Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 864: Picture of Dragon Emperor Town

Two Shenguang shot out from the eyes.

brush! !!

This divine light, not only from the eyes of the emperor in the Mingtu, but also directly from the eyes of Yi Tianxing's deity, black and white, glanced towards the void. Straight into the bullfight, there seems to be an invisible power that flashes from the light of God and shakes the nine days, sun, and moon. Able to pierce through nothingness.

The light of God runs through the sky and sweeps the entire battlefield of gods and demons.

"Only in heaven and underground!"

Along with the divine light, in the life chart, Tiandi uttered a choke.

This voice seemed to be affected by an invisible force, sweeping across the entire battlefield of gods and demons, and passed to almost every monk. I can feel an extremely strong and supreme will in the voice, as if he can dominate the world and suppress the sky.

"How is this going."

"Why do I feel an urge to bow down to the ground. What the **** is going on."

At this moment, countless monks were horrified on their faces, watching the two divine lights cut through the void, and the earth-shattering voice echoed in the void.

In the heavens and in the ground, such words as Uganda alone can never be spoken by anyone. Once said, in the practice world, it is causality and will definitely bear certain karma.

"A big spirit, this is the word of the Tao. Some monks have cultivated the Supreme Life Map, which has no magical power. This is the Great Life Map Realm. Qi swallows the world." You Tianjiao looked up at the void, revealing a dignified color.

"Heavenly and underground, I have the sole honor, it's a great tone."

When Tianjiao heard it, his eyes showed dissatisfaction.

This kind of arrogance statement is that they can suppress monks in the world, and the world is proud. Leading the show, this is simply not looking down on the world.

"Who is that? Dare to say that. Such words are said to have been said only by Shakyah."

Some clan strong secretly horrified.

According to the records of "The Great Tang and the Western Regions", when Shizun was born, he took seven steps toward the Quartet and raised his right hand to sing the haiku: "Heaven and the world are the only ones who have the sole honor, and now I have done my best", which means' I am for this The highest in the world '.

And who is Shakyamuni? This is the Buddha. Really suppress the power of one side. Great magical person.

It is rare to have such a spirit.

Now, when someone breaks through again, he utters this voice, no doubt, at least he compares himself to the height of the Buddha. I think that in the future I will have the opportunity to compare with the Buddha and become a powerful party.

"Top Tianjiao appears in the eternal continent."

The demon wise man lifted his eyes to the void, and a dignity appeared in his eyes.

From the momentum of this breakthrough, I can feel that once such Tianjiao grows up, it will be a terrible powerful man. In the future, it must be a big obstacle to Yong Ye.

"Also, it's time to start preparing these eternal monks to know what cruelty is," said the wise man with a hint of cruelty, sneer.


Not to mention the various reactions revealed on the battlefield of gods and demons.

At the moment, in the back room. The divine light in Yi Tianxing's eyes had quickly dissipated and disappeared.

The whole body exuded bursts of treasure light, as if there were no impurities.

"Mingtujing draws scroll steps, success !!!"

Yi Tianxing gave birth to a hint of joy.

This is from the heart.

Looking at Shenhai, in Shenhai, the original life picture has completely turned into a lifelike picture scroll. In the picture, everything is vivid and natural, full of spirituality. As if, the picture contains a unique world.

"Okay, the life map has broken through the picture scroll. The picture scroll is the Dao fruit. However, it does n’t mean that the picture is condensed into a picture, and the life picture has been completely formed. Knowing the source and integrating it can continuously enrich the life map, and at the same time make the life map more perfect, and become more powerful. The life map is a complete, self-contained space, like a cave. "

"Moreover, when the life map was transformed, those Taoists actually succeeded."

Yi Tianxing secretly rejoiced.

When the life map is transformed, the invisible force of fortune merges into the life map, so that the Taoist soldiers in the life chart quickly metamorphose, complete the sacrifice, and initially achieve the Tao soldiers.

Look closely.

In the chaotic troop pool, we can see that a tall Taoist soldier is entangled in the troop pool. The bodies of these Taoist soldiers appear strange. On the body, a piece of scales emerges. This is not an ordinary scale, but a dragon scale. The dragon scales that really emerge from the skin, one by one, cover the whole body, exuding ancient breath. These scales are also different.

Some are golden scales and some are blue scales. Some are yellow scales. Different colors have different breaths.

After these scales appeared on the body, in a flash of divine light, they turned into a battle armor, a dragon scale battle armor. Covering the whole body, there is no slight abruptness, but it perfectly sets off its own temperament, incomparable in bravery, and the coercion is naturally radiated. That is the coercion of the true dragon, which has a great suppression on most of the creatures in the world.

In his hand, he held a dragon gun covered with inverse scales. This is the inverse scale gun. Standing in the army pool, each statue is like a terrible battlefield killer. The sleeping deadly beast, once awakened, will cause a monstrous murder. Rolled up **** wind.

Standing in front of it is a war gun that can break the sky at any time.

Really has the power to crush everything.

The breath on each of them is constantly changing, and between each other, the Qi and the blood are connected. Even willing, you can switch strengths to each other. Yin and Yang can be felt in them, and the power of the Five Elements is flowing. Only now, the breath emitted by each statue is not inferior to the strongest in the life map environment, which can fight the life map.

"I wear a dragon-scale battle armor, have an inverse scale gun, have blood of the dragon race, a Taoist refining body, and have a strong combat strength. They are not inferior to the picture of life. It is indeed that I have spent countless resources and countless talents. This is my unique Taoist. In this case, it is named Tiandi Town Dragon Guard. I hope you can suppress the world for me, fight the Quartet, and sweep everything. "

Yi Tianxing's heart was fiery and he groaned secretly.

However, these Taoists have not been completely completed, and they still need to be continuously tempered, and they can quickly become stronger with their own growth. These are all cultivators, powerful in body, awakening, and endless potential.

Taoist soldiers are not sacrificed or even completed. They also need to prepare special Taoist practice methods. They must also allow the Taoist soldiers to truly experience the battlefield, undergo repeated killings, grow and transform during the killings, and eventually become a true top Taoist soldier. Once shot, it is invincible, sweeping invincible.

"If you practice body exercises, I've seen the" Super Dragon Immortal Body "of the dragon family in the Treasury of Gods. Once you practice, you can get immortal bodies and have the power of true dragons. The Supreme Gong method suitable for Zhenlong Wei. I have exactly this Dragon Cultivation Method and can give them practice. With the Dragon blood in their body, I can get started quickly. "

True dragon immortal body is the dragon's body-building method, which has a huge connection with blood.


Whoohoo! !!

At this moment, when Yi Tianxing was still immersed in the breakthrough and the joy of sacrificing the Taoist soldiers, he only heard, from the battlefield of Gods and Demons, suddenly, there was a weird roar full of majesty. This roar, with With irresistible coercion. Covering the entire battlefield of gods and demons instantly like a tide, at this moment there is an illusion of being wrapped in death.

This cry appeared at the same time in various areas of the battlefield.

"What seems to be coming from the gates."

"No, it seems that something terrible is about to come out of the star gate. Is the night party to launch a more powerful night team into the battlefield."

"I feel a strong sense of killing, destruction, and death in this cry. It is strong."

The night began to fall, and many monks of various ethnicities who had been prepared had heard a sharp cry, and they gave birth to a trace of fear. Feeling something bad is about to happen.

The call was a roar that seemed to be a zerg, and it sounded extremely harsh, as if it were a wind roar, with sharpness, strong penetrability, and extremely wide coverage.

This growl seemed to be a horn.

Trumpet of war.

Boom boom! !!

In the battlefield of gods and demons ~ ~, the dark swirls began to rotate in each star gate, and every star gate exudes a terrible vicious atmosphere, as if there was black gas rolling out, there were zerg The gasp of his breath echoed. Densely, at a glance, it gave people a sense of inexplicable fear, which seemed to connect hell, death, and destruction, and at this moment, it was fully revealed.

The horror of eternal night, at this moment, began to show to the entire eternal race.

This is not just a star gate, but a wormhole.

Roar Roar! !!

From those star gates, it seems like an endless sea. A zerg that is ferocious and gushing out like a tide. These zergs are large, hundreds of feet in size, and small as thick as fingers, dense and dense. Next, swarming, flying in the sky, running on the ground, some like beetles, some like flying dragons.

It's all kinds of strange and strange.

Each zerg not only looks cricket. In itself, it has terrible combat power.

Both have their own talents and are extremely ferocious.

These Zerg Legions look more terrifying than the previous Night Night Legions. Not because of their strength, but their quantity, attack and kill, instinctual cooperation, and hunting ability, all these zerg army becomes the most cruel and cruel killing machine on the battlefield.

The ground was roaring.

The sharp scream awakened Yi Tianxing completely, and more than half of the purpose of the retreat was completed. When he noticed the change, he immediately appeared on the wall.

On the city wall, countless soldiers have been waiting for battle, the sword is out of the sheath, and the crossbow is wound. Looking nervously out of the city.

However, after seeing the appearance of Yi Tianxing, there seemed to be a touch of lightness and a firm confidence in his eyes.

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