Is Chapter 2838 eligible?

Mixed Primordial Spirit, Divine Sovereign 8th layer, Inner Courtyard Elder, has its own Dao Stage existence, status, identity, in the Inner Courtyard can be regarded as a card face.

At this time, the great pressure fell, and everyone on the scene trembled. I don't know how many people collapsed directly to the ground, still shiver coldly.

The wind Venerable, the wind neon clothes, the complexion changes drastically, with strong fear.

They felt that there was anger in this coercion, and the Primordial Spirit did not favor Su Hao, on the contrary, there was strong hostility.

Even, this hostility has become so deep that it made him kill Su Hao!

Compared with his worries, Ling Family Supreme Elder and the others had blinking eyes and proud. This great character aimed at Su Hao, which was really great.

"Boy, it was so hard for me to find you, didn't expect, you delivered it yourself." The corner of Primordial Spirit's mouth twitched, Ye Potian's problem must be resolved, that relationship To his future.

"I have nothing to do with you here, but I want to go to the Inner Courtyard and get out of the way!" Su Hao's voice was indifferent, targeted by the great character, and he couldn't see his half jealousy.


Ling Family Supreme Elder yelled, "The god senior can find you. That is the blessing of your eight lifetimes. You should kneel down immediately. Thank you, deeply grateful."

"I am not the same as you." Su Hao's tone was still flat, glanced at Ling Family Supreme Elder, and said: "You are used to being a dog, and I, Su Hao, don’t have that hobby. "

"Bastard!" Ling Family Supreme Elder flustered and exasperated, cursing coldly: "I don't know the depth, don't understand the superiority and inferiority, you think that some strength can be regardless of the law and of natural Is morality?"

He is the Ling Family Supreme Elder. Although it is only a little person in the Outer Courtyard, the Ling Family of the Inner Courtyard is the top Great Family.

The status and identity are unquestionable.

not for the monk's sake, but for the Buddha's, mixing the Primordial Spirit respect to him, and not too much.

You can also say yes, don't dare to go too far!

As Su Hao said, he completely described him as a dog, humbly and stubbornly, this is not just an insult to him, even his Ling Family is included in it.

He yelled, but he still didn’t understand his hatred. He strode forward and pointed to Su Hao and said: "My Ling Family is in the Inner Courtyard, which is also in the top, and even in this North Divine Domain, I’m Ling Family is also one of several Great Family, with profound background, expert as clouds, how can you make trouble here?"

"little bastard, let me tell you..." His finger still points Su Hao.

"Put down your finger, I dislike it." Su Hao's voice was cold.

"hmph, can't tell good from bad, do you really think what can happen to your cultivation base? You can dominate the Outer Courtyard, and you are a fart in front of the Inner Courtyard Ling Family!"


Ling Family is in the Inner Courtyard, but there is a powerful Divinity Venerable Level, and in one's anger, it is enough to turn the clouds and rain for three days.

In fact, Ling Family, Yin Family, Lin Family, Jiang Family, Ji Family, Feng Family, etc. Great Family, the root of the source has to be traced back to that last three days.

In God, they are Ancient Family not just in name only, but also in reality.

The background is profound and unimaginable.

However, Su Hao is still indifferent, and once again said: "Retract your finger, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, what can you do? My Ling Family is in the Inner Courtyard expert as Clouds, not to mention the Lord Divine Venerable is still here, how dare you..."

Ling Family Supreme Elder is arrogant, his Ling Family expert is indeed not here, but in the majesty of the Inner Courtyard, who dares to rebel?

What's more, the Prime Minister, Divine Sovereign 8th layer, has him targeting Su Hao. What can this kid do...


The sound hasn't completely fallen yet, and the cold glow flashed sharply. Before everyone noticed it, it had already swept the fingers of Ling Family Supreme Elder.


"Ah..." The miserable howl exploded, and the blood sprayed with it. The truncated finger, under the gaze of everyone horrible to see, whizzed Rise.

"little bastard, you bastard, my Ling Family can't spare you, my Ling Family......"


Su Hao Not to mention, the second punch hit, the terrifying force hit Ling Family Supreme Elder's mouth, the flesh and blood exploded immediately, the teeth ka-cha shattered, and the blood was dazzling.

The miserable howling of Ling Family Supreme Elder screamed, but Su Hao strode forward, the terrifying breath, boomed and exploded.

"Shut up!"

He shouted like thunder, exploded, and brought Su Hao with the terrifying coercion comparable to Divine Sovereign 6 Layers, making Ling Family Supreme Elder cold. , The horrible howl stopped under the tremor.

"Kneel down!"

It is another two words, louder, more coercive, like a mountain like a sea, suppressing everything.

Ling Family Supreme Elder's body trembled. Under shock, under fear, and under the unstoppable pressure, he fell to his knees.

The knee fell, causing the ground to explode, followed by the sound of ka-cha, apparently a bone burst.

The harsh sound makes the scalp numb.

"Old stick, dare to add one more word and kill you!" Su Hao's murderous intentions against him have long been huge. At this moment, Ling Family Supreme Elder is terrified and cold. ice.

Ling Family is terrifying again, no one is here now, even if Su Hao is killed afterwards, isn’t his life gone?

It's not just him, that Ling Xiao, Ling Wyvern and the others, all closed their mouths at this moment, and didn't dare to say half a word.

This kid is fearless.

He is a lunatic.

Most people can't be shocked.

The majesty of the Ling Family has no deterrent here at all.

"So courageous." Primordial Spirit sneered, and said: "Although he is nothing, but the Ling Family has both wealth and power. You have committed a serious crime!"

" Boy, I know you want to go to the Inner Courtyard, but now, when you go to the Inner Courtyard, you are going to die."

"Of course, the deity and the Ling Family, a great character, are still some friendships. If I speak up, this matter will be fine, do you understand?"

"I said, I'm here in the Inner Courtyard, it has nothing to do with you." Su Hao's face is still cold.

"Don't tell good from bad, you can't bear the anger of Ling Family. Actually, today I am mixed with Primordial Spirit and will not speak, you can't even go to the Inner Courtyard!"

"Even if I killed you, no one dared to say more than half a word..."

"get lost!"

Su Hao no longer inked, just a single word.

But it made the audience silent, eyes widened in an instant, the wind Venerable, and even the Outer Courtyard Dean, all shivered and shivered.

Staring wide-eyed, with deep horror!

This guy is so courageous!

No, this is not boldness, but... boldness!

"act recklessly!"

The breath broke out again, and the Primordial Spirit respected forward, his face was extremely hideous, and his palms were already raised. In this Academy, he played Su Hao to death. It's too simple.

Of course, he is impossible to let Su Hao die like this. This Xu Xiaozi has a huge effect on Ye Potian and him.

But this slap takes him half his life!

Dare to impudent him, especially in the North Divine Palace.

His palm has accumulated vigor, even if he has not taken it out, everyone at the scene shakes, and the open mouth can't utter a word.

Divine Sovereign 8th layer, too terrifying!

And Su Hao, still indifferent, even took a step forward, facing the palm of his hand.

At the same time, in that hand, a token appeared and placed in front of Primordial Spirit, coldly said: "open wide your dog eyes, let me see clearly, I Su Hao go to the Inner Courtyard today, you stop Is it? Is it eligible to be blocked?"

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