Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 757: Conclusion

I can see the other person's figure in the mirror so vividly, without any flaws.

I feel like standing and chatting face to face with each other. This feeling is very strange. It is like using the circular light technique and the mirror to spend the water and see the opposite scene. And you can talk to each other. Not only is it convenient, but this situation is completely subversive.

"This is shìpín talking, really like face to face."

"Unbelievable, doesn't this mean that in the future, even if you don't need to meet each other, you can also use the communication watch to talk, or even shìpín chat, as if talking face to face. These are really amazing. According to my knowledge, circular light requires lock The other person ’s breath can accurately show the picture of the other person ’s area, and the same is true for Jinghua Shuiyue. Otherwise, it will be full of uncertainty. ”

"This communication watch can accurately locate and talk with anyone who wants to talk. Normally, this is not possible."

There was a burst of exclaiming noise in the hall.

出现 The emergence of this communication watch has caused a subversion of their entire worldview.

Some of these things are beyond their cognitive scope.

"Yes, in the communication watch, I integrated the core rune of cosmology. Through the star network, I can complete the positioning of the two parties, easily connect with each other and watch the call with each other through the communication watch. Of course, this is based on With the help of Starnet, it is impossible for a communication watch to do this without Starnet. "

Jairus said confidently.

No matter what, it is dependent on the star network to achieve this mutual communication, and even shìpín chat process.

"Lu Lu really has a superb skill and is ingenious. It is amazing to be able to combine the power of these runes into such a unique magic weapon."

"Yeah, the note has been there since ancient times, and it has been circulating for thousands of years, but no one has derived it, carried it forward, and integrated it with circular light. Based on the runes in spiritual practice, it may not be impossible to create a civilization that truly belongs to monks. "

"I have a hunch that the birth of this communication watch will be an epoch-making start. A new era is about to begin. And, it will start from our Great Yi Dynasty."

In the hall, the ministers said one after another.

It is not stupid to think of each one, and you can see from the communication watch that once it is circulated, how great the changes will be. It's not too much to say it's turned upside down.

The most important thing is that all of this is based on the mysterious Star Web.

Only Star Network can achieve this goal.

And Star Network, only Dayi. This may even become a unique civilization system in the Dayi Dynasty.

老 "Luo Lu, what kind of materials do you need for this communication watch? Are there any special requirements. Can it be made on a large scale."

易 天 行 颔 nodded for the first time, feeling very satisfied with this communication watch.

I won't say anything else, this is not much different from the previous mobile phone, but one of them is a technological civilization and the other is the product of spiritual civilization. Although the two have different roads, they can do the same thing.

This is the principle of three thousand roads.

"The materials for refining communication watches are not scarce and precious. The main material is bone crystals, plus a bit of crystal ore. The second is to consolidate the runes and integrate the ban into the watch. For normal refining, Runes are used to condense the runes and integrate them into the magic weapon. If you use a universal printer, you should need runes. "

Jairus groaned slightly before speaking.

最 The key thing here is actually the runes. That is the prohibition inside.

In modern civilization, to achieve these, it requires precise data and various precision parts. In spiritual civilization, instead, there are runes representing the laws and avenues of the avenue.

"Very good, the communication watch made by Lu Lao is indispensable. When it is rewarded, ten bottles of Xuanjie Tianlan Dan are given. One hundred thousand eternal coins. Ten brocades and 100,000 merit."

Yi Tianxing nodded his head.

These materials are not precious and can be obtained. Bone crystals can be directly refined. Crystal ore was also found in the territory of the Great Yi Dynasty.

Several seats are being mined, gòngyīng is sufficient, and Fuyu can be refined by itself, which means that communication watches can be printed and copied on a large scale with a universal printer. Large-scale transportation to the immortal cities throughout the Dayi Dynasty.

This also means that Starnet officially enters everyone's life and becomes daily achievable. Can be achieved in the shortest time.

This feat was started by Master Lu, and the communication watch was refined to reap the rewards, which must be done. Lu Shi deserves it.

No one in the Great Hall raised any objections.

What I have is just an envy.

Xuanjie Tianlan Dan can gather nine each day, one bottle is nine, and ten bottles are Tianlan Dan gathered in ten days. Xuanjie Tianlan Dan can enhance the life of the monk and the monk. It is to restore the true mana. Exchange is only available in the Merit Hall.

100,000 merit points are even more precious. This merit is not small, and the merit can be exchanged for all the items owned by the Da Yi Dynasty. Merit is everything.

"Thank you for your gift, this communication watch was actually put forward by the king himself, and I just realized this idea. Without the imagination of the king, I ca n’t imagine making such a thing. Instrument. "

Jairus said with a smile.

Monk Yun didn't know how long it was, nor did the runes know how long. However, few people can think of using the runes and applying them to the people and daily life. It is also impossible to imagine how big a change once applied to life. This is a kind of maggot in the mind. Once this maggot is broken, the whole world will undergo incredible changes.

Yi Yitianxing just opened a door on it. In the end, the trend is led by countless talents.

“You do n’t need to be polite to Lu, I ’m just making a suggestion. How to achieve it, you still need someone like Lu Lao to implement it. This time, you have contributed. But this communication watch is too far ahead. The force is too strong, the lone king believes that the watch function can ban a part of it, for example, the ability to ban shìpín calls, only reserved for remote calls and sǎomiáo identification. Wait for some time, then open other capabilities. What do you think. "

Qi Yitianxing said a little after thinking.

Liaobuzi should not be too big, this is an attempt to slowly let people have a stronger acceptance. It is not necessarily a good thing to subconsciously complete this transition of change.

"Yes, when the watch is refined, a ban is reserved in the ban. The ban does not come from the watch itself, but from the star network. The star network can cut off a certain type of functional connection and cannot be realized. Temporarily block. "

Jairus nodded and said.

的 The foundation of all this comes from Xingwang. Xingwang is the core. Xingwang is also the core of this communication watch. The moment you connect to Xingwang, everything can be controlled by Xingwang. does not grant authorization. Naturally, some things cannot be achieved.

I say blocking, you can block, this is the power of StarNet.

"Communication watches are handed over to Tiangong Pavilion. Various materials are given priority. They can be completed in the shortest possible time and printed in sufficient quantities. At the same time, military sergeants will distribute communication watches free of charge. , Will be unlimited and can use all functions. At the same time, the dynasty guānfāng business was established to issue chūshòu watches, and even the unique items of dynasty guānfāng. "

"The final chūshòu price is determined after the watch is evaluated. This is a magic weapon, but it is also an indispensable item in future life. It must not be too expensive or too cheap, Xue Jin, what do you think."

Qi Yitianxing looked at Xue Jin and asked.

After Xue Jin groaned, he said, "It is too expensive for people to buy communication watches with the ability of today's Dayi, which is naturally unaffordable. However, as long as it is not lazy in Thailand, everyone should have some savings in their hands, regardless of Whether hunting or killing beasts or working in the city, you can feed yourself. Save a few, save a sum to continue is not a problem. Watch is a magic weapon, but also a necessity for daily needs, Wei Chen believes that the price is one hundred The currency is the most appropriate. It can ensure the implementation of the watch without damaging the people. "

One hundred eternal coins, this price is definitely not expensive, even

It can be said that it is quite cheap ~ ~ Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to buy a magic instrument, or a unique magic instrument such as a communication watch. This is a price for the people and it is really given to the people A visible benefit. It can also complete the purpose of promoting the watch by Yi Tianxing.

恩 "Well, very good, just set the price of one hundred eternity coins temporarily. At this price, we will not lose money and have profits, but the profits are not so high."

This is the ability that belongs to Dayi.

一件 Made one, no need to use manual, directly use a universal printer to print and copy. Save artificial refining, and more accurate and faster. The cost is so low that people cannot believe it.

"Okay, everyone goes down to prepare. The six major legions start to reorganize. Within one month, the five major legions other than the Baihua Legion must complete the reorganization. One month later, open up the territories!"

The next sentence of Yi Yitianxing directly brought the DPRK conference to an end.

After the Chao Dynasty disappeared, the reorganization of the six major legions immediately coaxed the world.

In the emperor's heart palace.

Qi Yitianxing looked at the watch on his hand and said, "Xinger, how many people can Xingwang support to communicate at the same time? Is there any pressure?"

"Father rest assured that Xingwang is connected to Qiyun Yunhai and has been integrated into the entire Day. No matter how many people use Xingwang, it will not affect Xingwang. On the contrary, the more these communication watches are used, The greater the benefits. "

Xi Xinghai's voice came from the watch.

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