the city, feeling the breath of human civilization. I also have a certain understanding of the history of Xuanhuang City. The more I understand, the more I admire Yi Tianxing.

There are too many tribulations and dilemmas for such a huge city from scratch. Time and time again, almost life and death choices.

No one can think that they can do this step.

The admiration in their hearts made them start to feel a sense of belonging to Xuan Huangcheng unknowingly.

Immediately afterwards, Cai Yan stayed in the Immortal Academy.

A large number of students went one after another and entered the Palace of Immortality.

In the palace of learning, one more kind of popularity.

It ’s just the specifics in the Xuegong, but no one knows at all. If you do n’t enter it, you wo n’t know. For this, in the eyes of the people in the city, the Palace of Immortality still looks very mysterious, shrouded in a layer of fog.

Involuntarily intriguing.

Two days passed before the time flashed.

At this moment, in Xiaoyao City.

It's the third day of posting the notice.

This day is the deadline given by the city's main government. There must be a hundred or so show girls in the city. If you can't complete them, the results will definitely not be too good.

On this day, the atmosphere in the city seemed very strange.

From time to time someone is talking to each other, secretly communicating with eyes.

Vaguely, an undercurrent is surging. This weirdness is hidden in a repressive atmosphere. In the city draft, there are a large number of people in the city who originally existed with the ancient city. These are not separated children, but family-to-family, and they are gathered together.

Drafting in the city is to get their daughter into the city's main mansion.

Hundreds of girls have gone in the city's main mansion. However, there is no information one by one. This makes many people who were willing to send their daughters in before, now dare not send them in, and maybe they are dead without a burial place. This is the advance fire pit. This, no matter who it is. It is impossible to be indifferent to the kind of blood in the blood.

But according to their understanding of Xiaoyao Wang, once they can't get a showgirl, the biggest possibility is to grab the shot directly in the city.

In order to achieve the goal, there is absolutely no scruples.

There is nothing but sadness in the city. Fortunately for those who have no daughters, those with daughters have long been frowning. Afraid of suffering bad luck, the daughter of the family kept tears, tears streaming down.

Not willing to send her daughter out.

However, some people's dissatisfaction has almost reached a limit.

"I heard that during this time, there seemed to be a contact in the city, saying that they would join forces to resist the atrocities of the city lord and force the city lord to give up the draft idea. If it is really forced, such a city lord, don't let it go. You cannot send your daughter into the fire pit. "

Many people have a thought in their minds.

Dangdang! !!

When the time reaches early morning. I only heard the sound of crisp gongs echoing in the city.

A large number of people approached the center of the city subconsciously.

In the central square of the city, you can clearly see a middle-aged man with a thin body but savvy eyes, dressed as a housekeeper, and a housekeeper in the city's main house, and also a **** called Chungonggong. It is said that it used to be too much supervision in the palace.

In Xiaoyao City, King Xiaoyao also paid much attention to it.

After seeing a large number of people coming together, the father-in-law said aloud with a sharp voice: "How about, the time given by the city owner is running out. Everyone, the show girl that the city owner wants is to be selected immediately, please all ages. Huang Hua, a girl between the ages of sixteen and twenty, stood up and was personally selected by the housekeeper and then sent to the city's mansion. To be selected is your great blessing. "

In the voice, the toes are high, and one can be seen, that is the blessing of the heavens, which is enough for Guangzong Yaozu, a great joy.

But the father-in-law repeated a few words in succession, none of them sent his daughter up to ~ all silent, looking coldly at the housekeeper. Obviously, this is confronting directly with silence.

No one wants to send her daughter's family to the draft.

"Huh, it's a bunch of things that don't know what to do. The main draft women in the city, do you think that you don't talk, you don't need to cooperate. I tell you, today, you must see a hundred show girls. One less, I can't make it worse, Do n’t think about it for everyone. At that time, do n’t worry about my father ’s forcible entrance. I ’m welcome to you. I have a list of girls of appropriate age. Those who are suitable, those who are not, are clear. You have an opportunity. At that time, don't blame me if you don't deal with it again. "

In words, the face of the father-in-law was already extremely ugly.

"Well, Xiaoyao Wang is so lascivious. Hundreds of showgirls have been selected before and after. Even if the palace is full, now he has to draft. This is not a draft. It is clear that we want to push our daughter into the fire pit and take it. Farewell. We don't promise. "

"The city master is clearly practicing evil powers and using yin and yang, and the former showgirl is being used by the city lord to be yin and yang. As a furnace tripod, don't **** up the energy. To draft, you can bring the previous showgirl first Let us see. Otherwise, it will be killed by you in secret. "

"Yes, we want to see our daughter and send our daughter out. Why shouldn't we see our daughter?" Someone who had sent his daughter into the city's main government shouted with a loud expression.

"Such a cruel city master, why should we let him rest on his head for blessings. Together, we will drive King Xiaoyao out of Xiaoyao City. Also we will be in the blue sky."

"Get rid of Runaway King and get out of Runaway City."

A shout, at this moment, seemed to completely ignite the anger in the hearts of hundreds of people. To a point where it can no longer be suppressed.

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