Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 779: Fairy City

[My wife was worried about my body. I got angry yesterday and gave me a death order. I must leave the computer at 9 o'clock every night and take a break on time. I will adjust the update time from today and try to put it before 9 o'clock. 】

"I don't want the process, just the result. The lone king hopes you can give me a satisfactory result."

Yi Tianxing nodded and said.

"Please rest assured that the king, a group of little vampires, can't turn the waves in my hands, and the vampires are so secretive, don't even try to escape the palm of my Temple of Calamity. Others are afraid of vampires, we are not afraid."

The Tong Huang said excitedly.

"If there is a result, report it to me."

Yi Tianxing nodded his head. Looking at the gold and silver city far away, his body flickered, and he disappeared from the air.

The prince saw it, and a gleam flashed in his eyes, and then licked his lips, and said, "Let ’s go, our war has just begun. After this time, everyone's identity must be improved. The rank of the Scourge is enhanced by merit. . How much credit you can get, how much reward you can get. The Scourge Mark can add one or two colors. "

The Scourge Hall is moderately severe.

It's all in accordance with the law of the jungle on the capable and the weak.

In addition to the queen of the emperor, other people, even those who were originally the killers of the Tianchi, initially belonged to the gray clothing guards in the Scourge Hall. Once they were called the one-color Scourge guards, they were promoted to be white, also known as For white clothes. Also called two-color Scourge.

With today's credit, adding color is a breeze.

Their credit is enough to have such a reward.

This kind of rule was not formulated by Yi Tianxing. It was originally intended to allow Tianchi Twelve to gain a higher status in the Scourge Hall, and obtain the heaven and earth occupation. No matter who she is or whoever she is, the master of the temple must give the corresponding credit to be promoted.

No matter how strong you are, entering the Temple of Scourge must start with gray and start from the same color of Scourge. No one can eat and die in the Temple of Scourge. Only merits can continue to climb up to gain more , Have everything you want.

This point, Tianchi Twelve Sha also agreed.

They used to be killers, and they believed in weak meat and strong food. But sometimes, strength is not the same as status. Fighting power is not equal to ability. The Scourge Hall definitely does not want the kind of corpse vegetarian meal.

Even the Twelve Shades of Tianchi must start from the bottom. Naturally, other people who join the Temple of Heavenly Calamity have no objection to this rule.

Now, thanks to the credit and the opportunity to be promoted, everyone in the Temple of Natural Calamity naturally showed joy.

I personally feel the benefits of heaven and earth, and luck, no one will refuse more.


Time passed quietly.

The army accompanied Gold and Silver City quickly.

After witnessing that even taking the human race as their hostage could not prevent Dayi from moving forward, other alien tribes were frightened. No one dared to stop again.

After walking through the rocky valley, it didn't take long to come to a very vast area.

Here you can see a huge lake appearing in front of you.

In the lake, layers of blue waves ripple, and a few meters of carp jump from the lake. It looks like a fish and dragon, making people feel amazing. The shape of the carp gives an unparalleled beauty.

It's beautiful, it's an amazing view.

It can be seen by the lake that a large number of fierce beasts are drinking water.

It even staged a killing, which is a drinking place for nearby beasts and birds. It is also a habitat.

But at this moment, the beasts gathered by the lake seemed to feel something, fleeing wildly in all directions. Do birds and animals scattered.

Rumble! !!

The ground was shaking, and it was constantly roaring.

A huge fairy city emerged from a distance. It can be seen on the wall that a large number of people are standing and waiting. When they saw the surrounding environment, even the huge lake, and the beautiful scenery, they couldn't help showing a smile on their faces. The smile came from the heart, from the heart.


Jiang Ni waved the mountain whip and drove Gold and Silver City to an area not far from Liyu Lake, and he uttered a drink. The enchanted fairy city naturally fell down.

boom! !!

In a roar, Xiancheng fell on the ground, and suddenly, it was perfectly integrated with the whole earth, as if it had taken root. The surrounding atmosphere naturally converges towards Gold and Silver City. For a moment, the surrounding world seemed to be more stable.

An invisible force gathered from heaven and earth. From the earth.

"The map of Jiangshan News Agency has become bigger."

Jiang Ni took a deep breath, feeling that after Jinyincheng was completely connected to the earth, from the heavens and the earth, an invisible great power instantly entered the body. At this moment, the cultivation of the body into mana and even life and tactics were tempered. In the life map context, go one step further.

This is the Feng Shui Division. In the process of arranging the Feng Shui array and even perfecting it, you will get a bit of feedback from the Feng Shui array. The more powerful the Feng Shui array, the more so. Will happen once. Of course, in the process of continuous improvement, it is also receiving constant feedback from Feng Shui array. But after it is completed, it will not be there if you arrange it later.

The reason why the Jiangshan Society's map is a peerless fengshui array. The reason why Jiang Ni wants to arrange it is because the Jiangshan Society's map can be continuously improved. As long as the Great Yi Dynasty continues to expand, the Jiangshan Society's map will be forever. Endless, every time you move a fairy city and complete the expansion of the large array, you will get a backfeed, which is the process of cultivation for the great advance.

In this regard, how can we not let Jiang Ni do everything to help Da Yi to expand and complete the layout.

"A good map of a Jiangshan community, a great array of feng shui, it seems that Jiang Ni has placed the city of gold and silver in the designated location, and once again the Feng Shui array of heaven and earth power back. Save a lot of hard work."

Walking in the wilderness, Yi Tianxing showed a strange color in his eyes. When Jiang Ni was fed by Feng Shui array, he also received Feng Shui array.

The map of Jiangshan Society is based on the king, and Yi Tianxing is the real master of Feng Shui. Lord of the community.

Jiang Ni was nurtured. As the head of the society, Yi Tianxing was also nurtured. Moreover, the benefits obtained by Jiang Ni were not only insignificant, but even greater.

Yi Tianxing looked at his heart, and he could see it in Shenhai. A life map exuding endless pressure stands on the sea of ​​God. It exudes majestic majesty, as if the emperor suppressed the heavens.

Amazingly is the destiny map-Tiandi Royal Dragon Map! !!

And at this moment, in the emperor's royal dragon picture, you can clearly see that in the chaos dragon nest, under the emperor's feet, an expanse of mountains and rivers come to life, if you look closely, you will find that this vast river and mountains are exactly what they are today. Dayi always has one mountain, one water, one grass, one tree, one city, one place, all of which are like the epitome of the entire territory of the Dayi Dynasty.

Now, in this river and mountains, we can see that there is one more. Thousands of miles more, this is a reduced version of the Jiangshan Society.

The Jiangshan Club's maps appearing in the Emperor's Royal Dragon Map not only make the life maps more stable and powerful, but also with the continuous transformation and growth of the Jiangshan Club's maps and Fengshui Formation, an invisible power is constantly being tempered by warming up. The whole life chart. This is the unique opportunity for Yi Tianxing to be the master of the Dayi Dynasty and the master of the Fengshui Dazhen Jiangshan Society 稷 图 社稷.

With the power of Feng Shui of the Jiangshan Club, you can conceive and grow your own life map.

It can be said that the map of the Jiangshan Society, which was condensed by the Fengshui Formation, has become a part of the emperor's dragon map. Becomes an inseparable part.

This is a little change in the body when the Fengshan Shui array of Jiangshan Society began to arrange.

Only Yi Tianxing knew this, not even Jiang Ni. No one could have imagined that the Fengshui Array of Jiangshan Society would make such a wonderful change to the Lord of Society.

This is equivalent to the emperor's royal dragon map can mobilize the mighty power of the Jiangshan community, which truly has the power of heaven and earth. The emperor is the master and controls the universe. The emperor sits on the river.

The life map realm is divided into three levels: Ningtu, point star, and scroll. The third order is ninefold.

Each step is a metamorphosis.

For now ~ ~ After merging the maps of Jiangshan Society, the emperor's royal dragon map has reached the peak of the condensed map. The first-order star point is just a stone's throw away.

In other words, Yi Tianxing has reached the third peak of Mingtujing.

At this moment, you can see in the emperor's dragon map that the original imaginary life map is more and more condensed. In the life map, there is a faint trace of starlight flickering, as if there are stars to be illuminated from the illusion. Once lit, it is transformed into a quadruple life map, a little star.

It took only a few months from the breakthrough to the life map realm, and all the way up to the triple peak of the life map realm, this is definitely a myth for many monks, even if Yi Tianxing possesses the heaven and earth industry. With an amazing increase in luck, it is impossible to reach such a point, because the life of the map is to learn the charm of the rules of heaven and earth and comprehend it. The Origin of Pregnancy.

There aren't many possibilities.

However, there is a map of the Jiangshan Society, which can even migrate the power of the Jiangshan Society of the Da Yi Dynasty to conceive a life map. Practice and grow every moment.

As the territory of Dayi becomes larger, the speed of this kind of pregnancy will be faster and the benefits will be greater.

Yi Tianxing didn't tell anyone about this. This is a hole card, a hole card that can never be said.

Feeling the cultivation growing in the body again, Yi Tianxing looked to the area where Liyu Lake was located.

At this glance, in the city of gold and silver, the air transport belonging to the Dayi dynasty has completely converged, centering on the city of gold and silver, and naturally spread out within a thousand miles. In this soil, the wilderness, a trace of land transportation is derived from the earth, rises, and integrates into the Dayi National Transport.

expensive! !!

Xuanhuang City.

The golden luck screamed a dragon yell, conveying the excitement. When the body twisted, it increased sharply. The entire body has reached the size of twenty feet.

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