This is the real Golden Crow speed!

Wu Yifei has a deep mind, and has always reserved it before. Not at all fully reveals the speed of the Golden Crow wings. Only then did it suddenly erupt, and its speed suddenly reached an unimaginable point.

This is Wu Yifei’s suppression of the cultivation base. If it is fully urged, the speed will be faster.

Even so, this speed made Yang Xuan eyes froze. As soon as he reacted, he saw a divine force gushing fist hitting his face.

Yang Xuan didn’t have time to think about it. He raised his arm to resist, and was knocked out on the spot.

Fortunately, his fleshy body is strong and his injuries are not serious.

But one of his right arms was also cracked in bone, overflowing with red blood, and his white clothed body became charred under the high temperature, looking really embarrassed.

“Brother Yifei is great!”

“haha, human brat, now you know our Golden Crow Clan is amazing.”

“That is, under the Golden Crow wings of our Golden Crow Clan, you are only left to be beaten.”

This world is boiling. The morale of countless Golden Crow Clan juniors is booming, and the voice is like a wave. .

Only Wu Lingyan didn’t make a sound, because Wu Yifei’s just now was a sneak attack, and he hit Yang Xuan a completely unprepared.

As a Golden Crow Clan younger generation number one expert, in order to deal with a Celestial Realm Human Race teenager, he actually took a sneak attack. This is a shame for their entire Golden Crow Clan.

In the distance, Ulu and the others are also silent, only feeling dull.

Wu Yifei also knew that this was a sneak attack, so his face was not half happy, coldly said: “Give up or die.”

“Nonsense, come to fight.”

Yang Xuan’s voice was not loud, but the audience was completely quiet.

Almost everyone looked at him with incredible eyes, as if he didn’t expect him to fight.

“Let you come to fight, didn’t you hear it?”

Yang Xuan fighting intent boiled, tearing off his tattered jacket, revealing bronze’s strong chest.

The bulging muscles are like horned dragons, exuding explosive power, giving people a strong visual impact.

“What a tyrannical fleshy body this is!”

Many people took a cold breath. When Yang Xuan didn’t take off his clothes, he looked weak, but when he took off his shirt, he immediately started. A terrifying fleshy body was revealed.

Although I don’t know how strong his fleshy body is, but seeing the bulging muscles of his upper body, many people have the illusion that this is not a Human Race teenager, but a beast. Once an outbreak occurs, it is bound to be earth shattering and unstoppable.

“Well, if you give in here, you will only make me look down on you.”

Wu Yifei coldly said.

“There is a lot of nonsense, now, it’s time for me to take the shot first, and you also take my punch.”

Successful by Wu Yifei’s sneak attack, Yang Xuan also moved True Fire .

He stepped on the ground with his feet, and the tyrannical force directly caused the earth to blast with a bang, and his whole person was like a human tyrannosaurus rushing out, and suddenly came to Wu In front of Yi Fei.

“So fast!”

Wu Yifei eyes shrank, didn’t expect Yang Xuan’s speed is so fast, but fortunately, he has rich combat experience and a brief loss of consciousness will be raised. He punched hard with his right arm.

“get lost!”

Yang Xuan is as powerful as thunder. He also raised his fist and opened the door with one punch. He used his best, 90,000 catties of power. It vented, blasting the air, and hit Wu Yifei’s fist heavily.



With a muffled sound mingled with the sound of bone cracks, Wu Yifei as if was struck by lightning, flew horizontally, and kept splashing with blood on his right hand, leaving stains of blood on the ground.

Drops of red blood, like rose petals falling on the ground, are clearly visible, making the eyes of many Golden Crow Clan juniors freeze.

Is this still a human? He flew Wu Yifei out with a single punch, and he was helpless.

“Boy, you crime deserving ten thousand deaths.”

Wu Yifei was furious, his blond hair soaring into the sky, before he could stabilize, he slapped Golden Crow Chi culled Yang Xuan, and the speed was really as fast as a ghost.

“Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, open for me!”

Yang Xuan twin pupil silver light shot, a pair of Iron Fist burst out wildly.

Bang peng~ peng~!!!

Wu Yifei has been dazzled by the anger, and he has not immediately noticed the changes in Yang Xuan’s pupils. After performing various tricks, it is bound to defeat Yang Xuan completely, otherwise it will be difficult to vent his nausea. .

Yang Xuan is fearless. In his eyes, Wu Yifei not only slowed down, but he also predicted various moves in advance.

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