
He screamed in his mouth, his whole body was extremely painful, his face was distorted and hideous, and his eyes seemed to be protruding. It was shocking. pole.

The Supreme-Yang True Fire too terrifying on her body is as strong as him, and the fleshy body is somewhat unbearable.

Every inch of muscle, every piece of skeleton, and even the internal organs, are scorched and burnt with flames.

Within the body, the blood is also completely boiling, as if it is about to be dried by high temperature.


Unspeakable pain swept through the body!

Yang Xuan’s eyes were splitting, and his mind almost collapsed in pain. The whole person was like a burning Fireball, fiercely smashed and landed a few ten zhang away.

pu chi!

The Three-legged Golden Crow opened its mouth wide, and a beam of flame shot out, rushing over.

“Beast, you provoke me.”

Yang Xuan was extremely angry and howled, a bottle gourd on the ground, dangerously and dangerously avoided.

At the same time, both of his hands supported the ground and quickly stood up.

At this moment, he forgot the pain, and a terrifying baleful qi burst out all over his body.

Yes, he is angry and wants to fight the Three-legged Golden Crow desperately.


Three-legged Golden Crow has no mind, only killing instinct. It flutters its wings and screams, killing it fast as lightning.

“Spiritual Storm!”

Yang Xuan roared, a spirit strength turned into a storm and blasted on the Three-legged Golden Crow.

Unfortunately, this beast is not a living creature, naturally there is no Divine Soul, so the damage to it by Spiritual Storm can be neglected.

It breathed flames, and broke the Spiritual Storm with one blow. The flames exploded on Yang Xuan’s chest, smashing his chest bones to pieces, a bloody, pungent nose The burning smell.


Yang Xuan spurted blood, his body flew upside down, like a kite with its string cut, and fell on the hard ground far away with a bang for a long time Did not get up.

His injury is too serious, let alone superficial wound, the internal injury is quite serious.

If he hadn’t been tenacious, I’m afraid he would have passed out in pain.

Chapter 551 successfully broke through!

“Quickly use Qilin Arm, or you brat will definitely die.” The purgatory boy said.

“Can Qilin Arm kill it?” Yang Xuan endured the pain, struggling to prop up his body, his face full of suspicion.

Qilin Arm is powerful, but he doesn’t think he can deal with the Three-legged Golden Crow. This beast is too strong, even if he gets a blow from Qilin Arm, he can’t die.

“Qilin Arm, of course not, but with Purgatory Sword, killing it is not a problem.”

“I can use Purgatory Sword here!?”

“Don’t worry, this hall is a closed space with restrictions imposed by the ancestors of Golden Crow Clan. No matter how strong the Golden Crow Monster Sovereign Divine Consciousness is, it can’t penetrate. Naturally, I don’t know what you have done in it.” /p>

The voice was still there, and a sharp breaking sound came. The Three-legged Golden Crow spread its wings and dazzled with golden light, killing it like lightning.

“courting death.”

Yang Xuan breathed fire in his eyes, full of hostility, flew backwards while urging Qilin Arm, one left arm instantly changed In order to cover the strange arms of dragon scales.

After that, a black light flickered, and Purgatory Sword appeared in his left hand.

At this moment, this half-step Spirit Transformation device finally sees the sun again, and is about to show its unrivaled Supreme edge.


With a muffled roar like a wild beast, Yang Xuan was surrounded by baleful qi, leaping into the air despite the severe pain, holding the Purgatory Sword tightly in his left hand, licking Moving Qilin Arm to greet him.

The Three-legged Golden Crow has no spiritual wisdom and did not perceive the danger, so it swoops all the way, a paw sticks out, and the fire is blazing.


Yang Xuan is fearless, with a sound like thunder, slashing with a sword.


A giant claws is broken in two, facing the terrifying power of Qilin Arm and the edge of Purgatory Sword no stronghold one cannot overcome. No matter how hard it is, it is impossible to withstand a single blow, fragile Like paper paste.

With a sound of pu chi, Purgatory Sword casts its momentum unabated, breaking the sharp claw all the way to cut the Three-legged Golden Crow in half.

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