Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 637: landlady

[Chapter 3 is even more difficult today. I was called to drink at noon today. My sister-in-law was admitted to college and ate from noon to the evening. I just came back now. 】

Few who can live in the Golden Desert until now are fools. They were previously blinded by money and made such a secret killing action. They are the secret of money fans who want to seize eternal coins and even get eternal coins channel. But now it seems that this kind of behavior is too dangerous, and there is a lesson from the past. The colleagues in the previous group died so easily.

Not even a moment. Just die completely.

What does this represent? This represents the strength of those people. There is no way to compare with the two of Yi Tianxing.

Fighting is a crushing kill.

Even the monks of life and consciousness were so easily killed. It is conceivable how powerful the targets they want to track. This is no longer hunting, but running to death and being the target of hunting. This is not what they want.

People who don't recognize the form have long since died.

No matter how wealthy the fans are, they were awakened by death and blood when they saw this battlefield.

On the spot, a large number of people retreated, and without hesitation, turned and left.

It came out of itself in a mask, leaving here, taking off the face towel, no one knows anyone, and there is no need to be afraid. Besides, they didn't really do it, they didn't have time to do it, as long as they didn't provoke Yi Tianxing to them, there was nothing.

This is how the hunters of the desert survive.

This news naturally appeared in the Longmen Inn the first time, and fell into the hands of Jin Zhuyu.

Looking at the information, Jin Zhuyu's mouth showed a meaningful look, murmured to himself: "Interesting, sure enough, dare to show money at Longmen Inn, and dare to leave at random. None of them are ordinary people. Those people went out to find He is troublesome, that is to find death. Even I dare not take any action. You guys have also taken a shot. It is really a self-death. No wonder others. "

"However, according to the information, it is only one Wushuang ghost that has shot, so it seems. The strength of Wushuang ghost is far beyond previous estimates, and even before, Wushuang ghost has never exerted all his strength. When he competed for power before , Behind the figure of the powerful unicorn ghost king, this is blood, or his physical body. What is his origin. "

There was a strange color flashing in the eyes of Jin Zhuyu.

As the power of buying and selling intelligence, naturally, it is necessary to analyze everything possible. Wherever possible, it can become intelligence and bring a lot of money. Whether you can get more depends on whether your head is smart enough.

"Devil's Island, no one in the legend has entered. No one can come out alive anymore. I hope you can be an exception. The information on Devil's Island is very valuable."

Gold inlaid murmured to himself, a look of expectation appeared in her eyes.


After leaving the battlefield for more than ten miles, Yi Tianxing stopped under a dune. In the wave of the hand, the silver-white space door appeared instantly.

"Come with me!!"

Then, Yi Tianxing stepped in first.

Wushuang ghost's eyes showed surprise, but he did not hesitate, and stepped in immediately.

brush! !!

When it reappeared, it was already a hundred miles away.

"here is..........."

Wushuanggui quickly glanced around, looking at the different terrain around him, and his eyes were surprised.

"This is the space gate, which can travel a hundred miles in an instant. Now, we are exactly a hundred miles away from the place where we entered the space gate. This can avoid unnecessary trouble. Although I am not in a hurry, the devil Chau will not wait for us. It may disappear at any time. You can only choose this way. "

In fact, Yi Tianxing prefers to walk on step by step with his feet, and can get experience along the way. Hunting ferocious beasts, killing aliens, monsters, etc., experience is growth.

But Devil's Island does not wait for anyone, and no one knows how long it will stay. Once it disappears, the trouble is not small. It will become very troublesome.

Moreover, Devil's Island is an excellent training venue.

The distance from Devil's Island is only about six hundred miles. With the ability of the space gate and the first grade, you can freely move a distance of one hundred miles each time. You can reach it five or six times in a row. The time it takes is even shorter. It can be done in a moment.

"Thank you Lord."

Wushuang Gui nodded strongly, he knew that it was for him to choose this way to rush.

The space gate reappeared.

The two stepped in quickly. Teleported once.

Once, twice.

three times! !!

In an instant, the two had appeared more than 400 miles away from Longmen Inn. It's hard to tell the direction in the desert. Even if there was someone tracking it before, I'm afraid it has been completely dumped. If they can really keep up, then they have the ability.

brush! !!

When once again shuttle through the void, stand on the sand and stand on a dune.

I can't see the surrounding environment yet. A burst of drinking came directly.


"Everyone is alert, there are assassins."

The breaking sound from his ear made Yi Tianxing and Wushuang Ghost just out of his face surprised. I just felt that a wave of anger was sweeping wildly, completely covering the whole body.

"Army!" Wushuang Gui uttered a shout of surprise.

"Female soldier !!"

Yi Tianxing's eyes flashed.

If you look closely, you can see it. The location of this teleportation was very unfortunate. It fell into a military camp, and it should be a large army out in the desert. The most important thing is that there are actually female soldiers in this army. One by one, the heroic postures are refreshing, making people look at them at first glance, and they feel bright, but the evil feelings they feel from them can clearly know that this is definitely not a decoration. Each one was killed from the blood of the dead mountains. It is an elite army that has been tempered through fierce battles.

If they despise because they are women, it will definitely give a painful lesson.

There is also a large army of men around.

Although the armors they are wearing are not gorgeous, they can be seen in the regular army with uniform planning. He wore a weird warframe, which was a warframe that seemed to be agglomerated with countless yellow sands. Such armors appear a khaki. A grain of yellow sand on the surface can refract sunlight under the sun and can even turn into golden glitter.

But the design looks very rough.

Not very delicate and gorgeous.

It seems to be made from a rural soil workshop.

But such warframes, piece by piece, have on every body. It can be seen that this is a mature technology that can be manufactured on a large scale, not a small amount.

From the dress code of the army, we can see whether it is a regular army.

Looking at the icy bows and arrows that have been aimed at them, as soon as there is a change, they will immediately launch a stormy attack.

"It's not surprising when things change. They behave like winds and behave like instincts. They have an amazing trust between each other. They can trust their backs, be well-trained, and move forward and backward. It's really elite. Can train such an army Is definitely a master of knowledge and understanding. "

Yi Tianxing glanced around and looked at the army standing like a forest. He nodded secretly. The number of this army was no less than 20,000 or 30,000, but he could not panic even if they suddenly appeared, even the first time. Just react. This instinctual response is precisely the extraordinaryness of this army.

"It's easy to say that Zhibing understands soldiers and dares not to say anything. He knows only soldiers."

Just here, I only saw that in the barracks in the middle of the army, the curtain was opened. One was wearing leather armor and was slender, holding a long knife in his hand, stepping out step by step. Although she is a woman, she exudes a strong sense of scarf. You can't help but be respectful. Although the appearance is not beautiful, it is very beautiful and more beautiful.

Coupled with that unique style of British heroism, it is even more attractive.

Especially in the army, when people see it at first glance, the instinct of their heart gives a shock.

When Yi Tianxing saw her, she felt like seeing one person, that is, Mu Guiying, both of whom had almost the same breath, which was very unique. It could even be said that although both breathe, There are differences and similarities between each other ~ ~ Who are you? "

Wushuang ghost eyes pupils freeze, inquiring loudly.

"Bold, this is our flower general. You can also ask the name of the flower general. We have not asked you why it suddenly appeared in the barracks, and it still appeared directly from the void. When you enter the barracks, it is clear that you have intentions. "

A female soldier quickly stepped forward and flattered.

"Don't talk about any scheme. We are just rushing, stopping halfway, taking a break, and happen to be in the barracks. If the scheme is not correct, I'll talk nonsense with you here, and it will make the blood flow here.

Wushuang ghost heard and screamed with a smirk.

"Lying, I think you are the secret agents of the Desert Devil Band. They want to come to find out the secrets in our army. They came against General Flower. The soldiers obeyed and shot me arrows."

The female general said sharply. On the spot, he was ordered to shoot and kill Yi Tianxing directly.


At this time, General Na Hua raised his hand to stop: "You said you are on your way, then, where is your destination?"

"We are going to Devil's Island."

Yi Tianxing said calmly.

"Devil's Island?"

As soon as this word came out, a face of the female general next to General Hua immediately appeared a touch of indifference, sneer: "I also want to say that you are not lying, you must be the desert thieves, Devil's Island has always been a restricted life zone. Anyone who knows it is to retreat from Devil's Island, lest they can't avoid it. How can someone go to Devil's Island, even if it is a lie, they should find a better reason. "

That's the restricted area of ​​life.

No one in the life that has left has ever left, or even left alive. Who will approach such a restricted area, unless it is to find death. How could this convince her.

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