“Really, you didn’t feel heavy!?”

Yang Xuan startled.

“No, everything is the same as below.”

Wu Lingyan shook her head, her face full of incomprehension, she didn’t know what was going on.

Yang Xuan was speechless. He raised his head and looked up. He suddenly found that Wu Jun and the others had all slowed down, walking heavy, sweating like rain, every time he climbed up the floor. The stone steps would stop and rest for a long time, and the gasp was clearly audible.

Even Wu Yifei, who is walking at the top, has slowed down a lot, but this guy deserves to be the leader of Golden Crow Clan younger generation. Even if his injury has not fully recovered, his speed is sufficient. Surprising.

In just half a minute, I have already ascended the 40th-layer stone steps, leaving Wu Jun and the others far behind and taking the lead.

Chapter 556 Chaos Fire

Yang Xuan retracted his gaze and said to Wu Lingyan: “You are right by my side, tell me what is the case immediately.”


Wu Lingyan, nodded, walks side by side with Yang Xuan, climbing upwards.

On the way, Wu Lingyan’s face was not flushed or breathing, and there was nothing unusual.

Yang Xuan was fine at the beginning, but the more he moved upwards, he gradually felt the pressure.

Fortunately, his fleshy body is strong, but he didn’t slow down, he went up with Wu Lingyan unhurriedly, and soon surpassed Wu Jun and the others.

Wu Jun and the others are dull. In their eyes, whether it is Yang Xuan or Wu Lingyan, it seems that they have not been affected by Chaos Aura.

Yang Xuan and Wu Lingyan kept walking, and soon caught up with Wu Yifei.

On the one hand, the two are fast, while on the other, Wu Yifei is getting slower and slower.

The more upward, the richer the Chaos Aura, and Wu Yifei’s fleshy body has to slow down no matter how strong it is.

At this moment, even Yang Xuan feels strenuous, but Wu Lingyan’s expression is as usual, while walking and looking around, glanced around, the whole person is just like nothing, so Wu Yifei is moved, really Can’t figure out what is going on.

Wu Lingyan also ignored Wu Yifei and said to Yang Xuan: “Be careful, I’ll go up and take a look.”


Yang Xuan waved his hand.

Wu Lingyan didn’t answer either, one step was a few meters away, almost galloping up, and in a short moment, she boarded the chaos altar.

“It seems that the fire of chaos has recognized this girl.”

Yang Xuan sighed in his heart, knowing that Wu Lingyan was recognized by the fire of chaos, so he was not affected by the stone steps. Influenced by Chaos Aura.

And he, Wu Yifei, and Wu Jun and the others below, if they want to be recognized by Chaos Fire, they have to go up step by step, treating as different as heaven and earth.

Flickering thoughts, Yang Xuan has surpassed Wu Yifei, slowly moving up.

“This kid!”

Wu Yifei’s face turned black, and he gritted his teeth and chased him up.

Unfortunately, he could not catch up with desperately, because the stone steps were confined by the sea of ​​air, and he could only rely on the fleshy body, and the fleshy body was as strong as him and it was difficult to match Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan, regardless of Wu Yifei, no matter how strong Chaos Aura is, he will not waver, and is about to ascend the Chaos Altar.

This place is already above the 50th level of stone steps, and each floor is filled with a lot of Chaos Aura, making his feet as heavy as lead.

Yang Xuan brow beaded with sweat, his clothes are wet, and he steps up the stairs step by step. Although he feels terribly uncomfortable, he doesn’t mean to stop and rest.

When he reached the sixtieth floor, Chaos Aura skyrocketed, his speed plummeted, his body was somewhat arched, and his back made an unbearable muffled sound.

One after another Chaos Aura pressed on his body, with the power of seven 8000 Jin, the fleshy body was as strong as him and felt pain.

However, this pain is still within his tolerance.

He lifted his steps and walked hard step by step, getting closer and closer to the top of the Chaos Altar.

But the closer you get to the top of the Chaos Altar, the pressure that follows becomes more and more terrifying.

Every time you step up a ladder, Chaos Aura will become more and more, causing a great burden on your body.

If Yang Xuan had not opened up the life and injury doors, if he had not possessed half of the Undying Body, it would be difficult to say whether he could stand firm now.


When he climbed the 70th stone steps, a terrifying force pressed against him, causing his knees to shatter and he almost fell to his knees. Ground.

He took a deep breath, resisting the pain in his whole body and continuing to move upward.

The seventh 11 layers!

The seventh 12 layers!

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