He also has the cultivation base of Fateful Peak Peak, but Yang Xuan is totally ignorant of him. For a while, don’t mention how angry he is.

“Regardless of where you are from, since you have used Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, then I won’t suppress the cultivation base anymore.”

Wu Yifei burst into tears, his body burst out in vain. A shocking imposing manner.

This is divine force fluctuation, which emits incomparable high temperature.

With him as the center, the ground within several feet is scorched black, and Tzzzzzzz is blowing black smoke. It is difficult to imagine how much Supreme-Yang True Fire is contained in his divine force.

“Ai, Wu Yifei is still too young and energetic!”

“Yes, if you lose, you lose. We Golden Crow Clan can’t afford to lose.”

“Of course, we Golden Crow Clan can afford to lose, but we can’t lose to a human brat.”

“After so many years, Brother Ulu is still against Linglang It’s a brooding thing!”

In the distance, many Golden Crow Clan elder powerhouses whispered to each other, almost everyone looked towards Ulu in the end.

“Although my son did not die by the hands of Human Race, Human Race was greedy for life and fear of death. I would ignore my son’s life and death in critical moments. I still remember it and never forget it until death.”

This sentence was almost squeezed from between Ulu’s teeth, showing how angry he was.

Because, thousands of years ago, his son went out to practice and died at the hands of a wolf martial artist. At that time, there were several Human Race martial artists walking with his son, but they did not One slackens.

Although his father has chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades between the murderer and the Human Race martial artist, he still hates Human Race to this day. .

Chapter 544, this is a grass mud horse

“gu lu……”

On Qingfengling, everything is silent, and only many Golden Crow Clan juniors are left. The sound of drooling.

Everyone understands that Wu Yi flew the True Fire, and Yang Xuan would be disabled even if he was immortal.

Yang Xuan is fearless. With Master Feng Qingyang present, he is not worried about his safety.

It is not easy for Wu Yifei to kill him, after all, he still has the Life Source Divine Ability Qilin Arm of Fire Qilin Race.

Although Qilin Arm may not be better than Wu Yifei, it is enough to save life.

But when he felt the imposing manner on Wu Yifei’s body, he was still a little surprised. He opened Martial Dao Heavenly Eye involuntarily, and moved towards Wu Yifei’s sea of ​​air, and his face was immediately moved. .

Deserving of the outstanding figure of the younger generation of Golden Crow Clan, almost 50% of the strong divine force is Supreme-Yang True Fire.

With so many Supreme-Yang True Fire, Wu Yifei’s Fire Attribute divine force has undergone a qualitative change.

This is not so much Fire Attribute divine force, but rather Sun God force, destructive power need not be said.

“Wu Yifei, your injury obtain is not light, don’t fight.”

Wu Lingyan frowns saying.

“Yan’er, this matter has nothing to do with you, don’t interfere.”

Wu Yifei waved his hand and wanted to attack Yang Xuan.

“Well, this battle ends here.”

Suddenly, the world shook, and there was such a voice.

“I have seen my emperor!”

I don’t know who shouted, the Golden Crow Clan people present, including Ulu and the others in the distance, all bowed. Salute and call me the emperor.

“Golden Crow Monster Sovereign?”

Yang Xuan’s eyes flickered, but his heart was calm.

How could the dignified generation of Monster Sovereign fail to notice what happened on Qingfengling, but it hasn’t stopped it for a long time, so it must be used by Wu Yifei to explore the depth of this human brat.

“It’s all gone, let’s go down and prepare for it, and enter the Sun God Palace in three days.”

Golden Crow Monster Sovereign spoke again, with an old and powerful voice, like a thunder. It’s hard to imagine the end of it just by listening to sound.

“Follow my emperor’s order.”

One by one, the Golden Crow Clan juniors did not dare to disobey, and descended one after another.

However, Wu Yifei and Wu Lingyan did not rush away.

The former was because he was too angry, while the latter wanted to stay and chat with Yang Xuan.

Don’t look at the many juniors of Golden Crow Clan, but none of them have left the Supreme Sun Star in recent years. They are just like birds in the cage. They don’t know anything about what’s happening outside, otherwise they will be Yang Xuan. How could they not know the reputation nowadays.

“My emperor, this kid owns Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, but I suppressed the cultivation base. It is impossible to win.”

Wu Yi flies and wants to get more angry, loudly said .

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