Ancient Yanlong, with flames burning all over, destroying heaven extinguishing earth.

But really speaking, the most powerful thing about Yanlong is its strength.

This is a devastating violent force!

Although the Great Sun Flame Dragon Burst is only a secret technique, this technique is created from the ancient flame dragon, and a single punch can also explode a little flame dragon violent power.

Before reaching the level of divine force, Wu Yifei used this move to suppress and kill a seven-level monster outside. He believed that this move would definitely defeat Yang Xuan in one fell swoop. .

With a swish, Wu Yifei swooped down from in midair fast as lightning, and a fist became the head of the ferocious dragon, with dazzling brilliance that made his eyes hurt It’s hard to imagine how big the formidable power of this fist is.

At this moment, except for Ulu and the others in the distance, Wu Lingyan and the others are all stunned. It seems that Wu Yifei didn’t expect to defeat Yang Xuan, even the Great Sun Yanlong. All these killer moves were used, and from here you can also change direction to see how powerful Yang Xuan is.

“Okay, very good, it’s better to get rid of this little bastard at once.”

Wu Jun’s face is full of cold smiles, wishing Yang Xuan would be Wu Yifei The Great Sun Yanlong exploded into a mess.

“Very powerful secret technique, but unfortunately, I can’t help but break for me!”

Yang Xuan black hair dances wildly, within the body Origin Force, like a mountain torrent, All of them rushed to the right fist, and punched out a powder-shattered fist, exploding with explosive terrifying power, and shook Wu Yifei’s Great Sun Flame Dragon.


Like a thunderstorm, the entire square was shaking, and a wave of violent energy surged in all directions like a tide.

puff puff puff! ! !

A piece of rubbish rock was lifted up and broken in midair. All rubbish stones, no matter how big or small, became powder.

This big collision can be described as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

Most of the rocks on the square disappeared, and there was almost nothing left. The fallen leaves all over the ground were completely turned into fly ash, and the ground was flattened by a few centimeters.

This kind of destructive power is really horrible and makes people palpitate.

After the smoke cleared, a group of Golden Crow Clan juniors all opened wide and saw Wu Yifei and Yang Xuan standing more than ten meters apart on the devastated square. Their faces looked a little pale, as if they were all Suffered some internal injuries.

“both sides suffer!”

Wu Lingyan’s eyes widened, and the others were also dumbfounded. This result was unexpected.

“You can hurt me, unforgivable!”

Wu Yifei was furious and roared.

“Fight again!”

Yang Xuan spit out thunder, with full speed, suddenly appeared in front of Wu Yifei, raising his fist, like Mount Tai pressing the top, with great momentum Meng, smashed down suddenly.

Wu Yifei’s color changed, his hands condensed with a peculiar seal, the golden light shining in front of him, and a Three-legged Golden Crow with several meters large appeared, roaring out.


Yang Xuan punched through the air without losing momentum, hitting the Three-legged Golden Crow and blasting it into scum.

At the same time, he was exhausted, but he had been prepared for a volley kick, sweeping to Wu Yifei’s temple faster than lightning, very hot and ruthless.

“Go back!”

Wu Yifei raised his left arm with an elbow to block the kick!


This is a pure force collision. There is not much fancy. One wins in the fleshy body and the other wins in the divine force. The strong collision. Who They also failed to get a bargain, so they flew out one after another.

“This child really is out of the ordinary!”

Yang Xuan sighed, changing to an ordinary person, under his repeated raids, it is absolutely difficult to parry.

But Wu Yifei reacted quickly and had rich experience in fighting, so he easily resolved his offensive.


Wu Yifei’s eyes are like cold stars, and his blond hair is upside down. As soon as he stabilizes his body, he screams like an arrow from the string.

His body is like a flash of electricity. With the right hand swinging, the golden divine force is released, and his five fingers are spewing gorgeous rays of light, and they become a huge Golden Crow claw in a flash.

This is their Golden Crow Clan’s Golden Crow tearing technique, known as the talent divine technique that can fight True Dragon, and it is extremely lethal.

The claw cracks the sky!

The sharp whistle shook the sky and the world. Many people on the bulging rock only felt tingling in their ears, which was terribly uncomfortable. They quickly ran the Origin Force to cover their ears, which made them feel better.

I just saw that Wu Yifei used Golden Crow’s Heaven-Tearing Technique, and everyone’s faces still showed a look of shock.

“One defeat you!”

Wu Yifei whistled and shattered the sky with his bare hands. The seven-to-eight-meter-long Golden Crow claws shatter void, and Yang Xuan Shrouded in an instant, it is inevitable.

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