Yang Xuan was surprised at first, then relieved.

After all, Wu Lingyan has long been recognized by Chaos Fire, so she can easily enter the state and use the Chaos Fire to understand the Profound Truth of Fire.

For this, Yang Xuan is envious but not jealous, but secretly happy for Wu Lingyan.

He took out a drop of Spring of Life and took it down, then found a place to sit down, looking up at the chaotic fire above the great cauldron.

About palm-size, the whole body is white and flawless, and the divine splendor surrounds it.

At a glance, it gives people a strong visual impact, as if this is not a small flame, but a Divine flame standing on the top of the sky, spanning billions of millions and millions of li away , Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are unique.

This is the fire of chaos, the sacred fire that was born at the beginning of chaos, matched in the world, lived forever, and possessed the power of connecting to heaven penetrating the earth.

It is said that the person who got this fire can dominate all fires in the world, can swallow all kinds of flames to strengthen oneself, powerful and against the sky, it is rare in the world, even the emperor can’t ask for it.

“Unfortunately, I can’t refining it.”

Yang Xuan sighed softly in his heart, don’t look at the chaotic fire now that the light is introverted and there is no threat, not at all. High temperature.

But if it irritates it, it can burst into extreme high temperature in an instant, enough to burn everything into fly ash.

As the purgatory boy said, even the emperor cannot refining this kind of sacred fire. One can imagine how powerful it is.

Yang Xuan expression is solemn, trying to communicate with the “spirit” of the fire of chaos with his mind.

Everything in the world has spirit, even a towering tree, a green grass, or even a cold stone, all contain their spirituality.

It’s just that this spirituality is deeply hidden, and it’s extremely difficult to awaken, otherwise the plants and stones will be able to speak and speak human’s words.

And supreme existence like the fire of chaos has awakened the spirit from the beginning of its birth, not only can speak human’s words, but wisdom is also extremely high.

“Fire Spirit Senior, Junior came here so much. If you want to understand the Profound Truth of Fire, I hope you can fulfill it.”

Yang Xuan said respectfully.

But after waiting for a long time, the “spirit” of the fire of chaos didn’t kill him. It was floating quietly there, the rays of light shimmering, holy.

Yang Xuan was so depressed, he asked me to kneel and kowtow.

He took a deep breath, with no expression on his face, incomparable humility and respect, once again opened the mouth and said: “No way, never leave, but also hope that Fire Spirit Senior will succeed.”


“It’s extremely ridiculous, because you are a foreign human brat, and you want to use my clan to understand the Profound Truth of Fire, this is undoubtedly a idiotic dream.”

A Dao Void’s weak laughter Then, the voice was full of ridicule.

Yang Xuan turned his head and looked around, and saw Wu Yifei look pale, his clothes tattered, and blood crawling up.

It is indeed crawling. His fleshy body is not as good as Yang Xuan’s. His ability to climb the Chaos Altar is all due to a mouthful of unconvinced anger. As soon as he came up, he completely collapsed on the ground and was dying.

Fortunately, there is no Chaos Aura on the chaos altar, nor the slightest power of the sacred fire, otherwise it is difficult to say whether he will survive.

Chapter 557 Destruction and Creation

Yang Xuan withdrew his gaze, no longer paid attention to Wu Yifei, completely treating him as air.

Wu Yifei was not angry, and said with a smile: “Boy, don’t waste your time, my clan’s sacred fire won’t take care of you, if I were you, all I have to do now is crush Teleportation Talisman is leaving, and it’s embarrassing to stay here.”

“I ignore you, you guy is still pushing his nose, if you have any more nonsense, I will immediately remove you from here. Throw it down.”

Yang Xuan’s face was cold, and he stared at Wu Yifei coldly.

Wu Yifei was furious, but he didn’t say any more, because the chaos altar imprisoned the sea of ​​anger, he was not Yang Xuan’s opponent at all.

Furthermore, he was seriously injured, and he did not dare to fight Yang Xuan at this juncture.

“One waste, if it weren’t on the Supreme Sun Star, Young Master would have wiped you out.”

Yang Xuan’s disdainful smile in his heart, his eyes returned to the fire of chaos On, wondering how to hook it up.

This thing is too arrogant, let him say it or say it, it’s not the oil and salt, it seems that you have to think of other ways, otherwise you can’t enter the sudden enlightenment state, let alone understand the Profound Truth of Fire Up.

“Heavenspan is whatever you want, and I don’t want to get the approval of the spirit of my race.”

Here, Wu Yifei sneered secretly, first took out a Healing Medicine Pill suit. He immediately endured the severe pain in his whole body, three prayers and nine knocks came to great cauldron and sat cross-legged. In a blink of an eye, he entered the state of meditation. I forgot about everything, and a hazy Chaos Aura followed his body. Shrouded.

“What’s the matter, is it possible that only the people of Golden Crow Clan can communicate with the Fire Spirit of Chaos Fire!?”

Yang Xuan is not calm anymore, his heart is depressed to madness.

In order to ascend the Chaos Altar, he endured indescribable pain and even wasted a drop of Spring of Life, who knew he was all in vain in the end.

What made him speechless the most was that Wu Yifei entered the sudden enlightenment state so quickly, which made him as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

“I am a man of Yang Xuan for two generations. I am in a vertical position, so I don’t believe in this evil.”

Yang Xuan gritted his teeth secretly, not discouraged, and let out a thought, cautiously Floating towards the fire of chaos, my heart said that you are not a bird, then I will give you a meet force with force.


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