Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 867: Marry chicken with chicken

Everything in the world is based on inheritance.

If the family is the same, the country is the same, the race is the same, there must be a top-level strong person, and naturally, there must be a true backbone. These are the younger generation Tianjiao. Only Tianjiao's generation can show the strength of a race and the future is enough Many mainstays can support the backbone of a race and show the strength of its own race.

For example, if you want to show muscles on both sides of the battle, the young generation of Tianjiao is each muscle.

This rare fruit feast is a good place to show muscles, a good opportunity. It is a stage that belongs to Tianjiao of all ethnic groups. Whether you can make your own race show up depends on these strong men.

This feast was not only a gathering of other races, but also a gathering of Tianjiao where the human race was scattered around. Even if it is divided in the north and the south, monks who will never meet in the eternal continent before can have a chance to meet here.

Look, look again.

This is the current thinking of the white-jawed Yushi, although Yi Tianxing has shown a powerful combat force, and even his own power, are among the few in the human race, standing at the top, whether it is talent or luck, Are far beyond ordinary people. However, = some things are not just a look, you need to understand more deeply. Go understand.

Therefore, even if I saw it with my own eyes, or even guessed some cards in Yi Tianxing's hands, I still didn't make a decision easily.

He is pursuing Mingzhu, and naturally cannot make a simple choice.

"However, this sunset city is still in."

White Yushi smiled indifferently and made arrangements for the later trip.

Understanding a power is naturally nothing easier than going deep into the interior.

As for what method he used to enter the sunset city, this is naturally a very simple matter. The sunset city is not closed to the outside world, so it can accept the monks who came, even the good-natured monks can enter the city.

Within a few days, the white feathers had entered the sunset city.

Of course, after entering, their decoration has been covered up. If it is a normal decoration, as soon as you enter it, you will definitely be known by Jia Yan and others. There is no reason to let the real talent change.

Concealing his identity and converging his temperament allowed him to move freely in the city, silently observing the various actions of the Dayi Dynasty, and even the operating system of the Dynasty.

Imperceptibly, I also have some understanding of Dayi.

In the city, some things about the Da Yi dynasty are not secrets, even in Yi Tianxing, with the acquiescence of Jia Yi and others, deliberately spreading the various situations of Da Yi.

"Separation of military and political affairs, nine-grade military system, nine-grade official system. One is the opposite. The immortal town is the largest, and the tribe may be the largest Tibetan sutra hall. There are countless ancient techniques for collecting ancient books. It is really desirable."

"The Da Yi dynasty is fundamentally different from the previous human dynasty. Is this the kingdom among the monks? The heaven and earth are truly extraordinary."

The white-jay stayed in a house, sitting in the backyard, muttering to himself.

This period of time is enough for him to understand the Dayi Dynasty.

The more I understood, the more I felt an indescribable surprise for the Dayi Dynasty. This is a human kingdom system that has never been born between heaven and earth. Compared with the past, it is informative, but some things are completely unique to the Dayi Dynasty.


Time passed quietly.

Since the Emperor Shi Ban established the banquet and invited the world, the entire battlefield has been in a very strange state. The battlefield is based on the battle city and is divided into pieces. It is more difficult for each other to communicate with each other. The battlefields have almost become a relatively closed site.

The number of legions that the Yongye side put into the battlefield is too large.

Every night when night falls, there will be a large number of Ever Night Legions entering the battlefield, occupying the battlefield, besieging all battle cities, and launching an impact on the Battle City. Although the Ever Night Legion has a lot of damage every day, it can be among the tens of thousands of nights. The monk army was also killed and wounded. In exchange for cannon fodder for Yong Ye elite monk, this sale, obviously, in Yong Ye's view, it is totally worth it.

Moreover, it still makes a lot of money.

Unconsciously, more than two months have passed. It's only about half a month since the Jane Feast was held.

In the sunset city, the city's main mansion.

Yi Tianxing opened his eyes silently, and there was a touch of depth in his eyes. Vaguely, a vast picture of the mountains and rivers can be seen from the eyes, which is endlessly changing.

"Okay, it's finally time."

Standing slowly, Yi Tianxing looked outside and said calmly.

There is not much time for Zhenguo Ban. During this time, it is necessary to hurry and cross the battlefield all the way to the Lingshan. The battlefield of the gods and demons itself is quite large, and it is still occupied by a large number of Zerg and Yong Ye Zao soldiers. Once you go out, you must face the threats and obstacles of these Yong Ye Zao soldiers. The battlefield itself contains danger. If you go out, No one knows what will eventually be encountered.

Out of the quiet room, you can clearly see outside, Jia Yi and others have arrived. Obviously, waiting for Yi Tianxing.

"King, but travel far."

Jia Yan looked at Yi Tianxing and asked.

"It's not long since the Jane Fruit Banquet, and the battlefield is wide and vast, so if you don't set off, you'll be afraid you won't catch up."

Yi Tianxing nodded and said.

"Then please bring the umbrella with you."

Jia Min bowed and held up a blood-red blood umbrella. Handed to Yi Tianxing.

"What kind of umbrella is this."

Yi Tianxing saw with a strange color in his eyes and asked curiously.

"This is an umbrella created by General Dayi after knowing that the King wants to go to the Jane Fruit Banquet. After a while, the various ethnic groups are proud. This umbrella is all the soldiers united together to come up with their own merits. A treasure of heaven and earth exchanged from the treasure house of gods and demons. After the exchange, all the soldiers dripped their own blood on the puppets, infused the iron blood evil spirits in the umbrella, and were conceived with countless iron blood evil spirits every day on the battlefield. The blood of the night army is irrigated with blood. It is called the Blood Fire Umbrella, but it is a one-time treasure of heaven and earth. The power is huge enough. This blood fire umbrella is the only treasure gifted by King Tai Yi to the King, hoping to help the King. At this banquet, it was a blockbuster, showing that I belonged to my people, and I am extremely easy-going. "

Jia Yan said solemnly on his face.

Yi Tianxing has to go. There is no reason for them to stop. This is a matter of human dignity. Do not allow any hesitation. The only thing they can do is send this umbrella. This umbrella represents Dayi up and down, and all the soldiers bless Yi Tianxing.

As far as these soldiers are concerned, they can't take out other treasures. The only thing they can do is to redeem this umbrella with meritorious points. It is their wish to give this umbrella to Yi Tianxing.

"Okay, thank you all the soldiers for the orphan. This umbrella, I will use it at the most critical moment. It will never live up to everyone's expectations. My human race, not shameful."

Yi Tianxing's face solemnly reached out and took the umbrella over.

This is not an ordinary umbrella. It was a wish carrying the wishes of all the soldiers of the Great Yi. When he took it, he felt a heavy weight. This is a heartfelt and most sincere belief.

The subconscious mind has an extra responsibility.

For these lovely soldiers, why would he not fight for the human race.

"You have to go, take our sister."

Just then, Yueyue and Li Xing spoke at the same time.

"This is not an ordinary banquet. If you go, I may not be able to protect you." Yi Tianxing heard, took a deep breath and said slowly. The subconscious doesn't want to see the two women in danger.

"I don't need you to protect us, are we weak women? If you don't take it, then our sisters can also find a way to go by themselves." Yueyue said coldly. With a look of determination, with a trace of firmness.

"Take us, you are the man of my sister and me, marry the chicken and the chicken, and the dog and the dog. You have to go to the Hongmen feast. How can my sister and I watch you go alone and be involved in danger. You are hiding in the battle city. This time you fight for the human race. If you die, my sister and I will accompany you to Huangquan. "

Lian Xing also showed a hint of firmness on his face, sweeping past weakness, and said without hesitation.

This battle is facing the arrogance of the heavens and the various races. No one can predict what will happen ~ ~ The worst plan is to die on the spot. For the sake of the human race, stand in a position like Yi Tianxing. There is almost no way to step back. At this moment, they had nothing else to stop, the only thing they could do was to accompany them.

As Li Xing said, marry chickens and chickens and dogs and dogs. If you marry a monkey, you can only run across the mountain.

Although he had never expressed his position before, then, Yi Tianxing had been recognized in his heart, and a sweet heart had long been tied to him. Now, before he left, he did not hesitate to reveal his mind.

"You guys ... are really willing to marry me."

When Yi Tianxing heard it, he couldn't help but be shocked. There was a kind of unbelief that they could say such things to Yuexing Pingxing. It's simply subverting the impression in his mind.

It's too unexpected.

"Do you still want our sister to marry someone else."

Inviting Yue heard, a little dissatisfied Lengheng.

"of course not."

Yi Tianxing immediately shook his head and said.

"Congratulations, Lord Congratulations, and you will have two other peers around you."

Jia Yue saw, but smiled and bowed congratulations, "Chen Jiayu has seen two damsels."

In the voice, but directly to invite Yueyue Pingxing to meet.

Obviously, this is to completely set this matter into a reality.

Yi Tianxing is the lord of the Yun Dynasty. Until now, there is still only one queen, Cai Yan, and the harem is empty. Who will be like this, who is not three thousand beauties. Although it is the Yun Dynasty and the monk, it is also a very important thing for the royal family to extend their sons and daughters. It is not related to the society, but it can stabilize people's hearts. The emptiness of the harem is also inappropriate for their courtiers.

More women, nothing bad.

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