That’s the case, his eyes are still burning like a pain, and there are even two strands of blood flowing from the corner of his eyes, which is very eye-catching.

It was because he saw that the opportunity was not good, and quickly put Martial Dao Heavenly Eye away, otherwise his eyes would be useless.


Yang Xuan let out a sigh of relief, a little frightened.

That’s all was probed with Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, and his eyes were burned, which shows how fierce the flames in the great cauldron are.

But what is this mysterious great cauldron? It can be used to hold the Supreme-Yang True Fire.

With just a glance, Yang Xuan discovered that self becomes a space in great cauldron, filled with endless Supreme-Yang True Fire, which is so devastating, it is just like a vast and violent solar storm, with burning The heaven and boiling the sea is not an exaggeration.

If a supreme falls into it, I am afraid that it will have to destroy both body and soul on the spot. There is no possibility of survival, and it is extremely dangerous.

Just as Yang Xuan was shocked, the voice of the purgatory boy came.

“This is a Taikoo Ominous Array, intended to kill, you brat don’t care about it, or you are doomed to lose your life.”

“Ominous Array!?”

Yang Xuan’s heart throbbed and asked: “Boy, have you ever seen what Formation this is?”

“There are so many forms in the world, you really think I know everything! “

The purgatory boy smiled bitterly.

“Then do you know how the formidable power of this array is?”

“Since it is an Ominous Array, the formidable power will naturally not be weak.”

“You Isn’t it nonsense? This great cauldron contains no idea how many Supreme-Yang True Fires. With this, the formidable power can be weak.”

Yang Xuan doesn’t know whether to cry or to Laughing, and bluntly said: “In your opinion, can I get past with my current strength?”

“If this formidable power is fully turned on, you can crush the Teleportation Talisman and go out now, otherwise You will only lose your life in vain, but there are other restrictions in this formation. The lower your cultivation base, the smaller the formidable power of this formation.”

The purgatory boy said.

“so that’s how it is, it seems that Golden Crow Monster Sovereign did not lie to me.”

Yang Xuan’s eyes flickered, and he decided to break into the battle.

This is an opportunity that Master Feng Qingyang has finally won for him. If he does not dare to break into the Ominous Array in front of him and goes back home, then he will have no face to see Master Feng Qingyang again.

“Boy, how can this array be inspired?”

“Just get close to that great cauldron.”


Yang Xuan rested on the spot for a while, then slowly lifted his steps and walked towards the great cauldron.

He walked very slowly, his nerves tightened every step he took.

This Taikoo Ominous Array was obviously deployed by the ancestor of Golden Crow Clan, the Golden Crow Monster God. Heaven knows how abnormal its formidable power is. If it is too reckless, it will be strange if you don’t suffer a big loss.

One step!

Two steps!

Three steps!


After taking a few steps, the great cauldron did not show any mutation, but although this cauldron looks like a dead thing, there is no breath fluctuation, but it gives Yang Xuan a very The feeling of danger, it seems that if you don’t move, you can do it, and if you move, you will be earth shattering.

Yang Xuan slowed down, and gradually began to sweat on his forehead.

The calmer this great cauldron is, the more disturbed he feels. There is a sense of fear of taking out the Teleportation Talisman and crushing Xiyazi.

“No, I can’t retreat, and I can’t be afraid, otherwise I will fail.”

Yang Xuan calmly took out the cloak of shadow from the storage ring and put it on, try Can you be invisible?

Needless to say, there are restrictions in the hall that prevent him from hiding.

“Try Qilin cloak!”

He took off the cloak of shadow and draped Qilin cloak on his body. He found that this thing was useful and could withstand the heat in the palace.

“Fortunately, if there is danger in the future, Qilin cloak can also come in handy.”

Yang Xuan slightly relaxed, and a right foot also stepped out.

hong long!

As soon as he landed on his right foot, the mutation protruded, the great cauldron trembled, and the Three-legged Golden Crow Totem on the tripod also burst out dazzlingly The brilliance.

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