Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 607: Ice heart rice

[Baobao monthly pass. 】

"No! I don't want to be caught like a dead fish."

"My rat eclipse I became famous, and once I was ruined, my face would be lost. I want to be a joke among the rat people. Shame the entire community. No, don't do this, why is this."

The rattling shouted inwardly. I just felt that the whole heart was broken.

However, this obviously will not change because of his heart. You can see that the rat eclipsed the entire body, pulled down by the fishing hook, quickly drilled into the ground hole, and pulled quickly toward the ground.

puff! !!

In a crisp sound, you can clearly see that on the ground, the rat eclipse ragged out from the ground.

It was fishing.

"Damn scarecrow, my rat eclipse is at odds with your scarecrow." Rat eclipse saw the golden scarecrow at first glance, and the hatred in his heart burst into an instant. To the extreme, if the eyes can kill people, the golden scarecrow has been blasted to pieces. Tens of thousands of holes appeared. Wan Jian can't be overstated.

What a humiliation to fish him out of the ground like a dead fish.

"Well a mouse hiding in the ground."

At this moment, in the crowd, you can clearly see that the vacant boy in a snow-white gown came out, took a few steps forward, turned around the mouse eclipse hanging in the air a few times, and looked at it with inspection eyes. With rat erosion.

"Good fat mouse. Rats have seen it. Mouse sperm hasn't seen it yet. Such a fat mouse is a sperm."

Emperor Emperor's gaze was a feeling of looking at his prey. A stunned expression in his mouth, a strong expression of interest.

"Humans, if it weren't for these **** scarecrows, I want you to catch me. If you have the ability, let me go. Otherwise, this time is a million rat army. The next time you come, there are millions of rats. Army, these scarecrows will all die. "

Rat Eclipse said coldly: "Don't think that Xuanhuang City seems to be very powerful now. This is that our ethnic groups have not really regarded you at all. If it were not for some of your human beings to make an agreement with each ethnic group, you Humanity has long since perished. "

"The power of humanity is also part of the human race. Under the same conditions, my human race will not be inferior to any race. Now, who dares to easily fight with my Xuanhuang City."

Yi Tianxing spit out a cold voice.

"You are Yi Tianxing."

Rat Eclipse looked at Yi Tianxing coldly and said with a sneer: "I did plant rat eclipse today, but you people, do n’t want to rise."

"You won't have a chance to see it. What's waiting for you will be Tianyao. I hope you can enjoy the surprise that Tianyao brings to you in the future." Yi Tianxing said calmly.

In the voice, grab the rat eclipse and throw it in the void.

brush! !!

In the air, a crack and a vortex appeared without warning, swallowing the entire body of rat eclipse out of nowhere, and disappeared. If you look closely, you can see it in the void. Through the vortex, a terrible picture appeared in front of him.

What emerged was a room, a secret room.

These closet rooms look exactly the same. The closet room seems to move, and it can be seen that in the closet room, a sudden and terrible poisonous water is sprayed. There was an instant burst of flames that turned the entire back room into a sea of ​​fire.

A sharp flying knife was shot suddenly.

Radon fired a terrible net of laser rays.

There were bleeding droplets suddenly flying from the void. Can remove human head directly.

Various organ traps, even if many people have seen it before, now when I see it again, I still feel that the whole heart is trembling violently, and I can't help trembling. I feel an invisible fear covering the mind. That picture is too horrible. I really want to put in a place to replace it. No one can feel that he can leave the secret room alive. The purpose of these secret rooms was not intended to give people a chance to live.

Either go to jail or die.

This is tenacious.

And now when you look past, you can even see that in an empty back room, rat eclipse has appeared inside. Looking around vigilantly.

This day prison is more terrible than before. During this time, some aliens, and even the most sinful of the human race, were arrested and sent to the prison. As long as you dare to move around, you will die in it at any time.

The original name of Tenryu's original killings is not a joke.

"Tenno !!!!"

The emptiness boy raised his eyes to look at the sky prison that vanished for a long time, and there was a dread in his eyes.

He could feel that the prison was stronger. Stronger and scarier than before.

"Haha, Sydney Rice, my Sydney Rice has finally succeeded."

Just then, in the rice field, there was a rush of shouting without warning.

Let all eyes focus subconsciously.

Even Yi Tianxing is no exception.

It can be seen that the man with the surname Song is laughing in the rice fields.

In its face

--0 --- 0 ---- small--say ---- this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Eternal Kingdom 00 novel netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes for a long time reading. 00 Fiction Recommended Reading: Marvel's Transcendence

-0--0 --- small-say --- this is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Before, there were hundreds of grasses.

These are the crops that survived.

At this moment, these grasses are undergoing an incredible change.

In the surrounding paddy fields, a large number of murderous rats swarmed toward the rice paddies strangely, and were absorbed by their roots and whiskers, becoming their own nutrients. Each rice paddy was emitting a radiant light. The light of the Qiming lamp cannot be hidden. Not completely covered.

There was a grain of rice on it.

These rice grains are also glowing, madly absorbing nutrients, and vaguely, an incredible transformation is taking place.

In the sky, abnormal changes also began to occur, and a vision appeared.

It can be seen that the starry sky was still clear, and the snow began to fall without warning. It was really snowing, and amazing snowflakes fell from the sky.

"Snow, how can there be snowflakes, and how can it suddenly snow in the sky?"

"This is a vision. In this season, it is impossible to snow. Only certain visions can cause snowflakes. It is said that when a certain fetish is born, it will be accompanied by a variety of different visions. . This snowflake should be one of the visions. "

"Look, this snowflake appears only in the rice fields, and it only appears in the rice fields of Lao Song. Is it because of the newly cultivated rice seeds? It is said that Lao Song is developing a new rice seed .It's called Sydney Rice. "

"It's just a miracle. These snowflakes have been integrated into these cereals and Sydney rice. See, the rice grains are changing, so crystal clear. It is as beautiful as the most perfect artwork in the world."

"The heaven and earth vitality seems to be continuously integrated into these grasses. Have you found that these grasses seem to be more amazing and full of aura? Very gratifying. It is completely different from ordinary rice. Aura is compelling and , The temperature is falling. It's wonderful. "

A large number of people around were more curious and excited about the changes in the rice fields.

Stunned and watching the changes happening.

"Who is this person?"

Wu asked curiously.

The look towards Lao Song became completely different.

"I didn't expect that he actually cultivated a new kind of spirit rice. This is simply incredible. Miracle." Huang Chengyan took a deep breath and said in shock. This is Lingmi, the real Lingmi. He has seen Lingmi with his own eyes, and he knows the difference.

"He is Song Yingxing."

Yi Tianxing took a deep breath and slowly spit out a name.

As for Lao Song in front of him, he already knew it before, and even took his message to observe it carefully. There has been some speculation about him for a long time, and at this moment, the moment when Lingmi was thoroughly cultivated, he was already quite sure who this person was. It is that rare talent in Chinese history.

Song Yingxing.

He himself has a character of Geng, a Han nationality, a newcomer from Jiangxi, a famous scientist in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties in China.

According to Yi Tianxing's understanding, Song Yingxing devoted his life to the scientific investigation and research of agricultural and handicraft production, and collected a wealth of scientific data. At the same time, his advanced thinking made him a thinker who was critical of feudalism and medieval academic tradition . There are many books, in which the fields involve different disciplines of natural sciences and humanities ~ ~ and among them the most outstanding work "Heavenly Works".

"Tiangong Kaiwu" can be said that in the history of China, it can be called a masterpiece.

There are 18 volumes in 3 volumes. The book contains agriculture and handicrafts, such as machinery, bricks, ceramics, sulfur, candles, paper, weapons, gunpowder, textiles, dyeing, salt making, coal mining, oil extraction, etc. Production technology. This was an encyclopedia of the time. Its value is inestimable.

He himself, for many aspects, not only understands it, but he is involved in it. Some skills will be tried by himself and determined to be feasible before being incorporated into the heavenly craftsmanship.

As you can imagine, he is very strict.

After knowing Song Yingxing and knowing that he was cultivating new rice seeds, Yi Tianxing's original intention of soliciting and suppressing it directly was to wait for him to research and cultivate rice seeds, waiting for the day of success. Unexpectedly, this day, came so fast.

It succeeded, it really succeeded.

Moreover, this is obviously the birth of new rice seeds, even the heavens and the earth send out visions, and even give gifts, directly transformed into spiritual rice. Get boundless fortune.

This is no longer Sydney Rice.

In Yi Tianxing's investigation, this was called Bingxin Mi.

This kind of ice heart rice, like ice crystal glass, grows in a cool and cold place once taken. Just like eating popsicles suddenly in summer, it's cold and hearty, and extremely comfortable. It contains aura, which is the best kind of rice when the summer is hot. Can better dispel the demon, meditation. Grade-top grade top grade.

This is the message in the Wordless Book.

Obviously, the original Sydney rice, even if it became a spiritual rice, could not reach the level of the earth, but it was directly transformed by the heaven and earth. It's an incredible miracle.

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