“Well, after I go out, I will condense the pill first. When the inner core is 10%, I will leave with my Master.”

“Then where I will find you in the future ?”

“Didn’t I tell you, I’m in the Vermilion Bird Academy cultivation, if you leave Supreme Sun Star, you can come to Vermilion Bird Academy to find me, well, if you didn’t see me People, you can find a little fox girl named Yi Xiu’er.”

“Yi Xiu’er?”

“She is my friend, a Fox Race girl.”


“Okay, I remembered.”

“Go to cultivation, I’m going now. By the way, I hope you don’t pass the Divine Refining Technique to others.”

“No problem.”

“So, we’ll meet again some day.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand, took out the Teleportation Talisman and crushed it , The body shape disappeared, walking very simply.

“This guy…”

Wu Lingyan stomped her feet.

“This child is out of the ordinary, but it is also very dangerous. You’d better not stick to him in the future, or you may be in big trouble.”

“What does Senior mean? “

“The kid within the body is dormant with a burst of Demonic Power. Once the Demonic Power breaks out, the consequences will be disastrous.”

“What, is he going to die?”


“This is not true, but the explosion of magical power will cause great horror. Not only is he dangerous, but the people around him will also be affected. Nine deaths and still alive.”

” How is it possible!?”

“This is the case, he has almost no past, and the future is also obscured by a fog, even I can’t see through.”

Chapter 559 Shocking One Context

Yang Xuan didn’t know the conversation between Chaos Fire and Wu Lingyan, otherwise he would definitely get to the bottom and ask a clear question.

Because he awakened the heavenly demon Martial Spirit, within the body there was indeed a magical power dormant.

Fortunately in normal times, the heavenly demon Martial Spirit is hidden in the depths of Divine Soul. It is difficult for anyone to detect it.

But once this Martial Spirit is activated, he will turn incarnation into a demon, bloodthirsty and violent.

As soon as the Teleportation Talisman was crushed, he was wrapped in a Space Power and sent out.

Waiting for him to come back to his senses, he suddenly found himself appearing on the top square of Monster God Ridge.

“It’s coming out, that kid is coming out!”

“It took so long to come out, I wonder if he has realized the Profound Truth of Fire!?”

“I heard that he passed the trial set by our ancestors and boarded the Chaos Altar. Maybe he can really understand the Profound Truth of Fire!”

“What a joke, he is a trifling Human brat is far less talented in the path of fire than ours. Moreover, he is also impossible to be recognized by the holy fire of our race.”

In the vast crowd on the square, there are people from the Sun God Palace and others. No one has entered the Sun God Palace.

Except for Wu Yifei and Wu Jun, almost all the Golden Crow Clan juniors gathered here, sticking one’s head around to look for, and talking in a low voice while looking at Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan’s ability to pass the trial is enough to surprise them. They didn’t expect Yang Xuan to even ascend the Chaos Altar. This is really shocking. They are also curious about Yang Xuan. Did not comprehend the Profound Truth of Fire.

While many Golden Crow Clan juniors are discussing spiritedly, many Golden Crow Clan senior powerhouses including Ulu are also looking at Yang Xuan.

The golden light flickers in each eye, and I want to show Yang Xuan through.

Soon, everyone changed color because they all saw that Yang Xuan’s Origin Force had undergone a qualitative change.

Although the number has been reduced compared to entering the Sun God Palace, the quality has been improved by Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

And the appearance of this change means that the Human Race juvenile comprehended Profound Truth of Fire in the eyes.

Only in this way can within the body Origin Force transformed into Sun Zhenyuan.

“Why did it happen, even Wu Yifei failed to comprehend Profound Truth of Fire. He actually succeeded in a Human Race!”

Ulu’s face is full of incredible color .

Although the others did not speak, everyone was not at peace.

It is reasonable to say that Wu Yifei’s attainments on the path of fire are no worse than Yang Xuan, but one is seriously injured and is currently in retreat, while the other is high-spirited and vigorous, and he is out alive. Especially the Comprehended Profound Truth of Fire.

One after another, eyes gathered, Yang Xuan expression indifferent, he swept his eyes, did not see Wu Yifei and Wu Jun in the crowd, knowing that the two people’s injury obtain is not light, now It is estimated that they are all healing at the residence.

“Yes, it is indeed my Feng Qingyang’s discipline!”

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