Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 677: Eligibility to enter the door

This night, doomed to sleeplessness! !!

I do n’t know how many people were completely alarmed by this declaration of war, I do n’t know how many races were completely shaken, and their eyes were completely gathered near Xuanhuang City. Obviously, even if they did not participate in such a war, they would never miss the opportunity to observe This battle can completely allow them to glimpse the true strength of the Orc Alliance, even the Terran, Xuanhuang City.

Prepare for war! !!

Fully prepare for battle.

这一 The powerful war potential of Xuanhuang City is fully revealed at this moment.

A large number of war materials and military supplies, like a tide, were continuously carried on the Iron Blood Great Wall, Rune Bombs, Rune Battle Arrows, and sent to the front as if they did not need money. Early in the morning, a group of soldiers rushed to the Iron Blood Great Wall.

In the city, the exchange table is completely open in the Wanbao Hall. All kinds of materials are almost unlimitedly open.

Rune War Arrows can be purchased indefinitely, and Bone War Arrows can be purchased in large quantities.

Bone bone war bow, even ordinary people can buy it.

Fu 箓 is almost unlimitedly provided. Various amulet 攻击 and attacking 箓 箓 can be purchased without redemption. Even Fuyu's grades are of the most standard quality. With universal printers, Fuyu can only print the quality of the lower grades. Can not hold a lot of volume, can be mass-produced. Even if the grade is not high, it can be continuously produced in quantity.

In a way, this is the scary part of assembly line operations.

The power is not as good as the top grade rune, but among the rune of the same order, one of them can't be blocked, and I will take ten, one hundred, or one thousand, and see if you kneel.

箓 On the Iron Blood Great Wall, all kinds of runes are no longer pressed, but moved from box to box.

The entire Iron Blood Great Wall was filled with various military supplies.

The original Xuanhuang City, which was extremely lively every morning, was shrouded in a layer of killing atmosphere.

A large number of people took out their money and quickly purchased various items, battle arrows, runes, and even leather armor, battle clothing, and armor, etc., to arm themselves to the teeth as much as possible.

The business of the Dwarf House is even hotter in Wucheng.

The various weapons created by the dwarves are very sophisticated and are the magic soldiers that many monks prefer.

Now that the war is coming, even if the price of weapons in the dwarf home is much higher, it still can't stop the enthusiasm of others.


He said that Xuanhuang City has begun preparations actively, and even all the people have begun to sharpen their swords and prepare for battle. He said that in the golden desert, there was also a panic.

The power of rumors is huge.

In the face of the immortal army that is about to come, not many people have the confidence to support the immortality and survive the war.

This place is not like Xuanhuang City. All the people are monks. Everyone has the opportunity to cultivate. They can get the cultivation methods from the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. Although there are many monks, they are definitely not all. They are equally strong. Wherever I go, I have a kind of fear in my heart about this undead creature. In the end, the body cannot be as fierce as the people in Xuanhuang City, with unyielding blood.

I can see from my face that there is a panic, a look of fear that it is difficult to live.

When life and death are on the verge of death, the fragility in the heart naturally manifests itself.

"Sovereign, I'm afraid this business can't be done. Now the people in General City are terrified, everything else can't be sold, only the various weapons and armaments are selling well. The war is really coming. . "

Wu Wushuang ghost looked at the hearts of the people in General City, exclaiming.

This is the picture when the calamity is approaching.

没有 Before the disaster came, people ’s hearts began to be chaotic. This is still protected by General Valley. Many people look forward to General Valley. Otherwise, there may be pictures of hundreds of people spying, chaos in the city, and collapse of order.

It is like in the last days, when people ’s hearts are scattered and morals are lost, Yi Tianxing has witnessed it once before, that is, when the cataclysm comes, human society collapses at an inhuman speed, and it is still vivid today.

Fortunately, today's human beings are much more receptive to some things than they were at the beginning.

"The advent of war is a calamity, and it is not a drill. I do n’t need a coward, I do n’t need some bloodless people, and my bones are soft. Who can stand up to the backbone of a human race, then who is qualified Become a child of Xuanhuang City. "

There is a touch of meaningful color on Yi Yixing's face.

Between the looks, there is already a conclusion.

Rumble! !!

I was in a panic, and when I was in a panic, I suddenly saw that on the hill where Yi Tianxing was, a light of God flashed. In the light of God, an ancient silver-white door appeared, standing between heaven and earth.

Ji He is the door of space.

The space door appeared very huge, and the glimmer of light emitted from it was even more amazing.

Walking in the door, the silver-white streamer flickered and kept rotating to form a vortex. It was extremely deep, as if it could devour everything.

The emergence of the space door surprised the people who were still paying close attention to it, and the shock on their faces could not be masked.

"What is this? It is a huge fairy gate, and the vortex in that gate, I feel as if I want to **** in the whole person completely."

"What is this door? It seems to be summoned by Mr. Yi. This door can lead to a mysterious place. By the way, it is said that he came from Xuanhuang City and from outside the Golden Desert. Is this ancient Where the door leads is the legendary Xuanhuang City, as long as you go in, you can escape from the golden desert and enter a new area. "

"It is said that there is a formation method in the world, called the Void Teleportation Array. Teleportation Arrays can transport people and even objects directly from one location to another, making people instantly span thousands of miles. And, according to legend, heaven and earth There are magical magic weapons called portals, space gates, and sacrifice. They fully integrate the power of the teleportation array into the door, and when you step in, you can teleport. Is this the portal? "

"Does this door really lead to Xuanhuang City?"

One common people's eyes glowed fiercely.

Previously, it has been circulating that Yi Tianxing has a means to travel between the Golden Desert and Xuanhuang City, but it has never been confirmed. After all, the possibility of such false information is high, and the distance between the two is really It's too far away, just leave it in my heart.

It seems that this may be true.

After all, holes are not coming, since there are rumors, there must be some truth in them.

所有人 In the past, everyone was not so urgent, but now, disaster is coming, and the appearance of this space door is undoubtedly a straw for life.

"A lot of people should have guessed that this statue is indeed a space gate that can leave the Golden Desert. As long as you go in, you can leave the desert, enter Xuanhuang City, and even join Xuanhuang City to become the people in the city. Races dominate the race, and countless fierce dangers. There is never any place in the world that is absolutely safe. Xuanhuang City is also not an absolutely safe holy land. It also faces alien invasion, fights with beasts, and fights with monsters.

"Of course, this space door is not so good. Unqualified people cannot enter the space door. Only those who meet the requirements can step in and go to Xuanhuang City. As for the specific qualifications, you can do it yourself I realize that this qualification is inherent to everyone, but it is just forgotten and abandoned. As long as you can find it, you can get started. "

Qi Yitianxing looked at many people who were excited around him and said calmly.

什么 "What, to enter this door, you still need qualifications. What kind of qualifications does anyone have and who does not have? How to determine this, it would not seem too unfair to say clearly."

"Yeah, if others can go in, we can't go in. This is too unfair. I don't believe it. Maybe you have no intention of letting us enter the space gate and go to Xuanhuang City."

When Yi Yixing's words came out, the people around him immediately became upset and completely confused. Even if there is no hope, now hope is in sight, but so-called qualifications are still needed, is it money? This is a bit frustrating.

This is playing with everyone.

Either don't take out the space door. Since it is taken out, and this restriction is made, it seems that they are playing with them.

"This is Xuanhuang City's rules, and I can't interfere. This space door has its own choice. If you think I am playing with everyone, you can't go in. No one asks you to go in. If you want to go in, it's all voluntary.

Qi Yi Tianxing smiled calmly and said very calmly.

"I do not believe."

A man heard, with an expression of disbelief on his face ~ ~, and immediately walked towards the space door.

In this regard, Yi Tianxing did not stop, just looked at his figure.

At this moment, I don't know how many people have their eyes on him. Everyone wants to know whether this space door really needs qualifications to enter. Those without qualifications can only be blocked.

At this moment, the man became the focus of attention.

I honestly, under the attention of everyone, the man was still a little excited, and even the bloodline felt boiling.

I came to the space door. This man's instinct gave birth to a very small feeling.

I seem to be so insignificant.

"I can definitely step in."

After secretly pumping up in her heart, she walked towards the door as soon as she stepped up.

boom! !!

Just as I stepped in, I felt that in the door, an invisible force was transmitted, as if there was an invisible barrier, which was blocked outside the door by the students, and it was difficult to cross half a step.

Your subconscious force wants to break this barrier, but no matter how much force you use, as soon as you approach the past, it is like a stone entering the sea, and no waves are emitted, and it disappears. Barriers still exist.

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