"Is it my turn?"

Bai Haitang was stunned, and then his face sank. So far, no one of his age has dared to provoke him in person. Especially, Yang Xuan threatened to kill him in front of everyone, which made him angry.

"That's right, it's your turn. There are grasses and trees here, the birds sing and the flowers are fragrant. It is also a treasure of Feng Shui, and it is also a good place to bury your bones." Yang Xuan said lightly.

"There are a lot of arrogant people. It's the first time I've seen someone who is arrogant than you. Do you think you can kill me?" Bai Haitang laughed angrily, exuding a murderous aura from her body.

"Whether it can kill you, you will know after a battle." Yang Xuan shrugged and said lightly.

"Very good, you have successfully angered me, and I will fight you, but before fighting, you have to answer me a question." Bai Haitang's eyes were cold and she gritted her teeth.

"what is the problem?"

"It's very simple, who are you and do we have any grudges?"

"Do you really remember me?"

"Who the hell are you?" Bai Haitang became impatient. He always felt that Yang Xuan's voice sounded familiar, but when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't remember where he heard it.

"Brother Bai, he seems to be the Xiao Feng who killed Yu Feng by leaps and bounds." Suddenly, someone behind Bai Haitang said.

"What, he is Xiao Feng!?"

Hearing this, many people were in an uproar. Yang Xuan killed Xiao Yulong with one sword just now. In addition to being shocked, they were still guessing Yang Xuan's identity. They didn't expect that the arrogant boy in front of him was Xiao Feng, who rose to fame not long ago.

Xiao Feng, with the cultivation of the second-level Ningyuanjing, leapfrogged and killed Yu Feng of the eighth-layer of the Ningyuanjing. This is a big event. Many people know about it, but not everyone has seen Xiao Feng.

"So you are Xiao Feng." Bai Haitang was stunned, as if she had heard the name Xiao Feng.

"Hehe, Xiao Feng is just a name I chose casually." Yang Xuan shook his head gently, he not only killed Bai Haitang, but also killed him in an upright manner, and he was no longer ready to hide his identity.

"Oh, then who are you, I'm very curious, when did a genius like you appear on Xingchen Island?" Bai Haitang narrowed her eyes and asked curiously.

Not to mention his curiosity, the crowd behind him were equally curious, wanting to know who Yang Xuan was, why his cultivation was not high, but his strength was so strong. Many people have cultivated so far and have never heard of a second-level condensing Yuanjing realm. The warriors of the sky can leapfrog to kill the masters of the Eighth Heaven of Condensation Origin Realm.

"Bai Haitang, Bai Haitang, I haven't seen you for more than a month, can't you really hear my voice?"

"You, you are Yang Xuan!?" Bai Haitang exclaimed, he thought Yang Xuan's voice was familiar, but as soon as Yang Xuan used his original voice, he immediately recognized Yang Xuan, and his handsome face followed suit. It became hideous.

"Yes, I am Yang Xuan, you want to get rid of Yang Xuan soon." As he spoke, Yang Xuan tore off the human skin mask on his face, revealing his true face.

"It's you, it really is you, you have actually broken through to the second level of the Condensation Origin Realm." Bai Haitang glared angrily, her eyes were full of murderous intent, and asked: "Yang Xuan, Wu Xie and Huo Meng, are you being attacked by you? killed?"

"Well, kill." Yang Xuan nodded slightly, his face indifferent.

Seeing the indifferent look on his face, the crowd froze in their hearts.

For them, killing people is nothing, but it is a bit terrifying to be able to deal with killing people so calmly.

"You are so bold, how dare you kill your fellow sect." Bai Haitang was furious, and the murderous aura on her body became much stronger.

"If someone wants to kill me, I will kill, I don't care if he is from the same family."

With a cold snort, Yang Xuan glanced at a group of young people behind Bai Haitang, and said with a half-smile, "A group of idiots, you are following Bai Haitang, you are scheming with tigers, do you know?"

"Yang Xuan, what do you mean by that?" someone shouted angrily.

"What do you mean, Bai Haitang is a disciple of Qixuanmen on the surface, but secretly has already taken refuge in Jiuyou Sect, does Jiuyou Sect know that this sect was an evil sect on Xingchen Island thousands of years ago, and all the disciples under the sect cultivated and swallowed it. It can devour the flesh and blood of the warrior to strengthen itself."

"The art of devouring?"

"That's right, you should see a lot of mummified corpses along the way. Those mummified corpses were swallowed up by Jiuyou Sect warriors."

"real or fake?"

"Believe it or not, in short, you follow Bai Haitang, and sooner or later you will be swallowed up by him and become the nourishment for him to improve his strength."

"Brother Bai, he, what he said is true!?"

"Don't listen to him, I, Bai Haitang, the dignified young master of the Bai family, and a genius in the inner door of Qixuanmen, can't get what I want, why should I join the Jiuyou Sect at the risk of the world?"

"Don't pretend, the fact that your Bai family took refuge in Jiuyou Sect has already been passed back to the three major sects. Sooner or later, the three major sects will uproot your Bai family, and you will disappear with your family."

"You don't want to spit blood!" Bai Haitang's face was gloomy, and the killing intent skyrocketed.

"Why, in a hurry, want to kill me?" Yang Xuan squeezed the tax.

"Everyone, I, Bai Haitang, swear to the sky that I have nothing to do with my Bai family and Jiuyou Sect. If it is really related, the sky will be thundered." Bai Haitang said loudly, before killing Yang Xuan, he did not want his identity to be revealed.

"Hehe, if you don't know what to do unless you don't know what to do, and let you argue over and over again, the matter of you and your Bai family's refuge in the Jiuyou Sect will be revealed to the world sooner or later." Yang Xuan sneered.


Bai Haitang's eyes are like cold stars, and her fists are slamming: "Yang Xuan, you have murdered your fellow sect, and you have committed a heinous crime. I will clean up the door for the sect today."

"Cleaning up the door, what kind of thing are you? Even if I kill my fellow sect, I have to be punished by the sect's punishment hall. You are so overbearing and eager to kill me, are you trying to silence or what?" Yang Xuan laughed in anger. .

"To shut up!"

Bai Haitang drank it coldly, and his killing intent became stronger and stronger, and the air around him became icy cold.

"Compare me with aura?" Yang Xuan smiled coldly, the killing intent exuding from his body was no weaker than Bai Haitang, or even worse.

At this moment, the two stood at a distance of seven or eight feet, no one moved, and murderous aura advanced first, as if an invisible force was colliding and squeezing each other, and the forest trees blocking the two were the first to be blown up and turned into powder. The sight is appalling.

"What a terrifying murderous aura!"

The crowd was horrified, they couldn't imagine how terrifying murderous intent would cause such destructive power.

At the same time, their eyes lit up and they looked forward to the battle between the two.

Not to mention Bai Haitang, he is already a famous genius on Xingchen Island.

On the other hand, Yang Xuan, although not as famous as Bai Haitang, should have some strength since he dared to make bold statements to kill Bai Haitang. As for how strong his strength is, we will only know after the battle begins.

"It's interesting, it seems that you are really going to kill me!" Suddenly, Bai Haitang smiled, and a pair of eyes gleamed coldly.

"Of course, I never fight unsure battles." Yang Xuan grinned, his killing intent continued to rise steadily.

"The tone is not small. I'm afraid that after today, you will never see the sun tomorrow."

"You still worry about yourself. After this battle, you Bai Haitang will disappear into this world."

Hearing this, the crowd was stunned. This guy Yang Xuan is so confident?

You must know that on Xingchen Island, Bai Haitang's strength is not the best among her peers, but it is also among the best. If Yang Xuan has the cultivation of the True Astral Realm, they don't think there is anything.

However, Yang Xuancai's cultivation level of the second level of the Yuan Dynasty, he dared to threaten to kill Bai Haitang with such a cultivation level, if he was not smart, or he had real talent and real learning.

"Okay, very good, you really are arrogant, I hope you won't kneel in front of me crying and begging for mercy later." Bai Haitang's black hair stood on end, and the corner of her mouth showed a cold smile.

"You talk a lot, now, can you fight?" Yang Xuan pouted and asked.

As soon as this statement came out, all the eyes of the crowd showed the color of anticipation.


Yang Xuan wants to fight Bai Haitang.

It has been so many years, there is no one who dares to call the master of the Zhanzhen Astral Realm like this, especially Yang Xuan only has the cultivation base of the second level of the Ningyuan realm. Bai Haitang, let's not talk about the outcome of this battle, this courage alone is enough to spread the word around the world.

"Yang Xuan, the gap between you and me is irreparable. Next, let's pay the price for your arrogance." Bai Haitang said coldly.

"Haha, it's the same sentence, do you dare to fight, if you don't dare, you will cut off your hands and feet, and I will spare you." Yang Xuan laughed wildly in the sky, extremely domineering, as if he was the only one left in the world, and the others were all ants .

"Since you want to court death, then I will fulfill you." Bai Haitang finally moved.


With a cold drink, Yang Xuan also moved.

The crowd only saw two afterimages rushing away, incredibly fast!


There was a loud noise, and the bodies of the two collided. In just a split second, the two fought close to each other. The crowd couldn't see how many times the two had shot. They could only see two silhouettes flickering and colliding. You come and I go. Boom, one after another figure was torn apart.

Everyone knew that the figure that was constantly being torn apart was just an afterimage. So far, the two have yet to decide the winner.

"Haha, Bai Haitang, your body is so tyrannical, you must have practiced the swallowing technique of Jiuyou Sect, right?"

"Your body is not weak, but I suspect that you joined the Jiuyou Sect."

The two fought close to each other, attacking each other's vitals with every move, and also attacking their hearts with words, trying to attack the opponent with this, find each other's flaws, and give the opponent a sure-fire blow.


The sound of a tyrannical collision sounded, and the two bodies separated for the first time. Although they were not injured, the place where the two fought was devastated, and all the trees were destroyed.

In the middle of the two, at the place where they collided just now, the ground was flattened by half a chi, and it was devastated.

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