Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 856: Tianjiao feast

I do n’t know how many ethnic triumphs do not hesitate for the human race to occupy the top of the list. At the bottom of my heart, I think that today ’s human race is not qualified to receive such an honor. This is stealing. It is obtained purely by luck. It's impossible to compare with their major powers.

Today, the appearance of this rare fruit banquet is destined to become a gathering place for the situation. At that time, it can be verified just how good the verification race is.

"What a treasure fruit feast to feast all the heavenly pride of all the heavens. Who is this stone emperor who has such a great ambition? For the treasure fruit feast, he is the master, and he has the intention to take his own identity and position over all the ethnic pride. Above. What qualifications does he have to feast the world. "

There are some enthusiasm in Tianjiao of various ethnic groups.

In their view, the Emperor Shi's banquet was so enthusiastic that he clearly wanted to be the king of Tianjiao.

What kind of race is the Emperor Shi and how strong it is, no one knows it. Naturally, none of these powerful Tianjiao is very convinced, but it is because they are not convinced that they have to go to this treasured fruit banquet. one look.

"Zhenguo Ban, Shi Huang, actually sent an invitation to our people in the invitation. This is a profound meaning. Once we go, our people Tianjiao will definitely be targeted, and maybe we will die on Lingshan. Even if If you do n’t die, you will be humiliated. But the invitations are all sent out. If our people do n’t go, would n’t it mean that we have no people and we are all afraid. If so, then our people ’s faces will be lost. Top of the list Its position will be more questioned. "

"You can lose your life, you ca n’t lose the face of the human race. This time, even if you died on the Lingshan Mountain, you ca n’t fall on the reputation of my human race. Besides, my people are so proud that you have never been weaker than other aliens. Who is weak is unknown. "

"I Xiangyu will meet these alien triumphs and see who can be my enemy in this world."

"This precious fruit banquet is too dangerous. If the aliens gather in arrogance, they will be targeted by all ethnic groups. This is to put themselves in danger. I Liu Bang doesn't like this kind of dangerous thing. It's up to the court to decide whether to go or not. "

This message not only caused the Tianjiao tribe Tianjiao to be uproared, but also caused many strong members of the tribe Tianjiao to have various ideas.

Some people decided to go there on the spot, even if they died in battle, it was faster than when no one went to the Jane Fruit Banquet. It seems that is the most unwise choice. There is absolutely no need.

Once you go, the possibility of nine deaths is too great.

Hesitation is naturally an instinct.

"Jinguo Banquet, is this to launch a forced palace on the human race, using this powerful force to directly force the human race to go, once the no one goes, the human momentum will inevitably decrease, this time the top spot will be obtained, but it will have a great impact on the human race. The dangers of the peoples of the heavens and the heavens have completely targeted the human race, even the deliberate suppression and slaughter. Let other races pry into the fact that the human race is strong and strong. "

"Even, the biggest possibility is to persecute me, and I am rewarded by heaven and earth. Although the light of God has just passed away, the qi that can be emitted is enough for those Tianjiao to guess that it must be a rare treasure. There is By spying, this is inevitable. "

Yi Tianxing looked up at Lingshan, which was gradually dissipating in the void, and his heart was cold and secretly said: "But since you dare to entertain, I will naturally dare to go to the banquet, whether it is the Hongmen Banquet or the Luming Banquet, I'm all set. If you want to suppress my people, let my people directly suppress your people. Three months. If you don't see them for three days, you can see them, let alone three months. "

As soon as I heard Jane Fruit Banquet, I knew that this banquet would not be a good feast, but if at this time she flinched, she would totally violate Yi Tianxing's nature. Even though this time I can spend it without danger, but in the future, I will not be able to survive my heart.

Moreover, Yi Tianxing does not consider himself to be inferior to any alien.

If you really take a trip in the arrogance of the peoples, then you will live up to your iron bones.

boom! !!

There was a noise in front of the city's main government.

I only saw that, outside, Yueyue and Li Xing came in naturally. A cold, a quiet, walking together, but a perfect landscape.

"Yi Wang, you should have heard the invitation to the precious fruit feast just now, how to plan and whether to go."

After Yueyue came in, she saw Yi Tianxing and asked directly.

In terms of title, he was not called the husband, nor was he too unfamiliar, but he used the name of King Yi, and there was still a touch of intimacy in his tone.

"Yes, this rare fruit feast is uneasy. Once you go, you will definitely be against the arrogant people of our people. If you go, you will definitely be insulted." Li Xing's soft voice sounded.

This time, you can tell at a glance that it must be a banquet of great honor, but there is no good banquet.

After hearing the news of the banquet, the two women who invited Yueyue immediately turned around and returned to the city's mansion, with Yi Tianxing's cultivation as their strength. Among the peoples, they are absolutely Tianjiao strong, and they are also the masters of the Yun Dynasty. A dynasty, among the people, is also a strong man standing on top today. Such a banquet is absolutely impossible to make a choice.

Moreover, with their knowledge of Yi Tianxing, I am afraid that the choice will be to go to a banquet.

"The eldest husband has something to do and not to do. I am the owner of Da Yi. Although I am a nation, I am also a member of the human race. If I face human race, I will be humiliated. Sneaking a living, then what qualifications does my Lord of the country have to be alive again. As an emperor, in right and wrong, you must not shrink back. "

Yi Tianxing shook his head.

As the prince of a country, he is in charge of all peoples, and he is in charge of the way of the dynasty. The longer the time, the deeper and stronger the understanding of the way of the Yun Dynasty, this is a kind of path of progress. We can only move forward, we can't flinch. In minor matters, you can make concessions, but in the event of such a human race's humiliation and shame, if you make a wrong choice, you will sever your chance of promotion.

The emperor must not be discouraged.

Set your heart first. Then stand up.

The same mind and body can go a long way.

Hearing Yi Tianxing's words, Zhaoyue's eyes flashed with a touch of movement and a touch of movement. As the master of a country, he dared to take risks.

"Since you're going, well, take me, this is a grand day, others go, why can't I invite Moon to go."

Yueyue did not hesitate to make a decision.

"Yes, I want to go too. Wherever my sister goes, Ping Xing goes."

Lian Xing bit her lower lip with a look of temptation between her looks. It's throbbing.

At this moment, he also said without hesitation, but when talking, his eyes fell on Yi Tianxing's face.

That look, I could feel, with a touch of tenderness, a touch of different feelings. Definitely not looking at the eyes of ordinary people.

In this regard, Yi Tianxing naturally felt something, and could feel some emotions from their words.

Secretly rejoicing in my heart.

Although there is a relationship between each other, for the monks, this is not unacceptable, even the dew is separated. But it's obviously not the case for Yueyue and Lianxing. Both women are guarding themselves like jade, and Yu Yixingxing's hand also began to fall on him, but they did not fully express their attitudes until they had not received the answer that fully satisfied them.

Now that I heard Yi Tianxing was heading, naturally a hint of affection appeared in his words.

"This rare fruit banquet is too dangerous. If you go there, you will only be lucky."

Yi Tianxing was touched in his heart, but he began to discourage him.

"Well, you can't control our sister's affairs. We can go wherever we want." Yueyue heard a soft hum in her nose, then turned away and turned away.

Lian Xing took a look at Yi Tianxing and left.

"Congratulations, Lord Hexi, these two girls are afraid of the Lord, and it seems that they will add two more maidens to the side of the king ~ ~ At this time, Jia Yi left from the side Come out, congratulate with a smile.

"Let the military officer laugh."

Before that, he had found that Jia Yue had entered the city's main government house, and before the invitation to Yuexing Pingxing them. It was only after they felt that the moon invitation was behind them, and then they avoided it and did not come out. See the previous scene with your own eyes.

It was also generous to say at this moment.

The affection of the two women is obviously not concealed by Jia Yan.

"It's still a ambiguity. The military division shouldn't spread the word. The lady gentleman is fine, but whether it can be done depends on the willingness of the other party."

Yi Tianxing added a sentence again.

"The king is more concerned. With his peerless posture, the ability to create the Da Yi dynasty is enough to have a fatal appeal to any woman. Not many women can reject your love."

Jia Yan said with a smile.

Some things are clear to the spectator.

Instead, I see more clearly.

"What did the military officer say?"

Yi Tianxing smiled, didn't care, and asked directly.

"I came here before, just to know if the king would go to Zhenguo Ban. However, this question is not asked anymore." Jia Yan shook his head with a smile, the answer had been obtained and was clearly in front of him.

"The army thinks that the lone king should not go."

Yi Tianxing said calmly.

"If it ’s private, I naturally do n’t want it. After all, the sons of the golden ca n’t sit in the court, and the king is a billion-dollar people. It ’s very important. Go forward, since the top of the list is won, there is no reason to let it out easily. The only hope is that you can take your own life as the most important thing when the king cannot do anything. "

Jia Yan said in a deep voice. It was clear to me that such things could not be advised, nor could they be advised, but only with full support.

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