“Don’t cry, I feel distressed.”

“People didn’t cry, you are really capable . Just go after my cousin.”

“You Not jealous?”

“If it were other women, I would of course be jealous, but as my cousin, I also hope that she can open up and have a good home.”

“Wife Xiu’er, you are so kind. Come and let the husband kiss again.”


In the pavilion, The ears and temples of the two were rubbed together, like glue and paint.

After a long time, Yi Xiu’er left and ordered people to prepare wine and food.

Yang Xuan took out his identity token, greeted Dongfang Yun and the others, and invited them to their residence for a small gathering.

At night, a bonfire was lit in the courtyard. Dongfang Yun, He Shaotian, Li Ningwei, Solitary Isolated Sect, Qianzui were all present.

Everyone sits on the ground in the open air, sitting around the fire, pushing their cups to each other, talking and laughing, the smell of meat and wine is permeated, and they are full of fun.

After drinking for three rounds, Dongfang Yun learned about Yang Xuan’s experience on the Supreme Sun Star, and finally condensed a golden core of the sun, and said with emotion: “I can’t imagine that Brother Yang would have this opportunity during this trip. I am really envious.”

Sun Golden Core, the top grade 9 inner core, is definitely something of Fire Attribute martial artist yearn for something even in dreams.

Unfortunately, if you want to condense such inner cores, you must first understand the Profound Truth of Fire, which makes countless people sigh and desire it.

“Yes, if this news goes out, the world will be shaken!”

Thousands of drunk slapped their mouths, and you can understand the Profound Truth of Fire at the age of Yang Xuan. His genius is rare in the world, as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

“Brother Yang, can I wait to open my eyes and see what the legendary sun Golden Core looks like?”

He Shaotian hesitated, still curiosity prevailed.

“No problem.”

Yang Xuan slightly smiled and agreed very readily.

I won’t say anything about Yi Xiu’er. All the people present are his friends. He has nothing to hide from his friends. The right hand is spread, and the rays of light shine in his palm.

Everyone looked intently and found that this was a Golden Core full of dragon eye size, surrounded by a splendid colorful auspicious cloud, which made the Golden Core even more eye-catching.

“Is this the Sun Golden Core, it is really extraordinary!”

Everyone is intently, clicking one’s tongue in wonder in their mouths.

Even Solitary Isolated Sect, who was patronizing and drinking, lifted the head and looked at it, his eyes filled with look of shock.

Don’t look at it and know it, he knows that this sun Golden Core contains very terrifying Fire Attribute energy.

“If this Golden Core explodes, it is estimated that the powerhouse of the divine force environment will have to be wiped out!” Dongfang Yun said.

“What’s the joke, who would Self-destruction inner core before being a last resort?” Qiandui laughed.

“Yang Xuan, what is this colorful cloud and mist!?”

Yi Xiu’er doesn’t care about the golden core of the sun, her eyes are always looking at the colorful clouds, while speaking, she can’t bear it I touched it lightly with my hand and found that this thing was like cotton, without effort.

What surprised her most was that as her hand touched the colorful auspicious clouds, her heart became quiet, and the whole person fell into the clouds.

“This colorful auspicious cloud is a natural phenomenon of good fortune that appeared when I condense the pill. Apart from calming the soul and purging the troubles, it should have other effects, but I don’t have any specific effects. Thorough research.”

Yang Xuan said.

“Fortune natural phenomenon, I have seen it in an ancient book, it seems that Brother Yang is a person with Great Destiny!”

Dongfang Yun was amazed.

“The theory of luck is too mysterious. I also met a nobleman to help me this time. Otherwise, it would be difficult to comprehend the Profound Truth of Fire, let alone condensing pill.”

Yang Xuan smiled bitterly and shook his head.


Dongfang Yun and the others startled together.

“Who is the nobleman?”

Yi Xiu’er looked at Yang Xuan without blinking. She only knew Yang Xuan comprehended Profound Truth of Fire, but she didn’t know what happened. situation.

“Well, her name is Wu Lingyan, a little girl about the same age as you.”

Yang Xuan chuckled. He didn’t say anything more about this matter. Lifting the glass, he said boldly: “Come on, I toast you all.”


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