Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 844: Danger is coming

Unconsciously, the mysterious song from the oasis disappeared strangely, just as it did when it disappeared. No sign. Everything seemed weird.

As the singing voice dissipated, the beasts and monsters that were drawn in, and even the monks of the human race, the lost minds began to recover.

Wushuang Gui also woke up the first time.

Seeing Yi Tianxing next to me, and then seeing the scenery of mountains and rivers everywhere, I still don't know where I have stepped into the oasis and stood on Devil's Island.

"Master, we have arrived at Devil's Island. There are a lot of fierce beasts and monsters. It seems that before, I was in the middle of the move, and I was attracted to step into the oasis, so terrible singing, I just seemed to see a lot of previous Friends who are so close friends, rushing towards the oasis without knowing what happened. All that just appeared should be illusions. Those monks before were tempted in this way. "

Wu Shuanggui's eyes could not help showing a trace of fear.

The feeling that the body is not in control is really weird and terrible. This kind of thing continues, and I don't even know how I died.

"Well, this oasis is weird, without any anger. Although it is shaded by trees, we can't see any signs of the existence of living creatures. Here, we must be vigilant and not take any lightly."

Yi Tianxing nodded his head, and the words of Wushuang Ghost also proved the previous conjecture that what everyone saw was different from person to person, not the same, and aimed at the flaws in everyone's mind.

The purpose of that song is to lure people into the oasis.

Then, the danger in the oasis will definitely erupt, and it will definitely occur.

At this moment, we can see that all the beasts and monsters that entered the oasis were all awake.

Looking around one by one, all eyes were jealous.

After all, suddenly appearing in the oasis, still gathered with a large number of aliens. Many in the past were races of natural enemies.

In this case, an instinctual crisis made these beasts and monsters do not immediately kill them, but began to spread toward the various areas, one toward the forest and the other, rushing into the grassland, and having to Heading towards the lake.

Terran monks are also full of fear and fear.

"It's over. I thought it was an oasis that hasn't been discovered before. I didn't expect it to be the Devil's Island, and it was greatly affected by the silence. Entering this **** Devil's Island, in the legend, none of the people who entered the Devil's Island had left alive. "

"I said that I had never heard of the existence of an oasis near here before. It turned out to be Devil's Island. However, when it came, I would like to see what is terrible in this Devil's Island. Why did I die? Here. It's not easy to kill me. "

Some monks showed sorrow.

Although ten deaths have no life, it has even inspired the inner concubine. Anyway, it is death, and he is really not afraid.

"Everyone has entered Devil's Island this time. Regardless of whether they knew each other or not, I think everyone should work together to find a way to survive in this oasis," someone suggested.

"Look, you can't get out. Why can't you see the desert outside. Nothing, how can it become nothing. Is this a cage. The way back is gone. This is breaking our retreat. It's gone. Retreat. "

Someone looked in astonishment in the direction they originally came from.

It can be seen that outside the oasis, you can no longer see any desert, any yellow sand, what you can see is a void, a vast void, it seems that this oasis is a cage of nothing, completely isolated from the outside world , Can no longer leave, there is no way to return.

Outside the void, you can even see a huge layer of fog blocking everything and blocking everything. It is obviously impossible to go back.

Coming in is like entering a cage into a dead Jedi.

"Sir, we are really unable to get out."

Wushuang's face also changed. Instinctively felt the terrible danger of passing in the nothingness. That dangerous atmosphere is enough power to wipe out everything, it is death, it is despair.

"There is no other way, there will be a way sooner or later. We can come in and we may not be able to leave here."

Yi Tianxing did not show too much despair.

He did not believe that no one would be able to return in the restricted area.

Perhaps it was not that no one had fled from Devil's Island, but that he had fled, and no one knew.

Roar! !!

At this moment, I only saw the sand worms rushing into the forest, and gave out a roar of anger and terror without warning. It seemed as if he had encountered a terrible threat.

This cry also made countless lights look at it subconsciously.

This is not surprising.

A large number of beasts choose to enter the forest, which is originally a choice from instinct. But as soon as I stepped into the sea of ​​forest, I immediately saw that from the ground, there was no sign of a creeping root whisker, like a snake, waving and binding a fierce beast, with a root Turned into a spear, fiercely inserted into these fierce beasts. Instantly, you can see that the root beard inserted into the body of the beast began to turn red.

Red is the same as blood.

And the body of that fierce beast began to dry at the speed visible to the naked eye, and the flesh was devoured. In a blink of an eye, it turned into a pile of dead bones, and even the dead bones were rolled into the ground by the roots and buried deep in the soil. Eventually become their own nutrients.

Too many, there are too many root beards emerging from the ground, so much that it is unimaginable, dense and impossible to calculate. Most of the beasts who went in died under this intensive attack, completely turning into Lin Hai's nutrients. Looking closely, the bodies of these ancient trees are really stout and terrible, and we can even see the weird faces emerging from the trees. Weird weird.

In the silent weird laughter, we can see that even a satisfied expression appeared on his face.

It was a delicious taste. Very weird.

"It ’s terrible. There are so many beards on the ground, all of them are like magic soldiers. When wound around them, even fierce beasts ca n’t break free, sharpen, and even the fierce beast's body can be easily broken. "

"Not only that, the leaves are comparable to the most terrible hidden weapon, and the violent birds flying in the sky have been bombarded directly, tearing out numerous wounds and being pierced through the body. It is cruel."

Just now, many people have witnessed that when a bird is in the sky, the leaves shot by the burst through the body are not inferior to Wan Jian's heart. Even more terrifying.

But weirdly, it didn't smell bloody.

All the blood was drained, all flesh and blood became nutrients, and the bones were buried deep underground. Into nourishment.

These ancient trees are simply the most feared predators.

Even let the air emit a natural fragrance, without even being aware of it, a terrible killing just happened. Return to peace, as if the killing just didn't exist, everything is exactly the same as when you first entered the oasis, no difference.

Of course, it is not completely indistinguishable.

For example, a tree that has become stout. More lush foliage and more.

"Look, over the lake."

A monk pointed at the lake and shouted loudly, his face showing horror.

Look subconsciously.

Seeing this, many people are sweating from the back.

only saw. Those beast monsters rushing to the lake, ready to drink water, or even take a bath. Just near the lake. A stream of water rushed out of the lake, turning it into a gigantic claw, seizing the beast and monster, and then pulling strongly toward the lake. Pull and pull. A large number of fierce beasts fell into it.

There is also water flowing like an octopus tentacle, which instantly binds the beast and pulls it into the lake.

As long as a monster, a fierce beast that was pulled into the lake, no matter how severely struggling, all disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Suddenly, after all nearby life was pulled into the lake ~ ~ the lake, the lake was calm again.

Vaguely, Yi Tianxing felt that this lake seemed to be a little bigger before that fierce assault. There is more water in the lake. The lake is still terrifyingly silent, even if it has ripples, it doesn't feel any vitality.

Many people saw that a subconscious swallowed spit in the throat. Just now, tens of thousands of beasts and monsters died like this. Death didn't even have a trace of resistance, and all drowned in the lake.

"Lakes are not safe. Don't get near them. This lake, like the woods, kills people. Any life near it will be swallowed up by them. Hunting."

"What to do, the woods can't enter, and the lake can't be approached. Do we have to stand still or stand directly in the void. If so, how can we find a way out."

The masses of monks have become quite ugly.

The two consecutive kills made them clearly realize that Devil's Island is absolutely as scary as the legend. Inadvertently, death comes quietly. All the plants and trees here may contain terrible killings. Deadly threats can occur at any time.

"Look, grass, grass on the ground."

"Fast, fly to heaven and avoid these grasses in the void."

A monk shouted in horror.

Looking closely, you can see that on the prairie, countless green grasses are skyrocketing and growing wildly. A blade of grass is like a war sword, waving wildly, and tearing the surrounding air. . It's terrible.

Many beast monsters and even monks standing on the grass were drowned by the green grass. At the same time, they could see countless blood flashes and screams constantly. However, as soon as the blood fell on the grass, it was absorbed in the blink of an eye. There was no **** smell, only a scent of green grass.

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