He yelled and dodges, the whole person is like a slippery loach, every time he sees stitches, he shuttles through the fire and rain in the sky, no fire rain can touch him The body is valiant and formidable looking.

“Martial Dao Heavenly Eye is so powerful!”

Yi Qingwu has shocked eyes in her eyes. She knows Martial Dao Heavenly Eye is very strong, but watching Yang Xuan casually avoid all the fire Rain, she felt extremely shocked.

“Phoenix spread its wings!”

After a brief loss of consciousness, Yi Qingwu directly used a trick, only to see the Fire Phoenix under her burst out of the air, and then the high-speed rotation started. The two giant flame wings turned into terrifying fire knives, swept away towards Yang Xuan.

“This girl is endless.”

Yang Xuan twitched the corners of his mouth and turned around and fled. This is a Phoenix’s formidable power that should not be underestimated. Martial Dao alone Heavenly Eye is difficult to avoid, the best way is to escape.

“Blood wings!”

A pair of blood-colored wings appeared. In an instant, Yang Xuan’s speed exploded several times. I don’t know, and he fled to the distance as soon as the smoke slipped, making the Fire Phoenix completely fall. Got an empty.

“What’s going on!?”

Yi Qingwu froze in place, her face was amazed, she didn’t see clearly just now, Yang Xuan actually disappeared from her eyes, Faintly, she seemed to see a pair of blood-colored wings on the strong back of Yang Xuan.

“Blood wings, is this Martial Spirit!?”

Yi Qingwu didn’t understand, so he heard a loud voice.

“Yi Elder, although I have not yet married Xiu’er, I am destined to marry her in the near future, so you are my eldest sister-in-law, and you are not right with me. “

“Go to your sister-in-law, I don’t have a brother-in-law who to have no shame like you.” Yi Qingwu has black forehead, and has the urge to run wild.

“Ai, Elder, you are so unkind. If this continues, the cultivation base will be rapid progress, but as a woman, you have lost your happiness.”

“I am committed to martial arts, this is happiness.”

“Well, when I didn’t say it, but you remember, I am in love with you, your person and your heart are mine I hope you will cultivation well. If the cultivation base is surpassed by me that day, you can wait to be my Yang Xuan’s woman.”

“Even if I die, I won’t let you this bastard I got what I wanted.”

“Really, let’s wait and see.”

Yang Xuan strode from a distance with a smile on his face.

“What do you want to do?”

Yi Qingwu lovable body trembled, Yang Xuan’s smile gave her a sense of danger, she stepped back two steps subconsciously, secretly vigilant .

“A beauty like you, what do you think I will do?”

Yang Xuan kept walking, approaching Yi Qingwu.

“Yang Xuan, if you dare…” Yi Qingwu didn’t finish her words, but Yang Xuan disappeared.


Yi Qingwu was surprised, and immediately understood that Yang Xuan had used the cloak of shadow to hide.


Suddenly, a light sound came. Accompanied by Yi Qingwu’s tender voice, her pretty face became red all of a sudden, with shame in the peerless Fanghua Annoyance and resentment.

Because, just now, that damn kid slapped her in a proud place with his big hand.

“Yang Xuan, get out of here!”

The voice was still there, a pair of flourishing jade hands attacked continuously, attacking all directions indiscriminately.

bang bang bang!! !

A divine force burst out of the sky. Within a hundred zhang, countless broken walls turned into dust and smoke billowed.

For a long time, Yi Qingwu stopped, gasping for breath.

“Are you tired?”

At this moment, a slightly magnetic voice came, and a silhouette appeared in front of Yi Qingwu, it was Yang Xuan.

Relying on the cloak of shadow and Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, no matter how Yi Qingwu bombarded him, it didn’t hurt him. On the contrary, Yi Qingwu consumed a lot of divine force because his injuries were not completely recovered yet. Looks a little weak.

“You…” Yi Qingwu trembled, attacking Yang Xuan with a palm.

“Don’t move, or I can’t guarantee what will happen.”

Yang Xuan raised his hand and grabbed Yi Qingwu’s hand.

“Let go!”

“Don’t let go!”

“Yang Xuan, I and I are absolutely irreconcilable.”

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