As usual, after his mind sank into the Spirit Crystal, he still couldn’t take the sword of Fengshen Langjun.

However, his understanding of the Profound Truth of the wind has also deepened a bit. As long as he perseveres in the understanding, it can be as long as half a month to two months, and he will definitely be able to comprehend the artistic conception of the wind.

As for the Divine Refining Technique, this is a self-harm magical power, and farther you go harder it gets cultivation, Yang Xuan can only step by step.

Finally, Yang Xuan did not forget to enlighten Punishing God Sword Array. With Wuming Zhuang’s sword array inheritance, his enlightenment speed is also rapid progress.

At most two months, he will be able to master the Punishing God Sword Array, so that he will be able to refining the sword in the sea.


In the early morning of this day, Yang Xuan got up early and came to the library of the Vermilion Bird Academy.

This is the most depressed of the three library halls in the inner courtyard. Almost no one cares about it, but in such a library hall where few people come, there is an emperor in hiding.

Murong Fu!

Yes, it is Murong Fu.

Same as when we first met, Murong Fu still sits in a soft chair with her eyes closed and rests her mind. He is indifferent to the outside world. Who sees this old fogey will not think he is an expert.

Yang Xuan tidied up his clothes and stepped forward to him. He respectfully gave a salute, “I have seen Mr. Mu.”

“A first-class Grade 9 inner core, and still the legendary Sun Golden Core, it seems that you are really going to the Golden Crow Mountain.”

Murong Fu’s eyes opened, said with a smile.

“Mr Mu also knows about Golden Crow Mountain!?”

Yang Xuan was surprised.

“haha, Golden Crow Clan will last forever. How could I not know that, a few 10,000 years ago, I had a battle with the Golden Crow Monster Sovereign.”

Murongfu laughed.

“I don’t know if Mr. Mu is stronger and weaker with that Golden Crow Monster Sovereign?”

Yang Xuan asked, he only knew Murongfu was the emperor, but he didn’t know Murongfu’s How strong is the strength?

“On the Supreme Sun Star, he occupies a favorable position. I can only tie with him, but outside of the Supreme Sun Star, he can destroy both body and soul without ten tricks. “

“Destroy Golden Crow Monster Sovereign within ten tricks, this strength!”

Yang Xuan’s heart was shaken, and there was no doubt that Murong Fu would be a cultivation like Murong Fu. Realm is also impossible.

He took a deep breath, calmed the emotions in his heart, and said: “Mr. Mu, Junior has passed through to the first state, I don’t know when we will leave?”

“You go back and prepare , Come here tomorrow morning, I will send you into the tower.”


Yang Xuan bowed and retired, wondering how to go back to explain to Yi Xiu’er.

This trip to the Emperor Pagoda is extremely dangerous, and it is not easy to say when it will come out. If it is not good, there is even a risk of life. I don’t know what Yi Xiu’er will be sad.

“No matter what, the most urgent thing is to enter the tower to find the reincarnation Martial Spirit fragments.”

Yang Xuan shook his head, he came not far from ten thousand li, just to find the reincarnation Martial Spirit Fragments.

In the past, he doesn’t need to be so anxious, but knowing that the reincarnation Martial Spirit fragment can save the Master and the queen, he desperately wants to enter the imperial tower.

With his thoughts turning, he lifted himself up and flew to the Fairview Manor faster.

Many Vermilion Bird Academy students on the way were stunned when they saw him, because it was only half a month, and this enchanting boy who had risen like a comet had already broken through to his return.

“I don’t know what grade his inner core is?”

“With his talent, at least Grade 8.”

“What a joke , A rare monster like him must have Grade 9 inner core!”

Countless students everyone talking at once.

Many people understand that Yang Xuan must condense a Grade 9 inner core, but everyone does not know that Grade 9 inner cores are also divided into three to six or nine.

If they knew that Yang Xuan not only condensed the Grade 9 inner core, but also the top grade in Grade 9, it would startled to fall the chin if it was a hard-to-find solar Golden Core.

Yang Xuan went back to the Fairview Manor and found Yi Xiu’er.

“Where did you guy just go?”

When Yi Xiu’er saw him appear, she immediately asked.

“As the saying goes, one day is like three autumns, but we can’t be separated for one hour, are you so anxious to see me?”

Yang Xuan is funny and authentic .

“Whoever misses you, people just ask, love to say nothing.”

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