“Fleshly body strength doesn’t work, just let you try my Golden Crow Clan’s close combat.”

Wu Jun suffered a loss in Yang Xuan’s hands, and naturally wants to recover Face-saving, he roared wildly, and rushed over quickly, full of strong baleful qi.

As one of the top geniuses of the Golden Crow Clan younger generation, he goes out all the year round to fight with various ferocious birds and beasts. He does not talk about battle skills, skill and richness, but just the baleful qi on his body. It is enough to shock people.

If this is not enough to get a human brat, then he can look back and hit a wall to death.

“Wu Jun, don’t show mercy, let this kid know that our Golden Crow Clan is great!”

“Jun, fiercely beat him up and make him arrogant no longer does not raise. “

The audience was full of voices, and many Golden Crow Clan juniors were cheering for Wujun.

“This guy’s fleshy body is really strong!”

Wu Lingyan’s eyes turned around, she also cultivated the powerful Qi Viewing Technique, and naturally saw Yang Xuan’s out of the ordinary, but the strong fleshy body does not mean that the strength is strong.

She held her breath, stared at Yang Xuan, staring at Yang Xuan without blinking. She wanted to see how this brave Human Race boy could stop Wu Jun’s fierce melee combat Surgery.

Their Golden Crow Clan, strength is second, and they are best at close hand-to-hand combat.

Looking at All Heavens Myriad Realms, there are not many races that can match them, as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

“Also, I will fight with you with my Human Race melee attack.”

Yang Xuan’s eyes are like electricity, his fighting intent is rising, handsome and elegant There is no fear on face, but instead it is full of belief in victory.

Chapter 539 amaze the world with a single brilliant feat!

“Give me defeat!”

Wu Jun’s body is like a flash of lightning, one palm burst into the air, his five fingers formed into claws, and he made a sharp whistling sound while waving, toward Yang Xuan caught it.

This is Golden Crow Clan’s battle skill Golden Crow claw. Even if Origin Force is not used, a single claw is enough to penetrate the golden stone and tear everything. The destructive power is amazing.

An ordinary martial artist, facing this blow, can’t avoid it, and I am afraid that he will die under this claw. It is enough to see the very ruthless of Wu Jun’s shot.

In an instant, this sharp claw came to Yang Xuan’s front door.

You only need to move forward a little, and you will be disfigured if you are not dead.

Yang Xuan white clothes lightly, his face is calm and calm, from the beginning to the end.

Just when the sharp claw was about to hit his face door, he suddenly raised his right arm, and did not move it, making an earth shattering.

One palm is raised high, the same is flexed into claws, but the speed is like a lightning bolt, strong wind and swift rain, grabbing the incoming sharp claw, making it difficult to move forward.


Wu Jun turned pale with fright, didn’t expect Yang Xuan’s reaction was so swift, he reached out to resolve his Golden Crow claw.

His face is blue and his eyes are cold, he tries to pull his hand out.

But it’s okay if I don’t pump it. I noticed that the Human Race boy in front of me is amazingly powerful. A big hand is like a pair of pliers. He firmly clasps one of his right hand palms. Tight, it is difficult to move half a point.

“Let it go!”

Wu Jun’s waist and hip sank, the rock under his feet cracked, and he struggled to escape.

However, when he met Yang Xuan, all the struggles were in vain and could not be shaken at all.

Seeing that he couldn’t get rid of with all his strength, Wu Jun’s eyes burst, his face turned into pig liver color, as ugly as it is.

“Do you have only this strength?”

An indifferent smile appeared at the corner of Yang Xuan’s mouth.

“Asshole, let me go quickly!”

Wu Jun was furious, ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

Can you not be ashamed?

The genius of dignified Golden Crow Clan was caught by a human brat from Celestial Realm in full view of the hands impossible to move even a little bit.

Yang Xuan didn’t say a word, his big hand exerted a little force, Wu Jun’s right hand immediately heard the muffled sound of ka ka ka.

This is the sound of bones about to shatter. The hurting Wujun is sweating and roaring constantly. It is a rather handsome face, which has been completely distorted and looks very oozing.

“What’s the matter, is Wu Jun captured by him like this!?”

Many Golden Crow Clan juniors exclaimed again and again, each face was full of words look of shock.

With the previous two punches, this is only the 3rd move. Wu Jun hasn’t even opened his hands and feet yet, so he was taken down.

How could they believe it if they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes.

“Wu Jun, attack him.”

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