“This is still a question, you don’t see who I am, but the difficulty of the trial is not small, I also spent Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers to get through. I almost died inside.”

“Almost died, you can still laugh now?”

Wu Lingyan gave Yang Xuan a coquettish look and handed him a medicine pill. .

“This is the Heavenly Spirit Pill. It has a miraculous effect on the treatment of injuries. You can take it quickly.”

“No, I have already taken Healing Medicine Pill on the way here. Just sit and take a break, and you’ll be fine.”

“Be kind to donkey liver and lungs, don’t forget it.”

Wu Lingyan pouted her mouth and took the Heavenly Spirit Pill. stand up.

Seeing this, Wu Yifei’s face was gloomy and watery. He absolutely didn’t expect. In order to heal Yang Xuan, Wu Lingyan actually took out the Heavenly Spirit Pill.

Heavenly Spirit Pill, one of their Golden Crow Clan’s three spiritual pill, claims to be comparable to the legendary Spring of Life, as long as one breath is still there, it can be used to save life.

Wu Jun and the others were equally surprised. Wu Lingyan is really good enough for Yang Xuan, is it possible that I really like this alien human brat?

One after another, eyes gathered, Yang Xuan remain unmoved, said with a smile: “I’ve all come here, aren’t you this girl going to tell me about the altar behind me?”

“This is the chaos altar, on which is enshrined the chaos fire of my clan.”

“I think it is not easy to climb this chaos altar, right?”


“Of course, I see the 81 layers of stone steps. The stone steps are filled with Chaos Aura. Each time you go up one level, the more Chaos Aura increases.”

“This Chaos Aura has What’s the effect? ​​Forget it, I’ll go up and try it myself.”

Yang Xuan flickered and came under the stone steps.


Wu Jun and the others sneered. As a well-know figure in the younger generation of Golden Crow Clan, they know how dangerous it is to climb the stone steps .

Although Yang Xuan fleshy body is strong, it is also extremely difficult to withstand Chaos Aura on the stone steps.

Not to mention that he is still injured, and stepping onto the stone steps in this state is tantamount to a long life.

Wu Yifei did not speak, but a sneer smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Wu Lingyan didn’t expect Yang Xuan to be so courageous, anxiously said: “Yang Xuan, don’t go up, there is danger on the stone steps.”

“this girl also You really turned your elbow out!”

Wu Yifei cursed secretly, coldly said: “Boy, you can’t get on the Chaos Altar, don’t be ashamed.”

“Do you think your radical technique is useful to me?”

Yang Xuan turned his head and glanced at Wu Yifei, faint smile authentically.


Wu Yifei is coldly snorted. He really wants to stimulate Yang Xuan. Who knows this human brat is not fooled at all.

“Girl, is this stone step really dangerous?”

Yang Xuan looked towards Wu Lingyan, the feet that had been stepping out were also taken back.

“You guy really doesn’t know good people, will I still lie to you, come back soon, wait for you to heal your wounds, and then try to go up again, when the time comes, even if there is Danger, you can also crush Teleportation Talisman and leave.”

“Yes, just listen to you.”

Yang Xuan nodded, amidst Wu Jun and the others’ ridicule, Face doesn’t change back to Wu Lingyan.

He once took a drop of Spring of Life before entering the Sun God Palace from the main hall. Although a lot of time has passed now, it will take some time for the injury to completely recover completely.

Although I want to realize the Profound Truth of Fire as soon as possible, others have already come to the chaos altar, and there is no need to rush for a while.

In short, first take care of the injury, so that it is possible to board the chaos altar and use the legendary chaos fire to understand the Profound Truth of Fire.

Wu Lingyan saw him come back and said angrily: “You guy is really bold. In your current state, it’s not bad to be able to climb the 50th floor stone steps. If one is not good, it is possible. Die on it.”

The Altar of Chaos was built in the Primordial Age. From ancient times to the present, the young geniuses of their Golden Crow Clan who died on the stone steps do not know how many, just like a Great Ominous Land.

Yang Xuan understood that Wu Lingyan was worried about herself, and smiled: “Sorry, I was too reckless.”

After that, he asked what was on the stone steps Danger.

Wu Lingyan naturally has no reservations, and she can say whatever she knows.

Soon, Yang Xuan fully understood the stone steps.

There are a total of 81 stone steps. Every time you step up, you will be attacked by a lot of Chaos Aura.

These Chaos Auras are extremely heavy, and a few strands can weigh hundreds of kilograms. In addition, the higher the number of stone steps, the more Chaos Auras above them, and the greater the strength they bear.

According to Wu Lingyan, if you want to climb the Chaos Altar, you must at least be able to withstand the power of 100,000 Jin. As for how much it is, little girl is not clear.

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