“One blow to kill you!”

With a sharp shout, Wu Yifei reached out with a big hand and turned into a huge golden sharp claw, the entire Supreme-Yang True Fire burning blazingly , Revealing the dazzling rays of light and the palpitating high temperature, the burning void is distorted, ripples.

This is Golden Crow’s sky tearing technique!

In order to be able to make a single strike, Wu Yifei did not make a move. He used two big killing moves as soon as he made a move. He wanted to kill Yang Xuan with absolute strength without any mercy.


Golden sharp claw dropping from the sky, which is more than ten meters in size, obscures a sky-shaking, earth-shattering.

Wu Jun and the others all change color.

They thought that Wu Yifei was just talking, but now it seems that Wu Yifei is determined to kill Yang Xuan here.


Wu Lingyan’s face faded, and the whole person was stunned on the spot.

Everything happened too fast, she had no time to stop it, so she could only watch the golden sharp claw fiercely grab to Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan was prepared for a long time, and there was no panic on his face.

Just as the golden sharp claw whizzed down, he raised his left arm, one left arm swelled rapidly, the scarlet light shone, and suddenly it became a giant arm covered with dragon scales. .

This is Qilin Arm!

The power of 150,000 kilograms burst out, supplemented by Martial Spirit of flame, strong Origin Force, and 3rd-layer Slaughter Sword Intent, destructive power is rising.

“Fuck me!”

He rises up from the ground, pulls up Qilin Arm, with a punch, like a torrential torrent, a golden sharp that is struck hard claw.


The golden sharp claw broke and turned into a fire star in the sky.

“You too!”

Yang Xuan is unstoppable, the trend of one punch is unabated, and the terrifying power is surging, and the blow hit Wu Yifei’s chest.


Wu Yifei’s chest exploded, his internal organs cracked, and blood spurted out of his mouth on the spot.

His face was full of incredible horror. The whole person seemed to be hit by a huge peak fiercely, and he flew out obliquely with blood all over his body, and landed a few ten zhang away with a bang.

“This is impossible!”

“What’s wrong with his left arm, is that some kind of Martial Spirit of Human Race!?”

Wu Jun and the others were in an uproar, almost staring out one by one.

Unbelievable, Yang Xuan used a ferocious giant arm to severely wound Wu Yifei, who had used the Golden Crow wings and Golden Crow’s sky tearing technique.

This is a crushing, Wu Yifei can’t stop it at all, and he loses in an instant!

“Is this true!?”

Wu Lingyan’s small mouth opened into an “O” shape, unable to close it for a long time.

She was worried that Yang Xuan was in danger just now. Who knows that this mysterious Human Race teenager deeply hidden, used a kind of martial spirit or some kind of strong secret technique, which was hit hard. Wu Yifei.

“Damn, what is your secret technique!?”

Wu Yifei was surprised and angry, and got up from the ground with a sullen face.

At this moment, he, disheveled hair, is covered in blood, his chest is bloody, and the internal organs are like a knife and needle.

However, he seemed to feel no pain, and a pair of fire-breathing eyes stared at Yang Xuan.

He was worthy of Yang Xuan enough, so he used Golden Crow wings and Golden Crow to tear the sky.

In his opinion, with the speed of Golden Crow wings and the fierceness of Golden Crow’s sky tearing technique, it is easy to kill Yang Xuan.

However, the result was unexpected.

Yang Xuan is young, but cunning like a fox. He used a powerful killing move that he had never used in Qingfengling, hitting him completely unprepared, causing him to be seriously injured in an instant.

This is still his fleshy body. Otherwise, just this one will cause his internal organs to be broken and his life will be lost on the spot.

Thinking that he almost died in the hands of Yang Xuan just now, Wu Yifei’s head and feet were cold, his heart was palpitating, and he was also very angry.

Because he did not suppress the cultivation base in this match, he was still attacked by Yang Xuan in front of Wu Jun and Wu Lingyan and the others.

This is extraordinary shame and humiliation. It is far more violent than the defeat on Qingfengling three days ago. His heart is bleeding and hateful!

Chapter 554 Fortune-telling is big

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