“It does not matter .”

Feng Qingyang waved his hand and gave the baby the source of good fortune.

Chapter 529, three, six, nine, etc.

“Thank you Great Grandpa.”

The baby doesn’t know what politeness is, so he grabbed the source of good fortune and held it in his hand. Looking at it, his small eyes were shining, and it looked like a little money fan got treasure, and Yang Xuan, the owner, didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“smelly brat, look at what you did well.”

Yi Qingwu pretty face is blue, and gives Yang Xuan an angry look. The character of Artifact Spirit is closely related to the character of the owner. , It can be said that the baby has become like this, and it is inseparable from Yang Xuan.

What Yang Xuan can say, he can only show his hands and smile in response.

“Two elder sisters, don’t you make fossils?”

The baby is obviously not satisfied with a source of good fortune, so he turned his attention to the Yi Family sisters.


There is no fossil on Yi Xiu’er, so she can only look towards Yi Qingwu reluctantly.

“Elder, the baby is so cute, if you have any source of good fortune on your body, please take it out.”

Yang Xuan is carefree, don’t forget to grin at the baby. .

“Shut up.”

Yi Qingwu shouted, took out two fossils from the storage ring and gave them to the baby.

“Thank you for two elder sisters, two elder sisters are kind-hearted. They are beautiful again. If only they could marry my big brother together.”

He was authentic and blinked at Yang Xuan at the same time.

“cough cough…”

Yang Xuan was choked by the baby’s words, and couldn’t help but look towards Yi Qingwu, and she saw the beautiful Elder face full of black lines.

“Elder, children’s words carry no harm, don’t take seriously.”

Throwing down the sentence, Yang Xuan ran away.

“Yang Xuan, you stand still for me.”


In the depths of the Huolin Cave, a red light curtain is boundless, which isolates the high temperature from Underground lava nearby.

In the light curtain, there is a huge Earth Palace, although it has long been dilapidated, but through those broken walls, you can still vaguely see the glory of this place.

According to legend, in ancient times, a lot of Fire Qilin lived here.

They build a city here, thrive and thrive, and sometimes go out in groups to prey on their prey. They are extremely vicious. I don’t know how many races were slaughtered back then, and they also attracted the siege of powerhouses of all races.

After a terrifying battle, the powerhouse of all races suffered heavy casualties, and the Fire Qilin Race was all extinct, and even the city was eroded into ruins over the years.

Many people came to explore treasures many years ago.

But in recent years, treasure has been wiped out, and it has also left this place alone.

“I hope Xiu’er can succeed.”

“Don’t worry, with my Master, I will be rescued in time even in danger.”

At this moment, In the depths of the Earth Palace, on a deserted square, Yang Xuan and Yi Qingwu stand side by side. Not far away, Feng Qingyang sits on the ground, closing his eyes and sleeping.

Yi Qingwu glanced at Feng Qingyang, his tight nerves relaxed a lot.

Just like Yang Xuan said, with Feng Qingyang, Yi Xiuer will definitely be able to smooth Core Formation.

But Core Formation is also dangerous, Yi Qingwu is still a little worried, and his eyes always look towards Yi Xiu’er on the platform deep in the square.

That is the Fire Spirit array built by Fire Qilin Race. The entire array is several ten zhangs large, and the whole body is red like blood crystals.

Although the long years have been damaged and the effect is far less than before, it can also quickly gather Fire Yuan Qi between Heaven and Earth, and Fire Attribute martial artist cultivation twice the results for half the effort.

“You two don’t have to worry, Xiu’er, a little girl with good talent, should be able to condense a Grade 8 inner core!”

A laughter came from Feng Qingyang.

“Master bright vision like a torch, can you see how many inner cores of the discipline can be condensed in the future?” Yang Xuan asked.

This question also aroused Yi Qingwu’s curiosity. She couldn’t help but turned her head towards Yang Xuan. She didn’t know if this guy could condense a few inner cores.

For a martial artist, the quality of the inner core determines its future achievements.

In Yi Qingwu’s view, Yang Xuan is extremely talented and can at least condense a Grade 8 inner core.

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