Fortunately, Master Feng Qingyang is there, and Yang Xuan is not worried about his safety.

No matter how difficult it is, he is genius, confident and successful.


Yang Xuan gritted his teeth, condensed his mind, and guided by his thoughts, cautiously guiding the Sun Zhenyuan in the sea of ​​Qi to slowly rotate.

This is the first step of condensing pill. The speed should not be too fast, you have to step by step, otherwise it will be unbearable.


At this moment, if someone is looking inside, you will find that the rays of light in Yang Xuan Qihai are bright, and a group of golden liquid clouds with several meters are rotating at a constant speed in a counterclockwise direction.

In this process, the area of ​​Qihai has been slightly expanded, and it can accommodate more Supreme-Yang True Fire.

Yang Xuan is not in a hurry, waiting until the expansion of Qihai reaches its limit.

With a thought, he runs the Great Burning Heavenly Power, and his pores are relaxed, and an attraction is generated autonomously, and he inhales the Supreme-Yang True Fire that is flooded between Heaven and Earth within the body.

Due to the strong relationship with the Supreme-Yang True Fire close to the Sun God Pool, the volume of the golden liquid cloud in the sea of ​​air quickly increased by 1%.

Don’t underestimate 1%, this is the true essence of the liquid sun, and a little bit can burst out terrifying destructive power.

As the volume of the golden liquid cloud increases, the true element of the sun that the sea of ​​gas can hold has reached its limit again.

But it doesn’t matter. Yang Xuan guided him with spirit, and the rotation speed of the golden liquid cloud in the sea of ​​Qi increased immediately, continuing to expand the sea of ​​Qi.

The sea of ​​qi of a martial artist is actually an acupuncture point, the size of which varies from person to person, and is also related to the cultivation technique.

Generally speaking, the stronger the cultivation technique is, the greater the Qi Hai will be, and it will become extremely tenacious.

This is Yang Xuan. If you are a common martial artist, you don’t dare to expand the sea of ​​air in this way, because one carelessness will cause damage to the sea of ​​air, or even break it.

For a long time, the sea of ​​air became larger, Yang Xuan began to absorb Supreme-Yang True Fire……

In this way, the sea of ​​air continued to expand, and the volume of the golden liquid cloud in the sea of ​​air It is also getting bigger and bigger, and the golden liquid cloud gradually changes strangely.

It’s like a quantitative change triggering a qualitative change. In the golden liquid cloud, a little golden solid particle that is only dusty appears.

One pill!


Three grains!

As time goes by, there are more and more solid particles of this kind.

In about half a quarter of an hour, all the golden liquid clouds are transformed into crystal clear and near-transparent granular.

At this point, you have to proceed to the second step.

This is also the most critical and dangerous step. If you take a wrong step, you will fail and your cultivation base will be lost.

Yang Xuan closed his eyes tightly, his expression was serious, and his powerful spirit sank into the sea of ​​air, controlling the golden solid particles to speed up the rotation and moving closer to the center.

This is compression, condensing a large number of golden solid particles into a mass.

This is similar to pill concocting. Every Alchemist, regardless of skill, needs to condense the medicinal liquid in the alchemic furnace into a pill.

To put it bluntly, Yang Xuan is now in pill concocting, taking himself as the pill furnace, taking the sun’s true essence as the medicinal liquid, and condensing an inner core in the sea of ​​Qi under the guidance of the spirit.

“Give me congeal!”

Yang Xuan fearless and dauntless, completely let go of his hands and feet.

His spirit all poured into the sea of ​​qi, and all of the golden solid high-speed rotation suddenly fuse together, condensing into a golden crystal nucleus.

The golden crystal nucleus, about the size of a thumb, shone with dazzling brilliance.

This is the inner core, a golden core of the sun.

Because of the initial setting, there is still a little lack of roundness.

Yang Xuan looked inside and was extremely excited.


I condensed a golden core of the sun, and the front is bright from then on.


Quickly calming down the emotions in his heart, Yang Xuan suddenly opened his big mouth, spit out the sun Golden Core from his mouth, and jumped to the hundred zhang high, floating There, like a small sun, the fire is shining and the golden glow is dazzling.

“Very good!”

In the distance, Feng Qingyang eyes opened, with a faint smile on his face.

He was originally worried that Yang Xuan was in danger. Who knew that Yang Xuan was so comfortable with Dan Dan. He didn’t need to be the Master to condense a golden core of the sun.

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