Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 774: Hostage

The Temple of Heaven disaster, Yi Tianxing has high hopes.

Natural hope can really play a big role. This time I did a good job in intelligence. I was able to detect some key information in time. Of course, intelligence is only a responsibility of the Temple of Plague. The true ability depends on whether they can bring disaster to the enemy, change the situation, assassinate, assassinate , Mingsha, as long as it can bring fear to the other party and kill, it is the Temple of Calamity.

"The soldiers came to cover up the water and cover the soil. I'd like to see what you moths can do with these aliens."

Yi Tianxing took a deep breath, and there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

Standing on the wall, there was no other move.

Poppy! !!

The hurling of the mountain whipped the ground, and the ripples from the ground became more intense and intense. Quickly pushed Gold and Silver City forward.

After the poisonous fog, there was no other obstruction.

A large number of fierce beasts felt the breath of the fairy city, the pulse of the earth, and the breath from the Suzaku army, and began to flee in all directions to avoid the route of the fairy city migration. It comes from an instinctual sense of danger.

Unconsciously, the sky had gradually begun to dim.

The light began to dim, and the darkness gradually covered the earth.

The night was dim, and the moon was unknowingly covered by clouds. In the wilderness, an invisible and depressive atmosphere was emitted, as if a terrible monster was dormant in the darkness.

The soldiers in the Suzaku Legion did not show any slackness as a result.

Darkness, night, in the wilderness, is the most dangerous time period.

It can be heard that many dormant monsters dormant during the day, when they fall at night, they make a roar of horror. In that roar, with the breath of the wild, the roar of beasts and birdsongs are intertwined. You can hear that there are fierce The screams of beasts fighting each other. It can also be seen that the fowls fight each other in the air.

The night is ten times more dangerous than the day in the wilderness.

Yang Ye knows this very well, and naturally there will be no slackness. In the entire army, the crossbowmen have all bowed and bowed, and the crossbow is returned to the box. As long as there is any wind and grass moving, they can immediately launch an attack and respond.

A scout spied quickly to the left and right.

This is still a small number of golden scale birds. Otherwise, if you directly enter the major legions, one or two will be fully qualified for scouting. See the Quartet from the air for information.

"The newspaper, there is a valley in front, and the lights are bright in the valley. There are aliens."

Just then, a scout quickly reported.

"The valley, according to information, is called Ranshi Valley, which is the only way to Liyu Lake. It will take longer to avoid the bypass. It seems that the aliens are well prepared to do our final death here. Fight? "

Yang Ye heard something strange on his face.

"The commander of the army, it is abnormal for aliens to do this.

Wu groaned.

"Anyway, since the aliens are in battle, we have no reason to refrain from fighting."

Yang Ye said.

The army continued to move forward without a pause, and unknowingly came to the Valley of Untied Stones.

Ranshigu is huge. It is a valley, but it is actually a large plain area. There are stones everywhere, very messy, and there is no vegetation. It was very desolate.

At this moment, in the valley of troubled times, a bonfire was lit.

The piles of lights lit up the surrounding lights.

Rumble! !!

There was a violent shaking on the ground.

Gold and silver city has appeared in front of the chaos. You can see the picture inside along Taniguchi.

The Suzaku Legion has quickly appeared in front of the valley, waiting in line.

"Come out, now that the bonfire is lit here, and the road is openly blocked, then don't hide your head and show your tail, let Ben see what kind of confidence you have, and dare to stop me three times or five times to expand and expand territory."

Standing in front of the army, Yang Ye looked at the Lianshigu in front of him and uttered a drink.

"Kai Tuo Tuotu? You still have to see what this is."

Just then, a cold voice sounded.

Immediately after, we saw a large number of aliens appear, and followed by a well-known and thin-skinned people. These people could see that almost all of them were refugees, and they could not find two or two flesh.

There are elderly, children, pregnant women. young people.

One by one with no eyes, there was no hope at all, and some were only numb and hopeless.

These are human races and human beings, but at this moment, they are sent to one megalith. Kneel on it. Like prisoners waiting to be slaughtered, you can see not far away, a large number of aliens ambush to the left and right, some with bows and arrows, some with spears. The lives of these peoples are completely under their control.

As long as you are willing, you can slaughter it completely.

"It's a people, it's our people."

"Damn, what are these aliens sending our people here?"

"It's miserable. Everyone looks yellow and thin. If you look at it, you don't know how much suffering you have experienced. You are treated as a slave and a prisoner. It is miserable than a refugee."

"There are still pregnant women, children and babies, how did they survive. How is this possible. What these aliens intend to do. What they want to do."

The appearance of tens of thousands of people immediately made a large number of people in the gold and silver city uproar on the spot, exclaimed, and a strong anger appeared on their faces. These are nothing else. They are living people. It is their compatriot. brothers and sisters. Now he was regarded as a prisoner by a foreigner, kneeling in front of him like a slave.

The despair and numbness emanating from that body made many people feel almost the same.

Before joining the Dayi Dynasty, they were also refugees. Although they did not fall into the hands of foreigners, they could not live well. It was common to eat a hungry meal, even if they were hungry for a few days. However, filling your stomach is a very extravagant thing. Only after entering Dayi can they lead a normal life. Here, you can eat openly and fill up. There is no shortage of food.

You can even eat fierce beast meat and fresh vegetables.

With rich nutrition, one by one recovers in the shortest time, and the body is no longer so thin. This is what a person looks like, but that experience was engraved on the soul and in the bones. Often appear from dreams at midnight.

Now when I see the people and people in front of me, one by one, I feel the anger in my heart, soaring on the spot. Compared to them, the people who fell into the hands of the aliens suffered more. It's terrible.

Moreover, when seeing those babies and pregnant women, many people cannot imagine how they survived.

In this era, it is not a lucky thing or a happy event to conceive and give birth to a baby in a troubled world. It is a more tragic thing. This world, environment, is more terrible for pregnant women than **** .

"I really dare to do this."

Yi Tianxing witnessed that his hands clenched his fists.

There was a trace of coldness in my heart.

"The general of the Great Yi Dynasty listened to me and stopped immediately to withdraw and withdraw from this area. Otherwise, don't blame us for being cruel and ruthless."

The two-headed ogre leader didn't know when it appeared in the Valley of Mess, with its tall body set against a bonfire, which looked unusually eerie. With a mouth, the sound was like thunder. Exudes a strong malice.

"Seeing that these humans are not there, these are your kinsmen. There are children, old people, pregnant women, and babies. These are all living people. Here is only 10,000 people. Some of these people will die. Conversely, as long as you give up the expansion easily, these people can ... live ... and live well. We will give them food and we will give them Survival area, even protecting them from the beasts. The only condition is that you retreat and retreat. Do not approach this area. "

"Retreat, these people can live, and they can live well, move forward, then they will all die, not only them, but more people will die because of your actions. Choose carefully and give you time to consider. But After a quarter of an hour ~ ~ If you still haven't left, don't blame our ruthlessness and start killing people. "

The words of the two-headed ogre were very clear, echoing in the night sky, and passed out naturally.


As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the city of gold and silver.

Not only that, but many of the soldiers in the Suzaku Legion were all angry. Looking at the ethnic refugees who bowed in front of them, a feeling of speechlessness emerged in their hearts.

Keep going?

Looking at the refugees in front of them, even the soldiers' minds are extremely firm, even if death is in front of them, they will not shake, but at this moment, no one dares to take another step forward. As if in front there is a **** more terrible than the sword mountain fire sea. Can make people completely lost.

No one can ignore these innocent people who really fall in front of themselves.

This responsibility is too great for anyone to bear.

"It's ruthless, it's poisonous. Using some pregnant women and children as hostages is really pushing us into a dilemma."

Wu drank a cool breath on the spot, but never thought that the alien would use this method, and the whole body was shaking.

With his wisdom, he had guessed at the first time that if this incident was not handled properly, it would cause inestimable losses to the entire Day. Even the troubles are endless.

"Who is so poisonous, is it that the emperor's companion has appeared, and he is calling out to the emperor to let me continue singing. Don't worry, my emperor is here."

Just then, an excited shout came, only to see a green light passing through the air. This is how the two sides confronted each other. Not the emperor or who.

"The green dog, the green emperor, is that evil dog, hurry up, drive me away this evil dog immediately, otherwise, I will immediately order to start killing."

The two-headed ogre saw that his face was black.

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